11 research outputs found

    Demographic characteristics of the patient and control groups.

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    <p>BMI = body mass index, Parity status = number of pregnancies including the current pregnancy</p><p>Demographic characteristics of the patient and control groups.</p

    Clinical and laboratory characteristics of the patient and control groups.

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    <p>BP = Mean blood pressure on at least 2 occasions ≥ 4 h apart, but not >7 days apart; LDH = lactate dehydrogenase; SGOT = Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase; SGPT <i>=</i> serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase; BUN = blood urea nitrogen</p><p>Clinical and laboratory characteristics of the patient and control groups.</p

    ELISA method for measuring free thiol angiotensinogen plasma levels.

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    <p>Biotin-MPB is added to plasma which labels free thiol (SH) angiotensinogen (ATG). The unincorporated Biotin-MPB is removed by acetone precipitation. Biotin-MPB labelled free thiols of ATG are specifically bound by streptavidin coated plates and bound free thiol ATG is quantified with a specific monoclonal antibody to ATG.</p