27 research outputs found

    Ecological impacts of small dams on South African rivers Part 1: Drivers of change – water quantity and quality

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    Impacts of large dams are well-known and quantifiable, while small dams have generally been perceived as benign, both socially and environmentally. The present study quantifies the cumulative impacts of small dams on the water quality (physico-chemistry and invertebrate biotic indices) and quantity (discharge) of downstream rivers in 2 South African regions. The information from 2 South African national databases was used for evaluating the cumulative impacts on water quality and quantity. Physico-chemistry and biological data were obtained from the River Health Programme, and discharge data at stream flow gauges was obtained from the Hydrological Information System. Multivariate analyses were conducted to establish broad patterns for cumulative impacts of small dams across the 2 regions – Western Cape (winter rainfall, temperate, south-western coast) and Mpumalanga (summer rainfall, tropical, eastern coast). Multivariate analyses found that the changes in macroinvertebrate indices and the stream’s physico-chemistry were more strongly correlated with the density of small dams in the catchment (as a measure of cumulative impact potential) relative to the storage capacity of large dams. T-tests on the data, not including samples with upstream large dams, indicated that the high density of small dams significantly reduced low flows and increased certain physico-chemistry variables (particularly total dissolved salts) in both the regions, along with associated significant reductions in a macroinvertebrate index (SASS4 average score per taxon). Regional differences were apparent in the results for discharge reductions and the macroinvertebrate index. The results suggest that the cumulative effect of a high number of small dams is impacting the quality and quantity of waters in South African rivers and that these impacts need to be systematically incorporated into the monitoring protocol of the environmental water requirements. Keywords: cumulative impacts, regional comparison, macroinvertebrate indices, measures of small-dam impact potential, average score per taxo

    Ecological impacts of small dams on South African rivers Part 2: Biotic response – abundance and composition of macroinvertebrate communities

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    This paper investigates the cumulative impacts of small dams on invertebrate communities in 2 regions of South Africa – the Western Cape and Mpumalanga. Previous research found reduced discharge, increased total dissolved salts, and a decrease in average score per taxon (ASPT; collected using SASS4 methods) at sites with high density of small dams in their catchment. These changes in ASPT are investigated using the invertebrate abundance data available in the River Health Programme. Multivariate analyses found differences in invertebrate communities in rivers with high densities of small dams in their catchment in foothill-gravel streams (in both Western Cape and Mpumalanga) and in foothill-cobble streams (in Western Cape only). Opportunistic taxa that are tolerant of pollution, and capable of exploiting various habitats, and those that prefer slower currents increased in numbers, while other taxa that are sensitive to pollution and disturbance declined in numbers. Some regional differences were noted possibly reflecting climatic differences between the regions. Since the results of this study are correlative, it highlights the need for a systematic (by sites and seasons) and detailed (at species level) collection of data to verify the results of cumulative effects of small dams. This can further the development of a framework for small-dam construction and management that will limit their impact on river catchments. Keywords: cumulative impacts, reduced low flows, environmental water quality, Ephemeroptera, Trichopter

    Land cover models to predict non-point nutrient inputs for selected biomes in South Africa

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    WQSAM is a practical water quality model for use in guiding southern African water quality management. However, the estimation of non-point nutrient inputs within WQSAM is uncertain, as it is achieved through a combination of calibration and expert knowledge. Non-point source loads can be correlated to particular land cover types. Although observed water quality data through which non-point source loads can be estimated are scarce, land cover databases exist covering the entire area of South Africa. To reduce the uncertainty associated with estimat-ing non-point source loads, this study describes a formal model to link the nutrient signatures of incremental flow to land cover. Study catch-ments incorporating the fynbos, grassland, savanna and thicket biomes were identified. Instream nutrients of 25 sites were modelled using WQSAM and calibrated against observed data. Multiple regression was used to investigate the relationships between the calibrated nutrient signatures of incremental flow from WQSAM and land cover within study sites. The regression models reflected greater non-point loads from cultivation-and urban-related land cover categories. The nutrient signatures of incremental flow obtained through the multiple regres-sions were consistent with those obtained through calibration of the WQSAM model at higher signature values, whereas discrepancies were evident at lower values. It is argued that this formal modelling ap-proach for linking land cover to nutrient signatures of incremental flow can be implemented for situations where it is known that there are strong non-point inputs of nutrients into a river reach. The statistical model presented in the current study could potentially be applied as an alternative to the water quality model as a relatively simple method to estimate non-point source loads of nutrients from tributary catchments in South Africa

    Determining fPAR and leaf area index of several land cover classes in the Pot River and Tsitsa River catchments of the Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    Determining the quantum (both annual maxima and minima) and the temporal variation in the leaf area index (LAI), and the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR), are three fundamental biophysical characteristics of the plant canopy that should parameterise ecophysiological models of water use (evapotranspiration) and carbon sequestration. Although Earth observation provides values and time series for both these parameters, in-field validation of these values is necessary. Following a very wet summer season, we conducted field surveys of several land cover classes within two quaternary catchments in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa, to determine maximum values of LAI and fPAR that occur within each of these land cover classes. To assist in up-scaling these point measures to the landscape, we present a regression relationship between Landsat 8 NDVI and LAI measured using an Accupar Ceptometer (r2 = 0.92). Peak wet season LAI varied from extremely high (>7.0) under the canopy of invasive black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) trees to ~2.0 under the canopy of a Eucalyptus plantation. Ungrazed native grassland displayed an intermediate LAI value of 3.84. The black wattle stand absorbed 97% of the available PAR, whereas the mature Eucalyptus plantation only absorbed 66% of PAR.Keywords: agroforestry, ecosystem ecology, remote sensin

    Ecological impacts of small dams on South African rivers Part 2: Biotic response – abundance and composition of macroinvertebrate communities

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    This paper investigates the cumulative impacts of small dams on invertebrate communities in 2 regions of South Africa – the Western Cape and Mpumalanga. Previous research found reduced discharge, increased total dissolved salts, and a decrease in average score per taxon (ASPT; collected using SASS4 methods) at sites with high density of small dams in their catchment. These changes in ASPT are investigated using the invertebrate abundance data available in the River Health Programme. Multivariate analyses found differences in invertebrate communities in rivers with high densities of small dams in their catchment in foothill-gravel streams (in both Western Cape and Mpumalanga) and in foothill-cobble streams (in Western Cape only). Opportunistic taxa that are tolerant of pollution, and capable of exploiting various habitats, and those that prefer slower currents increased in numbers, while other taxa that are sensitive to pollution and disturbance declined in numbers. Some regional differences were noted possibly reflecting climatic differences between the regions. Since the results of this study are correlative, it highlights the need for a systematic (by sites and seasons) and detailed (at species level) collection of data to verify the results of cumulative effects of small dams. This can further the development of a framework for small-dam construction and management that will limit their impact on river catchments

    Exploring the invasion of rangelands by Acacia mearnsii (black wattle): biophysical characteristics and management implications

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    Australian acacias have spread to many parts of the world. In South Africa, species such as A. mearnsii and A. dealbata are invasive. Consequently, more effort has focused on their clearing. In a context of increasing clearing costs, it is crucial to develop innovative ways of managing invasions. Our aim was to understand the biophysical properties of A. mearnsii in grasslands as they relate to grass production and to explore management implications. Aboveground biomass (AGB) of A. mearnsii was determined using a published allometric equation in invaded grasslands of the northern Eastern Cape, South Africa. The relationships among the A. mearnsii leaf area index (LAI), normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and AGB were investigated. The influence of A. mearnsii LAI and terrain slope on grass cover was also investigated. Strong linear relationships between NDVI, LAI and AGB were developed. Acacia mearnsii canopy adversely impacted grass production more than terrain slope (p < 0.05) and when LAI approached 2.1, grass cover dropped to below 10% in infested areas. Reducing A. mearnsii canopy could promote grass production while encouraging carbon sequestration. Given the high AGB and clearing costs, it may be prudent to adopt the ‘novel ecosystems’ approach in managing infested landscapes.Keywords: grassland, invasive plants, landscape ecology, rangeland conditio

    Informing the Responses of Water Service Delivery Institutions to Climate and Development Changes: A Case Study in the Amatole Region, Eastern Cape

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    This report has been generated by the Water Research Commission (WRC) funded project Developing Climate Change Adaptation Measures and Decision-Support System for Selected South African Water Boards (Project No. K5/2018)

    Evaluating The Potential Contribution Of Episodic Toxicity Data To Environmental Water Quality Management In South Africa

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    An important aspect of the dynamics of nutrients and pollutants in natural systems is captured in the concept of allochthony, founded on the observation that nutrients and energy in a variety of forms are transferred between adjacent habitats, com-munities and ecosystems that are not routinely considered as connected. Different forms of nutrients and energy move across the conceptual boundaries of habitats via organisms’ activities or physical processes such as wind or water currents, and these transfers can represent important food subsidies. Such cross-partition ecolog-ical subsidies can augment the nutritional condition, biomass and biodiversity of communities, particularly where local production (or autochthony) alone may be inadequate to support local food webs. Furthermore, organic subsidies can influ-ence population dynamics, community interactions and ecosystem processes, and can represent dominant flux inputs in ecosystem budgets. Our intention was to explore organic nutrient fluxes in relation to a primarily lotic (i.e. flowing) aquatic sys-tem at the scale of a hydrological catchment