3 research outputs found

    Implementing Sustainability Criteria for Selecting a Roof Assembly Typology in Medium Span Buildings

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    Technological advances have allowed the development of new roof assembly typologies with higher efficiency and less waste. However, in the construction sector the focus is generally on reducing cost and not in sustainable development factors. Short-sighted building planning based only on economic criteria should be avoided improving decision support systems. In addition, the selection of an appropriate roof assembly in a building s design stage is a complex problem due to the existence of different tangible and intangible factors and the multiple alternatives available. The roof typologies under study involve prefabricated concrete, steel and laminated wood structures. This research work applies a multi-criteria hybrid model combining the Analytical Hierarchy Process with the Delphi method and the VIKOR technique for implementing sustainability criteria in the selection of a roof assembly in medium span buildings. The proposed decision support system enables the use of the triple bottom line that considers economic, social and environmental criteria. Under the criteria analyzed, the compromise solution found is the self-supporting curved system.Canto-Perello, J.; Martinez-Garcia, MP.; Curiel Esparza, J.; Martín Utrillas, MG. (2015). Implementing Sustainability Criteria for Selecting a Roof Assembly Typology in Medium Span Buildings. Sustainability. 7(6):6854-6871. doi:10.3390/su7066854S6854687176United Nations 1998 Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changehttp://unfccc.int/resource/docs/convkp/kpeng.pdfCanto-Perello, J., & Curiel-Esparza, J. (2013). Assessing governance issues of urban utility tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 33, 82-87. doi:10.1016/j.tust.2012.08.007Aguado, A., Caño, A. del, de la Cruz, M. P., Gómez, D., & Josa, A. (2012). Sustainability Assessment of Concrete Structures within the Spanish Structural Concrete Code. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(2), 268-276. doi:10.1061/(asce)co.1943-7862.0000419Ramesh, T., Prakash, R., & Shukla, K. K. (2010). Life cycle energy analysis of buildings: An overview. Energy and Buildings, 42(10), 1592-1600. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2010.05.007Reza, B., Sadiq, R., & Hewage, K. (2011). Sustainability assessment of flooring systems in the city of Tehran: An AHP-based life cycle analysis. Construction and Building Materials, 25(4), 2053-2066. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2010.11.041Zadeh, S., Hunt, D., Lombardi, D., & Rogers, C. (2013). Shared Urban Greywater Recycling Systems: Water Resource Savings and Economic Investment. Sustainability, 5(7), 2887-2912. doi:10.3390/su5072887Hunt, D., & Rogers, C. (2014). A Benchmarking System for Domestic Water Use. Sustainability, 6(5), 2993-3018. doi:10.3390/su6052993Curiel-Esparza, J., & Canto-Perello, J. (2012). Understanding the major drivers for implementation of municipal sustainable policies in underground space. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 19(6), 506-514. doi:10.1080/13504509.2012.732973Collier, Z. A., Wang, D., Vogel, J. T., Tatham, E. K., & Linkov, I. (2013). Sustainable roofing technology under multiple constraints: a decision-analytical approach. Environment Systems and Decisions, 33(2), 261-271. doi:10.1007/s10669-013-9446-5Ozdemir, M. S., & Saaty, T. L. (2006). The unknown in decision making. European Journal of Operational Research, 174(1), 349-359. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2004.12.017Lee, G. K. L., & Chan, E. H. W. (2007). The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach for Assessment of Urban Renewal Proposals. Social Indicators Research, 89(1), 155-168. doi:10.1007/s11205-007-9228-xSyamsuddin, I., & Hwang, J. (2010). The Use of AHP in Security Policy Decision Making: An Open Office Calc Application. Journal of Software, 5(10). doi:10.4304/jsw.5.10.1162-1169Thapa, R. B., & Murayama, Y. (2010). Drivers of urban growth in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal: Examining the efficacy of the analytic hierarchy process. Applied Geography, 30(1), 70-83. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2009.10.002Canto-Perello, J., Curiel-Esparza, J., & Calvo, V. (2013). Criticality and threat analysis on utility tunnels for planning security policies of utilities in urban underground space. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(11), 4707-4714. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2013.02.031Marchais-Roubelat, A., & Roubelat, F. (2011). The Delphi method as a ritual: Inquiring the Delphic Oracle. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(9), 1491-1499. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2011.04.012Von der Gracht, H. A. (2012). Consensus measurement in Delphi studies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 79(8), 1525-1536. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2012.04.013Curiel-Esparza, J., & Canto-Perello, J. (2013). Selecting utilities placement techniques in urban underground engineering. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 13(2), 276-285. doi:10.1016/j.acme.2013.02.001Mela, K., Tiainen, T., & Heinisuo, M. (2012). Comparative study of multiple criteria decision making methods for building design. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 26(4), 716-726. doi:10.1016/j.aei.2012.03.001San Cristóbal, J. R. (2012). Contractor Selection Using Multicriteria Decision-Making Methods. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(6), 751-758. doi:10.1061/(asce)co.1943-7862.0000488Lee, W.-S. (2013). Merger and acquisition evaluation and decision making model. The Service Industries Journal, 33(15-16), 1473-1494. doi:10.1080/02642069.2011.634905Rostamzadeh, R., Ismail, K., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2014). MULTI CRITERIA DECISION MAKING FOR ASSISTING BUSINESS ANGELS IN INVESTMENTS. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 20(4), 696-720. doi:10.3846/20294913.2014.984364Tsai, P.-H., & Chang, S.-C. (2014). COMPARING THE APPLE IPAD AND NON-APPLE CAMP TABLET PCS: A MULTICRITERIA DECISION ANALYSIS. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 19(Supplement_1), S256-S284. doi:10.3846/20294913.2013.881929San-José, J. T., Garrucho, I., Losada, R., & Cuadrado, J. (2007). A proposal for environmental indicators towards industrial building sustainable assessment. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 14(2), 160-173. doi:10.1080/13504500709469716Martin-Utrillas, M., Reyes-Medina, M., Curiel-Esparza, J., & Canto-Perello, J. (2014). Hybrid method for selection of the optimal process of leachate treatment in waste treatment and valorization plants or landfills. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 17(4), 873-885. doi:10.1007/s10098-014-0834-4Łowińska-Kluge, A., & Błaszczyński, T. (2012). The influence of internal corrosion on the durability of concrete. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 12(2), 219-227. doi:10.1016/j.acme.2012.03.002Khosrowshahi, F., & Alani, A. (2011). Visualisation of impact of time on the internal lighting of a building. Automation in Construction, 20(2), 145-154. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2010.09.012Kim, S., Kim, G.-H., & Lee, Y.-D. (2013). Sustainability Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Roof Waterproofing Methods Considering LCCO2. Sustainability, 6(1), 158-174. doi:10.3390/su6010158Lo, S. M., Zhao, C. M., Liu, M., & Coping, A. (2008). A simulation model for studying the implementation of performance-based fire safety design in buildings. Automation in Construction, 17(7), 852-863. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2008.02.014Markelj, J., Kitek Kuzman, M., Grošelj, P., & Zbašnik-Senegačnik, M. (2014). A Simplified Method for Evaluating Building Sustainability in the Early Design Phase for Architects. Sustainability, 6(12), 8775-8795. doi:10.3390/su6128775ALwaer, H., & Clements-Croome, D. J. (2010). Key performance indicators (KPIs) and priority setting in using the multi-attribute approach for assessing sustainable intelligent buildings. Building and Environment, 45(4), 799-807. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2009.08.019Malmqvist, T., Glaumann, M., Scarpellini, S., Zabalza, I., Aranda, A., Llera, E., & Díaz, S. (2011). Life cycle assessment in buildings: The ENSLIC simplified method and guidelines. Energy, 36(4), 1900-1907. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2010.03.026Shao, L., Chen, G. Q., Chen, Z. M., Guo, S., Han, M. Y., Zhang, B., … Ahmad, B. (2014). Systems accounting for energy consumption and carbon emission by building. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19(6), 1859-1873. doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2013.10.003Zabalza Bribián, I., Valero Capilla, A., & Aranda Usón, A. (2011). Life cycle assessment of building materials: Comparative analysis of energy and environmental impacts and evaluation of the eco-efficiency improvement potential. Building and Environment, 46(5), 1133-1140. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.12.002Goggins, J., Keane, T., & Kelly, A. (2010). The assessment of embodied energy in typical reinforced concrete building structures in Ireland. Energy and Buildings, 42(5), 735-744. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2009.11.013Broun, R., Babaizadeh, H., Zakersalehi, A., & Menzies, G. (2014). Integrated Life Cycle Energy and Greenhouse Gas Analysis of Exterior Wall Systems for Residential Buildings. Sustainability, 6(12), 8592-8603. doi:10.3390/su6128592Parasonis, J., Keizikas, A., & Kalibatiene, D. (2012). The relationship between the shape of a building and its energy performance. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 8(4), 246-256. doi:10.1080/17452007.2012.675139Saaty, T. L., & Ozdemir, M. S. (2003). Why the magic number seven plus or minus two. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 38(3-4), 233-244. doi:10.1016/s0895-7177(03)90083-5Kuo, Y., Yang, T., & Huang, G.-W. (2008). The use of grey relational analysis in solving multiple attribute decision-making problems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 55(1), 80-93. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2007.12.002Opricovic, S., & Tzeng, G.-H. (2004). Compromise solution by MCDM methods: A comparative analysis of VIKOR and TOPSIS. European Journal of Operational Research, 156(2), 445-455. doi:10.1016/s0377-2217(03)00020-1Curiel-Esparza, J., Cuenca-Ruiz, M., Martin-Utrillas, M., & Canto-Perello, J. (2014). Selecting a Sustainable Disinfection Technique for Wastewater Reuse Projects. Water, 6(9), 2732-2747. doi:10.3390/w6092732Sayadi, M. K., Heydari, M., & Shahanaghi, K. (2009). Extension of VIKOR method for decision making problem with interval numbers. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 33(5), 2257-2262. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2008.06.002Opricovic, S., & Tzeng, G.-H. (2007). Extended VIKOR method in comparison with outranking methods. European Journal of Operational Research, 178(2), 514-529. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2006.01.02

    Hybrid method for selection of the optimal process of leachate treatment in waste treatment and valorization plants or landfills

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    “The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10098-014-0834-4”Leachate from waste landfill or treatment plants is a very complex and highly contaminated liquid effluent. In its composition, it is found dissolved organic matter, inorganic salts, heavy metals, and other xenobiotic organic compounds, so it can be toxic, carcinogenic, and capable of inducing a potential risk to biota and humans. European law does not allow such leachate to leave the premises without being depolluted. There are many procedures that enable debugging, always combining different techniques. Choosing the best method to use in each case is a complex decision, as it depends on many tangible and intangible factors that must be weighed to achieve a balance between technical, cost, and environmental sustainability. It is presenting a hybrid method for choosing the optimal combination of techniques to apply in each case, by combining a multicriteria hierarchical analysis based on expert data obtained by the Delphi method with an analysis by the method of VIKOR to reach a consensus solution.Martín Utrillas, MG.; Reyes Medina, M.; Curiel Esparza, J.; Cantó Perelló, J. (2015). Hybrid method for selection of the optimal process of leachate treatment in waste treatment and valorization plants or landfills. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 17(4):873-885. doi:10.1007/s10098-014-0834-4S873885174Abbas AA, Guo J, Ping LZ, Ya PY, Al-Rekabi WS (2009) Review on landfill leachate treatments. AJAS 6(4):672–684Abood AR, Bao J, Abudi Z, Zheng D, Gao C (2013) Pretreatment of nonbiodegradable landfill leachate by air stripping coupled with agitation as ammonia stripping and coagulation–flocculation processes. Clean Technol Environ Policy 15(6):1069–1076Ahn WY, Kang MS, Yim SK, Choi KH (2002) Advanced landfill leachate treatment using an integrated membrane process. Desalination 149(1–3):109–114Al-Subhi Al-Harbi KM (2001) Application of the AHP in project management. Int J Proj Manag 19:19–27Bernasconi M, Choirat C, Seri R (2014) Empirical properties of group preference aggregation methods employed in AHP: theory and evidence. Eur J Oper Res 232(3):584–592Boopathy R, Karthikeyan S, Mandal AB, Sekaran G (2013) Characterization and recovery of sodium chloride from salt-laden solid waste generated from leather industry. Clean Technol Environ Policy 15(1):117–124Brechet T, Tulkens H (2009) Beyond BAT: selecting optimal combinations of available techniques, with an example from the limestone industry. J Environ Manag 90:1790–1801Canto-Perello J, Curiel-Esparza J, Calvo V (2013) Criticality and threat analysis on utility tunnels for planning security policies of utilities in urban underground space. Expert Syst Appl 40(11):4707–4714Chen Y, Liu C, Nie J, Wu S, Wang D (2014) Removal of COD and decolorizing from landfill leachate by Fenton’s reagent advanced oxidation. Clean Technol Environ Policy 16(1):189–193Chiochetta CG, Goetten LC, Almeida SM, Quaranta G, Cotelle S, Radetski CM (2014) Leachates from solid wastes: chemical and eco(geno)toxicological differences between leachates obtained from fresh and stabilized industrial organic sludge. Environ Sci Pollut R 21:1090–1098Chiumenti A, da Borso F, Chiumenti R, Teri F, Segantin P (2013) Treatment of digestate from a co-digestion biogas plant by means of vacuum evaporation: tests for process optimization and environmental sustainability. 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    Integrating climate change criteria in reforestation projects using a hybrid decision-support system

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    The selection of appropriate species in a reforestation project has always been a complex decision making problem in which, due mostly to government policies and other stakeholders, not only economic criteria but also other environmental issues interact. Climate change has not usually been taken into account in traditional reforestation decision-making strategies and management procedures. Moreover, there is a lack of agreement on the percentage of each one of the species in reforestation planning, which is usually calculated in a discretionary way. In this context, an effective multicriteria technique has been developed in order to improve the process of selecting species for reforestation in the Mediterranean region of Spain. A hybrid Delphi-AHP methodology is proposed, which includes a consistency analysis in order to reduce random choices. As a result, this technique provides an optimal percentage distribution of the appropriate species to be used in reforestation planning. The highest values of the weight given for each subcriteria corresponded to FR (fire forest response) and PR (pests and diseases risk), because of the increasing importance of the impact of climate change in the forest. However, CB (conservation of biodiversitiy)was in the third position in line with the aim of reforestation. Therefore, the most suitable species were Quercus faginea (19.75%) and Quercus ilex (19.35%), which offer a good balance between all the factors affecting the success and viability of reforestation.Curiel Esparza, J.; González Utrillas, NV.; Cantó Perelló, J.; Martín Utrillas, MG. (2015). Integrating climate change criteria in reforestation projects using a hybrid decision-support system. Environmental Research Letters. 10(9):1-13. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/9/094022S113109Amraoui, M., Pereira, M. G., DaCamara, C. C., & Calado, T. J. (2015). Atmospheric conditions associated with extreme fire activity in the Western Mediterranean region. 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