783 research outputs found

    Audubon County\u27s Troublesome Gang

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    Andrew Mulholland, Alias George Wilson

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    Andrew Mulholland, Alias George Wilson

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    Cosmological Parameters from Observations of Galaxy Clusters

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    Studies of galaxy clusters have proved crucial in helping to establish the standard model of cosmology, with a universe dominated by dark matter and dark energy. A theoretical basis that describes clusters as massive, multi-component, quasi-equilibrium systems is growing in its capability to interpret multi-wavelength observations of expanding scope and sensitivity. We review current cosmological results, including contributions to fundamental physics, obtained from observations of galaxy clusters. These results are consistent with and complementary to those from other methods. We highlight several areas of opportunity for the next few years, and emphasize the need for accurate modeling of survey selection and sources of systematic error. Capitalizing on these opportunities will require a multi-wavelength approach and the application of rigorous statistical frameworks, utilizing the combined strengths of observers, simulators and theorists.Comment: 53 pages, 21 figures. To appear in Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Formation of Galaxy Clusters

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    In this review, we describe our current understanding of cluster formation: from the general picture of collapse from initial density fluctuations in an expanding Universe to detailed simulations of cluster formation including the effects of galaxy formation. We outline both the areas in which highly accurate predictions of theoretical models can be obtained and areas where predictions are uncertain due to uncertain physics of galaxy formation and feedback. The former includes the description of the structural properties of the dark matter halos hosting cluster, their mass function and clustering properties. Their study provides a foundation for cosmological applications of clusters and for testing the fundamental assumptions of the standard model of structure formation. The latter includes the description of the total gas and stellar fractions, the thermodynamical and non-thermal processes in the intracluster plasma. Their study serves as a testing ground for galaxy formation models and plasma physics. In this context, we identify a suitable radial range where the observed thermal properties of the intra-cluster plasma exhibit the most regular behavior and thus can be used to define robust observational proxies for the total cluster mass. We put particular emphasis on examining assumptions and limitations of the widely used self-similar model of clusters. Finally, we discuss the formation of clusters in non-standard cosmological models, such as non-Gaussian models for the initial density field and models with modified gravity, along with prospects for testing these alternative scenarios with large cluster surveys in the near future.Comment: 66 pages, 17 figures, review to be published in 2012 Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Academic Libraries and Learning Support in Collaboration. Library Based Guidance for Peer Assisted Learning Leaders at Bournemouth University: Theory and Practice.

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    This article begins with an overview of the University’s pioneering Peer Assisted Learning Scheme (PAL) and describes how in 2005/6, the Library became involved, collaborating with the PAL Coordinator to develop materials for use by PAL Leaders. PAL is intended to foster cross-year support between students on the same course. It encourages students to support each other and learn co-operatively under the guidance of trained students from the year above - called PAL Leaders. Two documents were produced to support and empower these leaders. The first, Using the Library for Your Research, provides leaders with key guidance information on the University Library, its resources and the services it provides. The second, Citing References Using the Harvard System, aims to explain and demystify the Harvard Referencing system and to encourage good referencing habits from an early stage of their course through a practical hands-on exercise. Feedback from PAL Leaders continues to inform the development of these guidance materials, in particular the referencing exercise which was reworked to better suit the needs of the leaders delivering it

    Control of Electrodialysis Desalination Systems as Smart Loads in Microgrids with High Penetration of Renewable Generation

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    Water desalination systems connected to microgrids with high penetration of renewable energy generation are frequently used to promote the development of remote areas. These microgrids often have power quality and even stability problems. This work shows that electrodialysis desalination systems can be managed as smart loads, that is, they can contribute to the power balance and voltage regulation of the microgrid without neglecting its main function of water desalination. For this, a model of multiple inputs and multiple outputs for a desalination system is proposed where the variables to control are the treated water concentration and the active and reactive powers demanded by the desalination system. Based on this model, a control law is proposed that allows to face the complexity of the non-linear system in a simple and precise way. The proposed control guarantees the low salt concentration of the drinking water and favors the energy balance of the microgrid, allowing better control of the power quality and greater penetration of renewable energy generation

    Weighing neutrinos using high redshift galaxy luminosity functions

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    Laboratory experiments measuring neutrino oscillations, indicate small mass differences between different mass eigenstates of neutrinos. The absolute mass scale is however not determined, with at present the strongest upper limits coming from astronomical observations rather than terrestrial experiments. The presence of massive neutrinos suppresses the growth of perturbations below a characteristic mass scale, thereby leading to a decreased abundance of collapsed dark matter halos. Here we show that this effect can significantly alter the predicted luminosity function (LF) of high redshift galaxies. In particular we demonstrate that a stringent constraint on the neutrino mass can be obtained using the well measured galaxy LF and our semi-analytic structure formation models. Combining the constraints from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 7 year (WMAP7) data with the LF data at z = 4, we get a limit on the sum of the masses of 3 degenerate neutrinos \Sigma m_\nu < 0.52 eV at the 95 % CL. The additional constraints using the prior on Hubble constant strengthens this limit to \Sigma m_\nu < 0.29 eV at the 95 % CL. This neutrino mass limit is a factor of order 4 improvement compared to the constraint based on the WMAP7 data alone, and as stringent as known limits based on other astronomical observations. As different astronomical measurements may suffer from different set of biases, the method presented here provides a complementary probe of \Sigma m_\nu . We suggest that repeating this exercise on well measured luminosity functions over different redshift ranges can provide independent and tighter constraints on \Sigma m_\nu .Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    CO and C_2 Absorption Toward W40 IRS 1a

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    The H II region W40 harbors a small group of young, hot stars behind roughly 9 magnitudes of visual extinction. We have detected gaseous carbon monoxide (CO) and diatomic carbon (C_2) in absorption toward the star W40 IRS 1a. The 2-0 R0, R1, and R2 lines of 12CO at 2.3 micron were measured using the CSHELL on the NASA IR Telescope Facility (with upper limits placed on R3, R4, and R5) yielding an N_CO of (1.1 +/- 0.2) x 10^18 cm^-2. Excitation analysis indicates T_kin > 7 K. The Phillips system of C_2 transitions near 8775 Ang. was measured using the Kitt Peak 4-m telescope and echelle spectrometer. Radiative pumping models indicate a total C_2 column density of (7.0 +/- 0.4) x 10^14 cm^-2, two excitation temperatures (39 and 126 K), and a total gas density of n ~ 250 cm^-3. The CO ice band at 4.7 micron was not detected, placing an upper limit on the CO depletion of delta < 1 %. We postulate that the sightline has multiple translucent components and is associated with the W40 molecular cloud. Our data for W40 IRS 1a, coupled with other sightlines, shows that the ratio of CO/C_2 increases from diffuse through translucent environs. Finally, we show that the hydrogen to dust ratio seems to remain constant from diffuse to dense environments, while the CO to dust ratio apparently does not.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal 17 pages total, 5 figures Also available at http://casa.colorado.edu/~shuping/research/w40/w40.htm
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