3 research outputs found
Access to Personal Hygiene Improves the Quality of Life at Elderly Hostels
The awareness of someone\u27s ability to maintain and to keep life has become better; hence having a longer life expectation became a grace and a pride. It is estimated that life expectancy figures maximally up to 125 years. The increase in people\u27s awareness of maintaining and sustaining life, in order to get a better quality of life, results in a higher life expectancy. Aging is a natural and spontaneous process started from the childhood, puberty, young adults, and then declines in the middle to seniors (elderly). The prosperity of the elderly people, whom due to their physical or mental condition no longer possible role in development, needs special attention from the government and society. This research was conducted in a nursing home (home service). The nursing home as a place where the elderly live needs to adjust and redesign their bathroom. This effort is done by considering that the ability of the elderly\u27s motor movement has tremendously declined; it is caused by the decrease in their motor sensor capacity. The elderly should get attention, particularly on meeting their needs on personal hygiene
Kajian Strategis Pengembangan Potensi Ekowisata di Lembah Baliem sebagai suatu Alternatif Pengelolaan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan
An alternative that could contribute positively to the conservation of the environment is the development ofecotourism based on consistency in adopting its principles. As an initial step in the development of attractive ecotourismobject, ideally an inventory should be made first in order to avoid mistakes that could happen. Lembah Baliem area is sorich in potential ecotourism resources which, however, have not yet been managed on the basis of the concept ofecotourism approach. Based on such background this research accommodates the potential available in Lembah Baliemarea in order to learn the possibility of developing sustainable ecotourism there. The objective of this research is to knowthe potential for developing ecotourism, to learn the obstacles to be faced, and to set the strategy for the development ofecotourism resources to be adopted for Lembah Baliem.This research is conducted in Lembah Baliem area, which administratively belongs to the regency of Jayawijaya,Papua Province. The data used in this research include both qualitative and quantitative data in accordance with the needof the research. The data also include both the primary and secondary data. The sampling in this research is based on nontestdata collecting instrument, in which the data is obtained through interview, questionnaire, observation, and documentation. Finally, the data already collected is categorized, discussed and analyzed using the SWOT matrix underSHIP approach.The research identification result shows that Lembah Baliem area has fairly varied and natural ecotourism resources,such as: 8 caves, 8 location of festival shows, 3 historical monuments, 3 biggest likes, 4 mummies, 4 beautyfull panaromesite, The obstacles of Baliem Ecotourism development are distance, stakeholder participation, knowledge of ecotourismconcept still limited and the index of tourist visiting still low. Tourism development in Lembah Baliem still concerned tomass tourism management strategy. According the result could be concluded that the ecotourism potential to bedeveloped, bud the development blocked by accessibility and human resources, so it should be solve out by 11 strategicsolution. The handling of those obstacle need stakeholder involving base of sustainable ecotourism development, thengive priority for straight access to West Papua
Evaluasi Pengembangan Ekowisata Desa Budaya Kertalangu di Desa Kesiman Kertalangu Kota Denpasar
The purpose of research is to know the ideal pattern for eco-tourism which should develop at Kertalangu Cultural Village, in effort to conserve the rich field area from displace farm function to be tourist facility. Kertalangu Cultural Village have the potential culture and nature which become separate Fascination for tourism, such as: jogging track, agro-tourism, fishing ground area, culiner, culture of ritual religious, artistry of dance and tabuh, and the other support facilities. Kertalangu Cultural Village located at Kesiman Kertalangu Village in Denpasar is compatible to be developed as the eco-tourism area because have fulfilled of principle for eco-tourism development. Five principles from nine especial principle for eco-tourism development have been fulfilled as mention in eco-tourism workshop in sanur on 3 β 5 September 2002, such as: has the awareness sense, comitment and responsibilty for nature conservation and cultural heritage, sensitive sense and respecting the social culture values and religious tradition of local community, adhering the exist law and regulation, the development based on approval of local community, well-balance and compatible management system as according to Tri Hita Karana concept. On the other hand, four principles which has not fulfilled yet, are: empowered and optimalisation of community participation and give the contribution continually to local community, provide the understanding which give the opportunity for tourist to enjoy the nature and improving their willingness to aware with nature surrounding, consistently give the satisfaction for consumer, marketed and promoted in accuratly according with their expectation (responsible marketing)