155 research outputs found


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    In this paper an attempt has been made to analyse the behaviour of Lyari River contaminated wastewater to main sea. Main focus is on the sate of water ways and physical, chemical and metallic parameters for effluents. Empirical analysis is done for the proper conclusion and implications. Lyari River is the natural stream having substantial catchments area. It has become a natural drainage channel for almost a quarter of the existing built up area of the city. Lyari River becomes a putrid and toxic channel when it passes through the metropolitan area of Karachi. It carries the water which is purely a combination of domestic sewage and industrial effluents. These effluents have very high load of pollutants and pathogenic bacteria. Where as the industrial wastes are the main source of toxic metal, pesticides and lubricating oils. These effluents contaminate the marine aquatic environment and coastal area. New models are given for analyses.Water-Disposal, Stream, Quantification, Parameters, Physical, Chemical, Metallic, Contaminate, marine-organism, bio-accumulation

    Scaling Aspects of Lyari River Flow Routing

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    In this communication we utilize an improved version for model proposed by Manning for the waste flow via an open channel Lyari. We have computed the status of discharges, storages and depth for all locations of the Lyari waste flow using this proposed model. We have found that the result obtained using this model is good agreement for the recent data sets.Open Channel, Proposed Model, Flow, Storage, Depth, Comparison

    Strengthening lady health visitors and midwives for Sindh, Pakistan for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) prevention and management with refresh essential skills

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    They were addressing the rising burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), particularly in Low-Middle Income Countries (LMICs) like Pakistan. A proactive initiative undertaken by a Primary Health Service (PHS) in collaboration with a Private School of Nursing and Midwifery in Karachi conducted a 14-week project. 28 LHVs and Midwives (MWs) working in the community of PHS in various parts of Sindh, Pakistan were equipped with some common NCD prevention and management through online sessions and in-person refresher essential skills. The project aimed to equip them with the knowledge of early identification and management of some common NCDs and freshen some skills to promptly recognize and manage non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the communities. The program included online sessions, hands-on simulation, and clinical exposure in a tertiary care hospital. Through a questionnaire, the participants gain knowledge regarding some common NCDs online sessions. With that, they feel confident after refreshing their skills in a simulation environment and clinical exposure. A participant’s feedback was that this type of session should planned once or twice a year. Nonetheless, this is one of the initiatives that can enhance the capabilities of LHVs and midwives in aligning with global efforts to combat the growing burden of NCDs and may improve community health outcomes

    Quantitative study of lyari waterways

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    Metropolitan city Karachi is the biggest and the most industrialized city of Pakistan which located at extreme west end of the Indus delta within the geographical coordinate between latitude 24 51 N 0 / and longitude 67 04 E 0 / . The Lyari river is one of the three rivers, along with the Malir and Hub rivers, which flows through the greater metropolitan area of the city. It is one of the major flood water-carrying river which passes through the main city area of Karachi. Its main tributaries are Gujar and Orangi nullahs. The entire untreated industrial and domestic sewerage water joins the river directly or through these nullahs. This river and adjacent developed area have been subjected to severe flooding on regular basis in the past. This flood causes loss of property and men adjoining to the river which is an enormous affair for legislative association. A large scale reconnaissance survey of the under study river has been conducted for compilation of data. The long term hydraulic characteristics of the river have been gauged for collecting sufficient data to determine frequent change. The L-Section and Cross-Section assessment of the river beds and its main tributaries has also been measured. The historic discharge from river catchments area has been collected from the time to time carried hydrologic studies. In this study field survey data has been utilized for quantification of the river. The model has been constructed for designing the open channel Lyari by using its existing position and measuring the peak discharge required. This model will enable to chanalize the storm river flow smoothly in future

    Instant dynamic response measurements for crack monitoring in metallic beams

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    This paper investigates the interdependencies of the modal behaviour of a cantilever beam, its dynamic response and crack growth. A methodology is proposed that can predict crack growth in a metallic beam using only its dynamic response. Analytical and numerical relationships are formulated between the fundamental mode and crack growth using the existing literature and finite element analysis (FEA) software, respectively. A relationship between the dynamic response and the modal behaviour is formulated empirically. All three relationships are used to predict crack growth and propagation. The load conditions are considered the same in all of the experiments for both model development and model validation. The predicted crack growth is compared with the visual observations. The overall error is within acceptable limits in all comparisons. The results obtained demonstrate the possibility of diagnosing crack growth in metallic beams at any instant within the operational conditions and environment


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    ABSTRACT In present study preliminary screening was carried on Cyperus routunds crude extract which showed the presence of tannins, sapanins, carbohydrate in colour reaction method while the alkaloids, protein and sterol were absent. Tail flick method was used for the determination of analgesic activity. The temperature and duration were 51 ± 1C° and 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours respectively. The test drug was used in the concentrations of 300 and 500mg/kg orally. . This test was carried out in different concentration of crude extract that is 0.3125, 0.625, 1.25 and 5mg/ml. Significant result were obtained in all groups at higher concentrations. A quick and low cost toxicity test (Brine shrimp bioassay) was used to find out toxic action of drug in comparison to Etoposide standard drug (LD 50 =7.4625). The drug showed non toxic significant effects at 10, 100, 1000 µg/ml concentration

    Urbanization growth dynamic model of metropolitan city Karachi

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    The city Karachi has grown from a small fishing village to the enormous metropolis and now becomes the biggest and most industrialized city of Pakistan due to its multi-ethnic character. It population now exceeds 12 million (approximately) and its current growing rate is about 5% per year. This phenomenal, growth of the metropolitan city affects nomads as well as high class society and covers almost all aspect of life such as social, economical, political, sociological, psychological etc. This unchecked increase becomes the origin of the problems of slums, katchi abaadis, and encroachment. It has been estimated that one-third of the total population resides in squatter settlements and slums which results in chronic shortage of dwelling units, water supply, public transport, and civic amenities such as schools, hospitals , parks and playgrounds. This rapid growth of population is a burning issue for developing and governmental agencies. In this study attempts has been made to provide a systematic analysis of the population growth in the metropolitan city Karachi and model have been constructed by using the available demographic data. Finding of this model will serve as a basis for making planning to control rate of population growth in both Urban and Rural areas and develop a strategy to attain higher level of structural change of urbanization

    Vibration analysis approach to model incremental wear and associated sound in multi-contact sliding friction mechanisms

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    This paper proposes a simplistic approach toward estimating incremental wear in a multi-contact scenario using a vibrational analysis approach and in turn goes a step forward to model its associated sound. Predicted wear depth and frictional sound are compared to the experimental values obtained using a standardized pin-on-disc tribometer setup affixed with a free-field microphone to capture air-borne noise. The results show good conformity between the proposed analytical model values and the standardized experiments, hence ensuing that within certain limitations, the proposed model and the intended approach can effectively be used as a good estimator of wear and its sound in a multi-contact scenario

    Comparative Efficacy of Different Strategies for Management of Spotted Bollworms, Earias spp. on Okra, Abelmoschus esculentus (L). Moench

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    Abstract. -Integrated control measures were tested for efficacy against Earias spp. on okra in Pakistan with the over-riding goal of finding the most cost-effective control. Five control methods: (i) biological control with Trichogramma chilonis Ishii., (ii) cultural control of alternate host plants by hand weeding and hoeing, (iii) botanical control by spraying the plants with 5% neem seed kernel extract, (iv) mechanical control by hand-clipping injured plant parts and (v) chemical control with by spraying the plants with a commercial insecticide (Tracer®, Dow AgroSciences). These treatments were tested alone and as seven combinations of two methods and three combinations of three methods. All treatments were applied each week for six weeks and compared by measuring damaged fruits and shoots, yield and cost-benefit ratio in a controlled, replicated field experiment on Diksha cultivar of okra. Fruit and shoot damage was significantly lowest at 7% and 14%, respectively, in the plots treated with only chemical control and fruit yield was highest, at 63 kg/plot, in plots treated with the combination of mechanical and chemical control. Plots treated with only mechanical control had the highest cost: benefit ratio at 1:2.61, followed by plots treated with mechanical control and chemical control, at 1:2.39 and plots treated with chemcial plus botanical plus mechanical control at 1:2.38

    A novel approach for damage quantification using the dynamic response of a metallic beam under thermo-mechanical loads

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    This paper investigates the interdependencies of crack depth and crack location on the dynamic response of a cantilever beam under thermo-mechanical loads. Temperature can influence the stiffness of the structure, thus, the change in stiffness can lead to variation in frequency, damping and amplitude response. These variations are used as key parameters to quantify damage of Aluminum 2024 specimen under thermo-mechanical loads. Experiments are performed on cantilever beams at non-heating (room temperature) and elevated temperature, i.e., 50 °C, 100 °C, 150 °C and 200 °C. This study considers a cantilever beam having various initially seeded crack depth and locations. The analytical, numerical and experimental results for all configurations are found in good agreement. Dynamic response formulation is presented experimentally on beam for the first time under thermo-mechanical loads. Using available experimental data, a novel tool is formulated for in-situ damage assessment in the metallic structures. This tool can quantify and locate damage using the dynamic response and temperature including the diagnosis of subsurface cracking. The obtained results demonstrate the possibility to diagnose the crack growth at any instant within the operational condition under thermo-mechanical loads