2 research outputs found


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    Stunting merupakan masalah kurang gizi kronis yang disebabkan oleh asupan gizi yang kurang dalam waktu cukup lama. Stunting sebagai akibat dari pemberian makanan yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan gizi. Banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian stunting, namun tiap daerah memiliki perbedaan yang dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya stunting. Tujuan penelitian ini  menganalisis faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Oepoi. Metode yang digunakan  penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan case control study dengan 114 sampel. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu consecutive sampling untuk kelompok kasus yaitu 57 balita stunting dan kelompok kontrol yang terdiri dari 57 balita normal. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square dan Odds Ratio. Hasil uji analisis faktor risiko dengan kejadian stunting yaitu nilai variabel asupan energi (OR: 6,143; p: 0,000), asupan protein (OR: 7,500; p: 0,000), status ekonomi keluarga (OR: 3,338; p: 0,004), jenis kelamin (OR: 0,513; p: 0,125), berat badan lahir balita (OR: 2,487; p: 0,178), status imunisasi (OR: 1,698; p: 0,556), pemberian ASI eksklusif (OR: 0,612; p: 0,546), riwayat penyakit infeksi (OR: 1,810; p: 0,334), pendidikan orang tua (OR: 1,950; p: 0,125), dan pekerjaan orang tua (OR: 0,525; p: 0,315). Kesimpulan penelitian ini faktor risiko dari kejadian stunting di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Oepoi adalah asupan energi, asupan protein, dan status ekonomi keluarg

    Stunting as a Synonym of Social Disadvantage and Poor Parental Education

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    Socially, economically, politically and emotionally (SEPE) disadvantaged children are shorter than children from affluent background. In view of previous work on the lack of association between nutrition and child growth, we performed a study in urban schoolchildren. We measured 723 children (5.83 to 13.83 years); Kupang, Indonesia; three schools with different social background. We investigated anthropometric data, clinical signs of malnutrition, physical fitness, parental education, and household equipment. Subjective self-confidence was assessed by the MacArthur test. The prevalence of stunting was between 8.5% and 46.8%. Clinical signs of under- or malnutrition were absent even in the most underprivileged children. There was no delay in tooth eruption. Underprivileged children are physically fitter than the wealthy. The correlation between height and state of nutrition (BMI_SDS, skinfold_SDS, MUAC_SDS) ranged between r = 0.69 (p < 0.01) and r = 0.43 (p < 0.01) in private school children, and between r = 0.07 (ns) and r = 0.32 (p < 0.01) in the underprivileged children. Maternal education interacted with height in affluent (r = 0.20, p < 0.01) and in underprivileged children (r = 0.20, p < 0.01). The shortness of SEPE disadvantaged children was not associated with anthropometric and clinical signs of malnutrition, nor with delay in physical development. Stunting is a complex phenomenon and may be considered a synonym of social disadvantage and poor parental education