4 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial Peptide–Polymer Conjugates with High Activity: Influence of Polymer Molecular Weight and Peptide Sequence on Antimicrobial Activity, Proteolysis, and Biocompatibility

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    We report the synthesis, characterization, activity, and biocompatibility of a novel series of antimicrobial peptide–polymer conjugates. Using parent peptide aurein 2.2, we designed a peptide array (∼100 peptides) with single and multiple W and R mutations and identified antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) with potent activity against <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> (S. aureus). These novel AMPs were conjugated to hyperbranched polyglycerols (HPGs) of different molecular weights and number of peptides to improve their antimicrobial activity and toxicity. The cell and blood compatibility studies of these conjugates demonstrated better properties than those of the AMP alone. However, conjugates showed lower antimicrobial activity in comparison to that of peptides, as determined from minimal inhibition concentrations (MICs) against S. aureus, but considerably better than that of the available polymer–AMP conjugates in the literature. In addition to measuring MICs and characterizing the biocompatibility, circular dichroism spectroscopy was used to investigate the interaction of the novel conjugates with model bacterial biomembranes. Moreover, the novel conjugates were exposed to trypsin to evaluate their stability. It was found that the conjugates resist proteolysis in comparison with unprotected peptides. The peptide conjugates were active in serum and whole blood. Overall, the results show that combining a highly active AMP and low-molecular-weight HPG yields bioconjugates with excellent biocompatibility, MICs below 100 μg/mL, and proteolytic stability, which could potentially improve its utility for in vivo applications

    A Polymer Therapeutic Having Universal Heparin Reversal Activity: Molecular Design and Functional Mechanism

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    Heparins are widely used to prevent blood clotting during surgeries and for the treatment of thrombosis. However, bleeding associated with heparin therapy is a concern. Protamine, the only approved antidote for unfractionated heparin (UFH) could cause adverse cardiovascular events. Here, we describe a unique molecular design used in the development of a synthetic dendritic polycation named as universal heparin reversal agent (UHRA), an antidote for all clinically used heparin anticoagulants. We elucidate the mechanistic basis for the selectivity of UHRA to heparins and its nontoxic nature. Isothermal titration calorimetry based binding studies of UHRAs having different methoxypolyethylene glycol (mPEG) brush structures with UFH as a function of solution conditions, including ionic strength, revealed that mPEG chains impose entropic penalty to the electrostatic binding. Binding studies confirm that, unlike protamine or N-UHRA (a truncated analogue of UHRA with no mPEG chains), the mPEG chains in UHRA avert nonspecific interactions with blood proteins and provide selectivity toward heparins through a combined steric repulsion and Donnan shielding effect (a balance of <i>F</i><sub>el</sub> and <i>F</i><sub>steric</sub>). Clotting assays reveal that UHRA with mPEG chains did not adversely affect clotting, and neutralized UFH over a wide range of concentrations. Conversely, N-UHRA and protamine display intrinsic anticoagulant activity and showed a narrow concentration window for UFH neutralization. In addition, we found that mPEG chains regulate the size of antidote-UFH complexes, as revealed by atomic force microscopy and dynamic light scattering studies. UHRA molecules with mPEG chains formed smaller complexes with UFH, compared to N-UHRA and protamine. Finally, fluorescence and ELISA experiments show that UHRA disrupts antithrombin-UFH complexes to neutralize heparin’s activity

    Design of Polyphosphate Inhibitors: A Molecular Dynamics Investigation on Polyethylene Glycol-Linked Cationic Binding Groups

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    Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) released by human platelets has recently been shown to activate blood clotting and identified as a potential target for the development of novel antithrombotics. Recent studies have shown that polymers with cationic binding groups (CBGs) inhibit polyP and attenuate thrombosis. However, a good molecular-level understanding of the binding mechanism is lacking for further drug development. While molecular dynamics (MD) simulation can provide molecule-level information, the time scale required to simulate these large biomacromolecules makes classical MD simulation impractical. To overcome this challenge, we employed metadynamics simulations with both all-atom and coarse-grained force fields. The force field parameters for polyethylene glycol (PEG) conjugated CBGs and polyP were developed to carry out coarse-grained MD simulations, which enabled simulations of these large biomacromolecules in a reasonable time scale. We found that the length of the PEG tail does not impact the interaction between the (PEG)<sub><i>n</i></sub>-CBG and polyP. As expected, increasing the number of the charged tertiary amine groups in the head group strengthens its binding to polyP. Our simulation shows that (PEG)<sub><i>n</i></sub>-CBG initially form aggregates, mostly with the PEG in the core and the hydrophilic CBG groups pointing toward water; then the aggregates approach the polyP and sandwich the polyP to form a complex. We found that the binding of (PEG)<sub><i>n</i></sub>-CBG remains intact against various lengths of polyP. Binding thermodynamics for two of the (PEG)<sub><i>n</i></sub>-CBG/polyP systems simulated were measured by isothermal titration calorimetry to confirm the key finding of the simulations that the length PEG tail does not influence ligand binding to polyP

    Toward Infection-Resistant Surfaces: Achieving High Antimicrobial Peptide Potency by Modulating the Functionality of Polymer Brush and Peptide

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    Bacterial infection associated with indwelling medical devices and implants is a major clinical issue, and the prevention or treatment of such infections is challenging. Antimicrobial coatings offer a significant step toward addressing this important clinical problem. Antimicrobial coatings based on tethered antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) on hydrophilic polymer brushes have been shown to be one of the most promising strategies to avoid bacterial colonization and have demonstrated broad spectrum activity. Optimal combinations of the functionality of the polymer-brush-tethered AMPs are essential to maintaining long-term AMP activity on the surface. However, there is limited knowledge currently available on this topic. Here we report the development of potent antimicrobial coatings on implant surfaces by elucidating the roles of polymer brush chemistry and peptide structure on the overall antimicrobial activity of the coatings. We screened several combinations of polymer brush coatings and AMPs constructed on nanoparticles, titanium surfaces, and quartz slides on their antimicrobial activity and bacterial adhesion against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Highly efficient killing of planktonic bacteria by the antimicrobial coatings on nanoparticle surfaces, as well as potent killing of adhered bacteria in the case of coatings on titanium surfaces, was observed. Remarkably, the antimicrobial activity of AMP-conjugated brush coatings demonstrated a clear dependence on the polymer brush chemistry and peptide structure, and optimization of these parameters is critical to achieving infection-resistant surfaces. By analyzing the interaction of polymer-brush-tethered AMPs with model lipid membranes using circular dichroism spectroscopy, we determined that the polymer brush chemistry has an influence on the extent of secondary structure change of tethered peptides before and after interaction with biomembranes. The peptide structure also has an influence on the density of conjugated peptides on polymer brush coatings and the resultant wettability of the coatings, and both of these factors contributed to the antimicrobial activity and bacterial adhesion of the coatings. Overall, this work highlights the importance of optimizing the functionality of the polymer brush to achieve infection-resistant surfaces and presents important insight into the design criteria for the selection of polymers and AMPs toward the development of potent antimicrobial coating on implants