641 research outputs found

    Correlation, hierarchies, and networks in financial markets

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    We discuss some methods to quantitatively investigate the properties of correlation matrices. Correlation matrices play an important role in portfolio optimization and in several other quantitative descriptions of asset price dynamics in financial markets. Specifically, we discuss how to define and obtain hierarchical trees, correlation based trees and networks from a correlation matrix. The hierarchical clustering and other procedures performed on the correlation matrix to detect statistically reliable aspects of the correlation matrix are seen as filtering procedures of the correlation matrix. We also discuss a method to associate a hierarchically nested factor model to a hierarchical tree obtained from a correlation matrix. The information retained in filtering procedures and its stability with respect to statistical fluctuations is quantified by using the Kullback-Leibler distance.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Correlation filtering in financial time series

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    We apply a method to filter relevant information from the correlation coefficient matrix by extracting a network of relevant interactions. This method succeeds to generate networks with the same hierarchical structure of the Minimum Spanning Tree but containing a larger amount of links resulting in a richer network topology allowing loops and cliques. In Tumminello et al. \cite{TumminielloPNAS05}, we have shown that this method, applied to a financial portfolio of 100 stocks in the USA equity markets, is pretty efficient in filtering relevant information about the clustering of the system and its hierarchical structure both on the whole system and within each cluster. In particular, we have found that triangular loops and 4 element cliques have important and significant relations with the market structure and properties. Here we apply this filtering procedure to the analysis of correlation in two different kind of interest rate time series (16 Eurodollars and 34 US interest rates).Comment: 10 pages 7 figure

    Spanning Trees and bootstrap reliability estimation in correlation based networks

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    We introduce a new technique to associate a spanning tree to the average linkage cluster analysis. We term this tree as the Average Linkage Minimum Spanning Tree. We also introduce a technique to associate a value of reliability to links of correlation based graphs by using bootstrap replicas of data. Both techniques are applied to the portfolio of the 300 most capitalized stocks traded at New York Stock Exchange during the time period 2001-2003. We show that the Average Linkage Minimum Spanning Tree recognizes economic sectors and sub-sectors as communities in the network slightly better than the Minimum Spanning Tree does. We also show that the average reliability of links in the Minimum Spanning Tree is slightly greater than the average reliability of links in the Average Linkage Minimum Spanning Tree.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    A model for correlations in stock markets

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    We propose a group model for correlations in stock markets. In the group model the markets are composed of several groups, within which the stock price fluctuations are correlated. The spectral properties of empirical correlation matrices reported in [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 83}, 1467 (1999); Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 83}, 1471 (1999.)] are well understood from the model. It provides the connection between the spectral properties of the empirical correlation matrix and the structure of correlations in stock markets.Comment: two pages including one EPS file for a figur

    Economic sector identification in a set of stocks traded at the New York Stock Exchange: a comparative analysis

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    We review some methods recently used in the literature to detect the existence of a certain degree of common behavior of stock returns belonging to the same economic sector. Specifically, we discuss methods based on random matrix theory and hierarchical clustering techniques. We apply these methods to a set of stocks traded at the New York Stock Exchange. The investigated time series are recorded at a daily time horizon. All the considered methods are able to detect economic information and the presence of clusters characterized by the economic sector of stocks. However, different methodologies provide different information about the considered set. Our comparative analysis suggests that the application of just a single method could not be able to extract all the economic information present in the correlation coefficient matrix of a set of stocks.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 2 Table

    Sector identification in a set of stock return time series traded at the London Stock Exchange

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    We compare some methods recently used in the literature to detect the existence of a certain degree of common behavior of stock returns belonging to the same economic sector. Specifically, we discuss methods based on random matrix theory and hierarchical clustering techniques. We apply these methods to a portfolio of stocks traded at the London Stock Exchange. The investigated time series are recorded both at a daily time horizon and at a 5-minute time horizon. The correlation coefficient matrix is very different at different time horizons confirming that more structured correlation coefficient matrices are observed for long time horizons. All the considered methods are able to detect economic information and the presence of clusters characterized by the economic sector of stocks. However different methods present a different degree of sensitivity with respect to different sectors. Our comparative analysis suggests that the application of just a single method could not be able to extract all the economic information present in the correlation coefficient matrix of a stock portfolio.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, 3 Tables. Proceedings of the conference on "Applications of Random Matrices to Economy and other Complex Systems", Krakow (Poland), May 25-28 2005. Submitted for pubblication to Acta Phys. Po

    Value-at-Risk and Tsallis statistics: risk analysis of the aerospace sector

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    In this study, we analyze the aerospace stocks prices in order to characterize the sector behavior. The data analyzed cover the period from January 1987 to April 1999. We present a new index for the aerospace sector and we investigate the statistical characteristics of this index. Our results show that this index is well described by Tsallis distribution. We explore this result and modify the standard Value-at-Risk (VaR), financial risk assessment methodology in order to reflect an asset which obeys Tsallis non-extensive statistics.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, to appear in Physica

    Data clustering and noise undressing for correlation matrices

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    We discuss a new approach to data clustering. We find that maximum likelihood leads naturally to an Hamiltonian of Potts variables which depends on the correlation matrix and whose low temperature behavior describes the correlation structure of the data. For random, uncorrelated data sets no correlation structure emerges. On the other hand for data sets with a built-in cluster structure, the method is able to detect and recover efficiently that structure. Finally we apply the method to financial time series, where the low temperature behavior reveals a non trivial clustering.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, completely rewritten and enlarged version of cond-mat/0003241. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Evidence of discrete scale invariance in DLA and time-to-failure by canonical averaging

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    Discrete scale invariance, which corresponds to a partial breaking of the scaling symmetry, is reflected in the existence of a hierarchy of characteristic scales l0, c l0, c^2 l0,... where c is a preferred scaling ratio and l0 a microscopic cut-off. Signatures of discrete scale invariance have recently been found in a variety of systems ranging from rupture, earthquakes, Laplacian growth phenomena, ``animals'' in percolation to financial market crashes. We believe it to be a quite general, albeit subtle phenomenon. Indeed, the practical problem in uncovering an underlying discrete scale invariance is that standard ensemble averaging procedures destroy it as if it was pure noise. This is due to the fact, that while c only depends on the underlying physics, l0 on the contrary is realisation-dependent. Here, we adapt and implement a novel so-called ``canonical'' averaging scheme which re-sets the l0 of different realizations to approximately the same value. The method is based on the determination of a realization-dependent effective critical point obtained from, e.g., a maximum susceptibility criterion. We demonstrate the method on diffusion limited aggregation and a model of rupture.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, in press in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Methods for measuring the citations and productivity of scientists across time and discipline

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    Publication statistics are ubiquitous in the ratings of scientific achievement, with citation counts and paper tallies factoring into an individual's consideration for postdoctoral positions, junior faculty, tenure, and even visa status for international scientists. Citation statistics are designed to quantify individual career achievement, both at the level of a single publication, and over an individual's entire career. While some academic careers are defined by a few significant papers (possibly out of many), other academic careers are defined by the cumulative contribution made by the author's publications to the body of science. Several metrics have been formulated to quantify an individual's publication career, yet none of these metrics account for the dependence of citation counts and journal size on time. In this paper, we normalize publication metrics across both time and discipline in order to achieve a universal framework for analyzing and comparing scientific achievement. We study the publication careers of individual authors over the 50-year period 1958-2008 within six high-impact journals: CELL, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Nature, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), Physical Review Letters (PRL), and Science. In comparing the achievement of authors within each journal, we uncover quantifiable statistical regularity in the probability density function (pdf) of scientific achievement across both time and discipline. The universal distribution of career success within these arenas for publication raises the possibility that a fundamental driving force underlying scientific achievement is the competitive nature of scientific advancement.Comment: 25 pages in 1 Column Preprint format, 7 Figures, 4 Tables. Version II: changes made in response to referee comments. Note: change in definition of "Paper shares.
