10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of bax, bcl-2, p21 and p53 genes expression variations on cerebellum of BALB/c mice before and after birth under mobile phone radiation exposure

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    Objective(s): The increasing rate of over using cell phones has been considerable in youths and pregnant women. We examined the effect of mobile phones radiation on genes expression variation on cerebellum of BALB/c mice before and after of the birth. Materials and Methods: In this study, amobile phone jammer, which is an instrument to prevent receiving signals between cellular phonesand base transceiver stations (two frequencies 900 and 1800 MHz) for exposure was used and twelve pregnant mice (BALB/c) divided into two groups (n=6), first group irradiated in pregnancy period (19th day), the second group did not irradiate in pregnancy period. After childbirth, offspring wereclassified into four groups (n=4):Group1: control, Group 2: B1 (Irradiated after birth), Group 3: B2 (Irradiated in pregnancy period and after birth), Group 4: B3 (Irradiated in pregnancy period). When maturity was completed (8-10 weeks old), mice were dissected and cerebellum was isolated. The expression level of bax, bcl-2, p21 and p53 genes examined by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (Real-Time RT- PCR). Results: The data showed that mobile phone radio waves were ineffective on the expression level of bcl-2 and p53 genes) P>0.05(. Also gene expression level of bax decreased and gene expression level of p21 increased comparing to the control group (

    A case report: An unusual variation in the facial artery

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    The facial artery is the main artery supplying the face occasionally. It gives three branches on the face, the inferior labial, the superior labial, and the lateral nasal, and terminates as the angular artery. Due to congenital vascular variations in the facial artery, it has been considered in the dissection of the head and neck region. During the dissection of a 65-year-old woman to expose this region, we discovered that the left facial artery is terminated by the superior labial artery after giving off the submental and inferior labial branches. At the level of the left oral commissure, the facial artery was attached to the buccinator muscle as connective tissue, with a noticeable decrease in diameter. The purpose of this study is to report a new variation of the facial artery that is particularly important for cadaver dissection, and head and neck surgeries, as well as for facial artery angiography

    The effects of chitosan-loaded JQ1 nanoparticles on OVCAR-3 cell cycle and apoptosis-related gene expression

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    Background and purpose: Ovarian cancer is the deadliest gynecological cancer. Bromodomain and extra terminal domain (BET) proteins play major roles in the regulation of gene expression at the epigenetic level. Jun Qi (JQ1) is a potent inhibitor of BET proteins. Regarding the short half-life and poor pharmacokinetic profile, JQ1 was loaded into newly developed nano-carriers. Chitosan nanoparticles are one of the best and potential polymers in cancer treatment. The present study aimed to build chitosan-JQl nanoparticles (Ch-J-NPs), treat OVCAR-3 cells with Ch-J-NPs, and evaluate the effects of these nanoparticles on cell cycle and apoptosis-associated genes. Experimental approach: Ch-J-NPs were synthesized and characterized. The size and morphology of Ch-J-NPs were defined by DLS and FE-SEM techniques. OVCAR-3 cells were cultured and treated with Ch-J-NPs. Then, IC50 was measured using MTT assay. The groups were defined and cells were treated with IC50 concentration of Ch-J-NPs, for 48 h. Finally, cells in different groups were assessed for the expression of genes of interest using quantitative RT-PCR. Findings/Results: IC50 values for Ch-J-NPs were 5.625 μg/mL. RT-PCR results demonstrated that the expression of genes associated with cell cycle activity (c-MYC, hTERT, CDK1, CDK4, and CDK6) was significantly decreased following treatment of cancer cells with Ch-J-NPs. Conversely, the expression of caspase-3, and caspase-9 significantly increased. BAX (pro-apoptotic) to BCL2 (anti-apoptotic) expression ratio, also increased significantly after treatment of cells with Ch-J-NPs. Conclusion and implications: Ch-J-NPs showed significant anti-cell cyclic and apoptotic effects on OVCAR-3 cells

    Origanum vulgare leaf extract protects mice bone marrow cells against ionizing radiation

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    Objective: Ionizing radiation produces free radicals which induce DNA damage and cell death. Origanum vulgare leaf extract (OVLE) is a natural compound and its capability of scavenging free radicals and its antioxidant activity have been demonstrated by many researchers. In this study, using micronucleus assay, radioprotective effect of OVLE against clastogenic and cytotoxic effect of gamma irradiation has been investigated in mice bone marrow cells. Materials and Methods: OVLE was injected intraperitoneally to the BALB/c mice 1hr prior to gamma irradiation (3Gy) at the doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg. Twenty four hours after irradiation or treatment, animals were killed and smears were prepared from the bone marrow cells. The slides were stained with May Grunwald–Giemsa method and analyzed microscopically. The frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MnPCEs), micronucleated normochromatic erythrocyte (MnNCEs) and cell proliferation ratio PCE/PCE+NCE (polychromatic erythrocyte/polychromatic erythrocyte + normochromatic erythrocyte) were calculated. Results: The results showed that gamma irradiation (3Gy) increased the frequency of MnPCEs, MnNCEs and  reduced the PCE/PCE+NCE ratio in mice bone marrow compared to the non-irradiated control group (p< 0.0001). Injection of OVLE significantly reduced the frequency of MnPCEs (p< 0.0001) and MnNCEs (p< 0.05) and increased the PCE/PCE+NCE ratio as compared to the irradiated control group (p< 0.05). Conclusion: It seems that OVLE with its antioxidant properties and its capability of scavenging free radicals and reactive oxygen species can reduce the cytotoxic effects of gamma irradiation in mice bone marrow cells

    Anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects of Rosa damascena hydro-alcoholic extract on rat hippocampus

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    Objective: Previously, analgesic, hypnotic, and anticonvulsant effects have been suggested for Rosa damascena (R. damascena). In the present study, possible anti-seizure and neuro-protective effects of hydro-alcoholic extract of R. damascena has been investigated after inducing seizures in rats by pentylenetetrazole (PTZ). Materials and Methods: The rats were divided to five groups: (1) Control: received saline, (2) PTZ: 100 mg/kg, i.p., (3) PTZ-Extract 50 mg/kg(PTZ-Ext 50), (4) PTZ- Extract 100 mg/kg(PTZ-Ext 100), and (5) PTZ- Extract 200 mg/kg(PTZ-Ext 200) groups which were treated with 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg respectively of hydro-alcoholic extract of R. damascena for one week before PTZ injection. The animals were examined for electrocorticography (ECoG) recording and finally, the brains were removed for histological study. Results: The hydro-alcoholic extract of R. damascena significantly prolonged the latency of seizure attacks and reduced the frequency and amplitude of epileptiform burst discharges induced by PTZ injection. Moreover, all three doses of the extract significantly inhibited production of dark neurons in different regions of the hippocampus in the mentioned animal model. Conclusion: The present study showed that the hydro-alcoholic extract of R. damascena has anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects. More investigations are needed to be done in order to better understand the responsible compound(s) as well as the possible mechanism(s)

    Preventive effect of Coriandrum sativum on neuronal damages in pentylentetrazole-induced seizure in rats

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    Objective:Coriandrum sativum (C. sativum) as a medicinal plant has been pointed to have analgesic, hypnotic and anti-oxidant effects. In the current study, a possible preventive effect of the hydro-alcoholic extract of the plant on neuronal damages was examined in pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) rat model of seizure.Materials and Methods: Forty male rats were divided into five main groups and treated by (1) saline, (2) PTZ: 100 mg/kg PTZ (i.p) and (3-5) 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg of hydro-alcoholic extract of C. sativum during seven consecutive days before PTZ injection. After electrocorticography (ECoG), the brains were removed to use for histological examination.Results:  All doses of the extract reduced duration, frequency and amplitude of the burst discharges while prolonged the latency of the seizure attacks (

    Critical Thinking Disposition among Medical Students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences

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    Introduction: Critical thinking as a process of purposeful self-regulatory judgment leads to problem solving and correct decision making in individuals. In the modern world, health care faces rapid change and burgeoning amount of knowledge. Possessing critical thinking is essential for individuals in health care centers, specially when they are forced to solve clinical problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate critical thinking disposition among medical students in various levels of education.Methods: In this descriptive, cross-sectional study, we determined critical thinking disposition among 289 medical students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. The students were studying at different levels of general physician education. In Iran general physician education divided into four levels; basic sciences, physiopathology courses, clerkship and internship. They were selected using stratified sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire that consisted of two parts; demographic information of the participants and California Critical Thinking Disposition. To analysis the data, both descriptive and inferential statistics (One-way ANOVA) were employed using SPSS-16 software.Results: Our findings indicated that 98.6% of the students lacked critical thinking disposition, 1.4% were ambivalent disposition and no one had positive disposition to critical thinking. The highest acquired score of critical thinking was for truth-seeking (20.4%) and the lowest score acquired for analyticity (4.8%). The results revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between mean score of participants with regards to their critical thinking disposition in various educational levels. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that medical students lacked appropriate critical thinking disposition

    The effect of using cervical exoskeleton on the neck and shoulder muscles electrical activity during overhead work

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    Introduction: The use of exoskeletons as a new ergonomics intervention to reduce musculoskeletal disorders risk factors and increase human performance has emerged in the fourth-generation industrial revolution. The aim of this study was to assess the cervical exoskeleton effect on the neck and shoulder muscles electrical activity. Material and Methods: In this experimental study, 14 male participants were asked to perform the simulated overhead work with and without using the cervical exoskeleton at two neck postural angles randomly. During the task, electromyography of the target muscles in the neck and shoulders was recorded. In addition, at the end of each task, participants completed a perceived discomfort questionnaire. Electromyographic signals were processed with Matlab 2017b software and the level of the electrical activity of the target muscles was normalized to the maximum muscle activity. Data analysis was performed using Random intercept mix model in STATA 14 software. Results: Mean perceived discomfort in the neck and shoulders regions significantly reduced by the exoskeleton device, but there was no statistically significant difference in other areas. Also, the mean activity level of sternocleidomastoid and splenius capitis muscles on the right and left was significantly decreased during the use of the cervical exoskeleton. However, this difference showed a significant increase in trapezius muscles. Conclusion: The use of the neck exoskeleton was associated with a reduction of muscle electrical activity and the perceived discomfort in the neck area. These results may be related to transferring neck and head weight by the exoskeleton retaining jack during the neck extension to other areas of the body. The exoskeleton design did not provide support for the shoulder and arm area, which explains the reason for the non-significant results in the shoulder area. Using the exoskeleton with the additional support in shoulder area could be considered as an ergonomic intervention in such overhead works