4 research outputs found

    Conocimientos, actitudes y pr谩cticas de normas de bioseguridad y riesgo biol贸gico en odont贸logos de pr谩ctica privada de tres ciudades de Nicaragua

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    Objective: Describe the knowledge and performance of biosecurity and biological risk standards of dentists in private practices from three cities of Nicaragua; during the year 2017. Methods: A transversal descriptive study was implemented on 86 dentists selected with the snowball technique through a non-probabilistic sampling and for convenience, in the cities of Managua, Chinandega and Le贸n; a previously validated semi-structured questionnaire was applied. The data was processed using descriptive statistics through frequencies and percentages of the variables under study. Results: The dentists know the concept of biological risk in 98.8%, but not the specific name of the infectious agents and their entrance pathway into the host (76.7%), however, they perform frequent hand washing before and after each dental procedure (60.4%) and have basic notions of the protocol to follow when percutaneous accidents happen in 48.8%; the majority demonstrated good performance during disinfection and sterilization of instruments and equipment 78% and 68.6%, as well as personal biosecurity (98.8%). The city of Managua stands out for the adequate management of bio-infectious waste. Conclusions: Dentists presented a regular knowledge, fair performance and good biosecurity practices. Keywords: Health knowledge, attitudes, practice; Biosafety; Dentistry; Nicaragua.Objetivo: Describir los conocimientos, actitudes y pr谩cticas de normas de bioseguridad y riesgo biol贸gico en odont贸logos que ejercen su pr谩ctica privada en tres ciudades de Nicaragua, durante el a帽o 2017. M茅todos: Se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo transversal con 86 dentistas seleccionados con la t茅cnica bola de nieve a trav茅s de un muestreo no probabil铆stico y por conveniencia en las ciudades de Managua,Chinandega y Le贸n; a los cuales se le aplic贸 un cuestionario semiestructurado previamente validado. Los datos fueron procesados utilizando estad铆stica descriptiva mediante frecuencias y porcentajes de las variables en estudio. Resultados: Los odont贸logos conocen el concepto de riesgo biol贸gico en un 98,8%, pero no el nombre espec铆fico de los agentes infecciosos y las v铆as de entrada de 茅stos al organismo (76,7%), realizan el lavado de manos frecuente antes y despu茅s de cada procedimiento dental (60,4%) y tienen nociones b谩sicas de actuaci贸n ante accidentes percut谩neos en un 48,8%, la mayor铆a responde a buenas actitudes de desinfecci贸n y esterilizaci贸n de instrumentales y equipos 78% y 68,6%, as铆 como bioseguridad personal (98,8%). La ciudad de Managua resalta por el adecuado manejo de residuos bioinfecciosos. Conclusiones: Los dentistas presentaron un conocimiento regular, una actitud positiva y buenas pr谩cticas de bioseguridad

    Presentaci贸n cl铆nica bucal rara de hiperplasia epitelial multifocal en ni帽o de 15 a帽os procedente de una comunidad rural de Chinandega

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    Tesis (MSc. en Salud P煤blica)-Universidad Nacional Aut贸noma de Nicaragua, Le贸nUNAN-Le贸

    General Labor Well-Being in Latin American Dentists during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Abstract: This study aimed to determine the general labor well-being of Latin American dentists according to sociodemographic characteristics during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a final sample of 2214 participants from 11 countries. A validated online questionnaire on general work well-being was used (data collection period from 1 June to 10 July 2021), containing two dimensions: psychosocial well-being and collateral effects. The sociodemographic characteristics of the dentists and their perception of the economic impact of the pandemic were also recorded. A multivariate linear regression analysis was performed (hierarchical regression model) to evaluate the joint effect of the explanatory variables on labor well-being and the changes in the variance between each model. A score of psychosocial well-being of 233.6 + 40.2 and collateral effects of 45 + 20.1 was found. Psychosocial well-being was associated with sex, country of origin, academic training achieved, type of dental activity, and perceived impact during the pandemic (p < 0.05). Somatization was frequently manifested through back pain (88.2%) and muscular tensions (87.2%). Women, those who worked 41 or more hours and had between 1 to 15 years of professional experience presented azgreater collateral effect (p < 0.001). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic a year and a half after it began on the labor well-being of Latin American dentists was evidenced with important interactions with social characteristics