2 research outputs found

    Jenis Pakan dan Daya Dukung Habitat Rusa Sambar (Cervus Unicolor Kerr, 1972) di Resort Teluk Pulai, Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting, Kalimantan Tengah

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    The existence of sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) are increasingly threatened due to habitat loss and ilegal huntingt. One of sambar deer's stronghold population in Kalimantan is Tanjung Puting National Park (TNTP). Population decline of sambar deer can be avoided by habitat management. This study aimed to reveal food plants that potentially eaten by the deer and productivity and carrying capacityof the deer's habitat. This study was focused in Teluk Pulai Resort of TPNP. The study revealed that sambar deer consumed at least 53 species of plant including into 33 families. Parts of plants eaten by sambar deerconsisted leaves (31 species), leaves and stems (4 species), leaves and flowers (6 species), leaves and fruits (10 species) and fruit (2 species). The distribution patterns of sambar deer's food plants were clumped distribution (57,38%), random (16,39%) and unknown (26,23%). Productivity of the habitat was 1.809.879,644 kg day-1 to 2.613.587,565 kg day-1, resulting an estimate of carrying capacity of 2 individuals ha-1

    Karakteristik Habitat Trenggiling Jawa (Manis Javanica) di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak

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    Pangolin (Manis javanica) is one of the critically endangered mammals that categorized by International Union for Conservation of Nature. Conservation efforts for M. javanica still limited caused of it's ecological study has not been revealed. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the characteristics of M. javanica's habitat The determination of measuring habitat using single plot based on the presence of M. javanica in a location that known by exploration method and open grid technique according the identification of footprint. M. javanica using a habitat which 9 special components that grouped into 6 the main character, namely: (1) The above canopy's density is high category, (2) the number of plant species that used as digs of it's prey is rarely category, (3) A source of feed is very close around the M. javanica's den, (4) there is no competitors and predators around the M. javanica's den, (5) a very steep slope steepness and (6) the soil's texture is medium categorized. Chisquare test showed that M. javanica didn't use a site as it's habitats despite having the appropriate characteristics, if there are competitors in those area