49 research outputs found

    Cardioprotective effect of pulicaria wightania against isoproterenol induced myocardial infarction in experimental rats

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    The current study was carried out to evaluate the cardio protective activity of Pulicaria Wightiana against Isoproterenol (ISO) induced myocardial infarction (MI). Pretreatment to the different groups were given for 30 days and ISO was administered at last two days with an interval of 24 hrs. Due to chronic ionotropy ISO induces MI. Blood was collected at the last day of experimental period and biomarkers were observed. The results indicate that the extract exhibited significant cardioprotective activity

    Single seed-based high-throughput genotyping and rapid generation advancement for accelerated groundnut genetics and breeding research

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    The groundnut breeding program at International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics routinely performs marker-based early generation selection (MEGS) in thousands of segregating populations. The existing MEGS includes planting of segregating populations in fields or glasshouses, label tagging, and sample collection using leaf-punch from 20–25 day old plants followed by genotyping with 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms based early generation selection marker panels in a high throughput genotyping (HTPG) platform. The entire process is laborious, time consuming, and costly. Therefore, in order to save the time of the breeder and to reduce the cost during MEGS, we optimized a single seed chipping (SSC) process based MEGS protocol and deployed on large scale by genotyping >3000 samples from ongoing groundnut breeding program. In SSC-based MEGS, we used a small portion of cotyledon by slicing-off the posterior end of the single seed and transferred to the 96-deep well plate for DNA isolation and genotyping at HTPG platform. The chipped seeds were placed in 96-well seed-box in the same order of 96-well DNA sampling plate to enable tracking back to the selected individual seed. A high germination rate of 95–99% from the chipped seeds indicated that slicing of seeds from posterior end does not significantly affect germination percentage. In addition, we could successfully advance 3.5 generations in a year using a low-cost rapid generation turnover glass-house facility as compared to routine practice of two generations in field conditions. The integration of SSC based genotyping and rapid generation advancement (RGA) could significantly reduce the operational requirement of person-hours and expenses, and save a period of 6–8 months in groundnut genetics and breeding research

    Marker-assisted introgression of a QTL region to improve rust resistance in three elite and popular varieties of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia arachidis Speg, is one of the major devastating diseases in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). One QTL region on linkage group AhXV explaining upto 82.62 % phenotypic variation for rust resistance was validated and introgressed from cultivar ‘GPBD 4’ into three rust susceptible varieties (‘ICGV 91114’, ‘JL 24’ and ‘TAG 24’) through marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC). The MABC approach employed a total of four markers including one dominant (IPAHM103) and three co-dominant (GM2079, GM1536, GM2301) markers present in the QTL region. After 2–3 backcrosses and selfing, 200 introgression lines (ILs) were developed from all the three crosses. Field evaluation identified 81 ILs with improved rust resistance. Those ILs had significantly increased pod yields (56–96 %) in infested environments compared to the susceptible parents. Screening of selected 43 promising ILs with 13 markers present on linkage group AhXV showed introgression of the target QTL region from the resistant parent in 11 ILs. Multi-location field evaluation of these ILs should lead to the release of improved varieties. The linked markers may be used in improving rust resistance in peanut breeding programmes

    Genomic tools in groundnut breeding program: Status and perspectives

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    Groundnut, a nutrient-rich food legume, is cultivated world over. It is valued for its good quality cooking oil, energy and protein rich food, and nutrient-rich fodder. Globally, groundnut improvement programs have developed varieties to meet the preferences of farmers, traders, processors, and consumers. Enhanced yield, tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses and quality parameters have been the target traits. Spurt in genetic information of groundnut was facilitated by development of molecular markers, genetic, and physical maps, generation of expressed sequence tags (EST), discovery of genes, and identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for some important biotic and abiotic stresses and quality traits. The first groundnut variety developed using marker assisted breeding (MAB) was registered in 2003. Since then, USA, China, Japan, and India have begun to use genomic tools in routine groundnut improvement programs. Introgression lines that combine foliar fungal disease resistance and early maturity were developed using MAB. Establishment of marker-trait associations (MTA) paved way to integrate genomic tools in groundnut breeding for accelerated genetic gain. Genomic Selection (GS) tools are employed to improve drought tolerance and pod yield, governed by several minor effect QTLs. Draft genome sequence and low cost genotyping tools such as genotyping by sequencing (GBS) are expected to accelerate use of genomic tools to enhance genetic gains for target traits in groundnut

    On the Evaluation of Gluon Condensate Effects in the Holographic Approach to QCD

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    In holographic QCD the effects of gluonic condensate can be encoded in a suitable deformation of the 5D metric. We develop two different methods for the evaluation of first order perturbative corrections to masses and decay constants of vector resonances in 5D Hard-Wall models of QCD due to small deformations of the metric. They are extracted either from a novel compact form for the first order correction to the vector two-point function, or from perturbation theory for vector bound-state eigenfunctions: the equivalence of the two methods is shown. Our procedures are then applied to flat and to AdS 5D Hard-Wall models; we complement results of existing literature evaluating the corrections to vector decay constant and to two-pion-one-vector couplings: this is particularly relevant to satisfy the sum rules. We concentrate our attention on the effects for the Gasser-Leutwyler coefficients; we show that, as in the Chiral Quark model, the addition of the gluonic condensate improves the consistency, the understanding and the agreement with phenomenology of the holographic model.Comment: 23 pages, three figures, sign error in pion wave function fixed, numerical analysis extended, general conclusions unchange

    Identification of two major quantitative trait locus for fresh seed dormancy using the diversity arrays technology and diversity arrays technology-seq based genetic map in Spanish-type peanuts

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    Seed quality for both germination in the next generation and for human consumption is adversely affected due to preharvest sprouting in peanut. It also makes seeds more vulnerable to infection by a number of pathogens. Therefore, it is desirable to have 2–3 weeks of fresh seed dormancy (FSD) in the peanut varieties. In this context, one F2 population was developed from a cross between non-dormant (ICGV 00350) and dormant (ICGV 97045) genotypes. Phenotyping of this population showed control of the trait by two recessive genes. In parallel, genotyping of the population with Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) and DArT-seq markers provided a genetic map with 1152 loci covering a map distance of 2423.12 cM and map density of 2.96 cM/loci. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis identified two major QTLs, namely qfsd-1 and qfsd-2 explaining 22.14% and 71.21% of phenotypic variation, respectively. These QTLs, after validation in different genetic backgrounds, may be useful for molecular breeding for FSD in peanut

    Mass spectra of doubly heavy Omega_QQ' baryons

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    We evaluate the masses of baryons composed of two heavy quarks and a strange quark with account for spin-dependent splittings in the framework of potential model with the KKO potential motivated by QCD with a three-loop beta-function for the effective charge consistent with both the perturbative limit at short distances and linear confinement term at long distances between the quarks. The factorization of dynamics is supposed and explored in the nonrelativistic Schroedinger equation for the motion in the system of two heavy quarks constituting the doubly heavy diquark and the strange quark interaction with the diquark. The limits of approach, its justification and uncertainties are discussed. Excited quasistable states are classified by the quantum numbers of heavy diquark composed by the heavy quarks of the same flavor.Comment: 14 pages, revtex4-file, 3 eps-figures, 5 tables, typos correcte

    Deep Inelastic Scattering and Gauge/String Duality

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    We study deep inelastic scattering in gauge theories which have dual string descriptions. As a function of gNgN we find a transition. For small gNgN, the dominant operators in the OPE are the usual ones, of approximate twist two, corresponding to scattering from weakly interacting partons. For large gNgN, double-trace operators dominate, corresponding to scattering from entire hadrons (either the original `valence' hadron or part of a hadron cloud.) At large gNgN we calculate the structure functions. As a function of Bjorken xx there are three regimes: xx of order one, where the scattering produces only supergravity states; xx small, where excited strings are produced; and, xx exponentially small, where the excited strings are comparable in size to the AdS space. The last regime requires in principle a full string calculation in curved spacetime, but the effect of string growth can be simply obtained from the world-sheet renormalization group.Comment: 52 pages, 10 figure

    Chiral Multiplets of Heavy-Light Mesons

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    The recent discovery of a narrow resonance in D_s+pi^0 by the BABAR collaboration is consistent with the interpretation of a heavy J^P(0+,1+) spin multiplet. This system is the parity partner of the groundstate (0-,1-) multiplet, which we argue is required in the implementation of SU(3)_L x SU(3)_R chiral symmetry in heavy-light meson systems. The (0+,1+)->(0-,1-)+pi transition couplings satisfy a Goldberger-Treiman relation, g_pi = Delta(M)/f_pi, where Delta(M) is the mass gap. The BABAR resonance fits the 0+ state, with a kinematically blocked principal decay mode to D+K. The allowed D_s+pi, D_s+2pi and electromagnetic transitions are computed from the full chiral theory and found to be suppressed, consistent with the narrowness of the state. This state establishes the chiral mass difference for all such heavy-quark chiral multiplets, and precise predictions exist for the analogous B_s and strange doubly-heavy baryon states.Comment: 10 pages; minor editorial revisions; recomputed M1 transitio

    The BcB_c Meson Lifetime

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    We investigate the total inclusive decay rate of the (ground state) BcB_c meson within the framework of an operator product expansion in inverse powers of the heavy quark masses and subsequent matching onto nonrelativistic QCD. The expansion is organized as a series in the strong coupling and in powers of the heavy quark velocities in the BcB_c, reflecting the nonrelativistic nature of a heavy-heavy bound state. In this aspect the character of the expansion differs from the more familiar case of heavy-light mesons. The framework incorporates systematically corrections to the leading bb- and cc-quark decays due to binding effects, as well as contributions from weak annihilation and Pauli interference. Based on this approach we find for the BcB_c meson lifetime τBc=(0.4−0.7) \tau_{B_c}=(0.4 - 0.7)\,ps, the dominant mechanism being the decay of the charm constituent.Comment: 18 pages, revtex, 2 figures as uudecoded fil