3 research outputs found

    Modelo de negocios para la producción y comercialización de aceituna, caso provincia de Islay, región Arequipa, 2018

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    La producción de aceitunas en la región Arequipa está a cargo de micro y pequeños agricultores, quienes, en la cosecha 2018-2019, lograron producir 29,600 toneladas, mientras que, en todo el Perú, se cosecharon 87,000. Estos productores no trabajan de forma cohesionada, por lo cual la producción de cada uno es pequeña para llegar directamente a los mercados y, por ende, venden a acopiadores de Lima; esto les limita el acceso al mercado y el conocimiento de los gustos del consumidor. A esto se le suma el hecho de que es un sector que principalmente opera en la informalidad, ya que sus trabajadores no poseen contratos laborales formales y no reciben los beneficios de ley. Dentro de este plan estratégico, se han establecido cuatro objetivos de largo plazo, los cuales se alcanzarán en el año 2025 y, con ello, se logrará la visión que se mantiene de ser el primer productor a nivel nacional ofreciendo productos de calidad. Estos objetivos son (a) la producción ascenderá a 125,800 toneladas, (b) las exportaciones alcanzarán el 70% del total producido, (c) el 100% de las aceitunas de mesa producidas en Arequipa serán procesadas, y (d) el 100% de los trabajadores contratados para el cultivo y procesamiento de las aceitunas gozará de todos los beneficios que ofrece la legislación laboral peruana. A fin de alcanzar los objetivos de largo plazo, se han diseñado 10 estrategias, con las cuales se desarrollará la ventaja competitiva. Estas iniciativas estratégicas son las siguientes: (a) incrementar el área cultivada, (b) vender directamente a los mercados mayoristas de Lima, (c) capacitar a los productores en técnicas de comercialización y de acceso al mercado, (d) cubrirse del riesgo cambiario, (e) unir a los productores en una asociación, (f) exportar directamente, (g) certificar a las empresas productoras, (h) renovar los equipos, (i) crear alianzas para conducir investigaciones, y (j) obtener capacitación y tecnología de punta de diferentes entes gubernamentale

    Clustering of universities from CIVETS countries in the Top 20 of the Web of Universities Ranking

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    There are nations that can be considered emerging because they have economies with medium and low GDP, and a market with investment opportunities. Some of these nations (such as Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa) are grouped under the acronym "CIVETS" to be analyzed and compared based on their socioeconomic results. A pattern of comparison is university performance through the Web of Universities Ranking, which orders higher education institutions based on their web visibility, their presence, and access to the web, through a World Rank that lists four indicators: Presence, Impact, Openness, and Excellence. This paper has characterized, through clusters, the universities of CIVETS countries in the Top 20 of the Web of Universities Ranking July 2020, in order to relate and compare their position in the indicators through a descriptive analysis. First, information on the CIVETS countries (from the ranking indicators) is presented. Then, the conglomerates formed between the World Rank and the individual performances of the universities with respect to the classification of the indicators are shown. It stands out as a result that four ZAF universities: UCT, WITS, SU, and UP; one from TUR: METU; and one from COL: UNIANDES, they are the best positioned in the four Ranks: Presence, Impact, Openness, and Excellence (except for UNIANDES (COL) which is located in cluster 2 in Rank OR). &nbsp

    Strategic Management Plan for Maintenance in Mining Companies As A Form of Technological Innovation

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    This paper presents a proposal for a strategic management plan to optimize the maintenance system of mining companies. In the first phase of this investigation, the potential failures and their possible consequences for the machinery, the administrative area, the warehouse, and computing hardware were identified to determine the most critical components and thus propose a strategic maintenance plan that includes preventive actions for each of the areas concerned. The data for this research were collected through a bibliographic review, direct observation, surveys, and interviews. Standardized tools and techniques such as criticality analysis, the balanced scorecard, and SWOT matrices were used. The research is of a projective type, with a non-experimental field design. The action plan includes the strategies necessary to close the gap between the current state and the desired optimum level. It establishes the impact that applying the proposed improvement plan for maintenance management will have on companies in the mining sector, both in terms of productivity and competitiveness. In conclusion, for mining companies to have strategic planning for equipment and infrastructure maintenance that will allow them to improve their productivity, sustainability, and competitiveness, they must have a strategic plan developed in situ, which includes as many variables as possible, trying to cover all the common elements that will allow this strategy to be applied in mining companies both regionally and globally