49 research outputs found

    Working for change: experiences of Danish and Swedish diversity consultants

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    The six participants, two in Sweden and four in Denmark, interviewed for this thesis are all organizational outsiders: they consult organizations on how to create diverse workplaces. The empirical, qualitative material is analyzed within an interdisciplinary framework consisting of feminist, queer, anti-racist, affect and critical diversity theories. The focus of the thesis concerns resistance from organizational actors, how to engage and maintain an interest in diversity work in organizations as an outsider, and the motivations of the participants. Finally, the thesis analyzes the role of, and differences in, anti-discrimination workplace legislation in Sweden and Denmark. While some participants find the legislation irrelevant or counterproductive to their work, others find it legitimizing and helpful. The paradigms of the participants vary greatly, and are reflected in their approaches, motivations and attitudes toward legislation. Some rely predominantly on the business case, while others merge it with social justice arguments. My analysis suggests that the paradigms of the participants vary due to differences in personal and educational background, and that participants based in Sweden experience increased legitimacy and freedom to choose discursive strategies than those in Denmark, who experience a somewhat skeptical attitude toward diversity initiatives. I conclude that detailed, preventive measures in workplace legislation and policies are key to an increased legitimization of diversity work

    Thermal and mechanical properties of nitrogen

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    "Nowhere near Somalia, Mom": On Containerizing Maritime Piracy and Being Good Men

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    Maritime Piracy and the Ambiguous Art of Existential Arbitrage

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    Entwicklung einer Tool-Landschaft zur teilautomatischen NachweisfĂĽhrung der Flugzeug-Lavatories in HyperWorks-Umgebung

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    Diese Arbeit wurde durch die Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma DIEHL Comfort Modules GmbH ermöglicht und beschäftigt sich mit dem Umstieges von dem Berechningsprogtamm ANSYS auf HyperWorks sowie vollständiger Automatisierung der Auswertung der Berechnungsergebnisse. Durch den schnellen und einfachen objektorientierten Zugriff auf unterschiedliche Funktionen der Prä- und Post-Prozessor-Programme von HyperWorks kann die Modellierungs- und Auswertungsphase deutlich beschleunigt werden. Nach der vollständigen Umsetzung der an diese Arbeit gesetzter Anforderungen und Wünsche wurde in der Validierungsphase, anhand der Berechnungsergebnisse, nachgewiesen, dass diese programmunabhängig im Toleranzbereich liegen. Somit kann der Umstieg von einem auf das andere FE-Berechnungsprogramm erfolgen.This work was made possible by cooperation with DIEHL Comfort Modules GmbH and engaged with transfer from the FE calculation programm ANSYS to HyperWorks, and complete automation of the analysis calculation results. The quick and easy object-oriented access to different functions of the pre- and post-processor programs of HyperWorks enables significantly acceleration of the modeling and evaluation phases. After full implementation of all, on this work set demands and wishes, it was demonstrated in the validation phase, based on the calculation results, that the results are, independent of the program, lie within the tolerance range. Thus, the transition from one to the other FE-calculation program can be started now

    The Hunch

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    Masteroppgave i billedkunst - Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Avdeling Kunstakademiet, 2016Skriftlig obligatorisk arbeid levert som del av MA avslutningsarbeid ved Kunstakademie