38 research outputs found

    The relevance of mitochondrial membrane topology to mitochondrial function

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    AbstractThis review summarizes recent findings from electron tomography about the three-dimensional shape of mitochondrial membranes and its possible influence on a range of mitochondrial functions. The inner membrane invaginations called cristae are pleomorphic, typically connected by narrow tubular junctions of variable length to the inner boundary membrane. This design may restrict intra-mitochondrial diffusion of metabolites such as ADP, and of soluble proteins such as cytochrome c. Tomographic images of a variety of mitochondria suggest that inner membrane topology reflects a balance between membrane fusion and fission. Proteins that can affect cristae morphology include tBid, which triggers cytochrome c release in apoptosis, and the dynamin-like protein Mgm1, involved in inter-mitochondrial membrane fusion. In frozen-hydrated rat-liver mitochondria, the space between the inner and outer membranes contains 10–15 nm particles that may represent macromolecular complexes involved in activities that span the two membranes

    VDAC, The early days

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    AbstractVDAC is now universally accepted as the channel in the mitochondrial outer membrane responsible for metabolite flux in and out of mitochondria. Its discovery occurred over two independent lines of investigation in the 1970s and 80s. This retrospective article describes the history of VDAC's discovery and how these lines merged in a collaboration by the authors. The article was written to give the reader a sense of the role played by laboratory environment, personalities, and serendipity in the discovery of the molecular basis for the unusual permeability properties of the mitochondrial outer membrane. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: VDAC structure, function, and regulation of mitochondrial metabolism

    Native cellular architecture of Treponema denticola revealed by cryo-electron tomography

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    Using cryo-electron tomography, we are developing a refined description of native cellular structures in the pathogenic spirochete Treponema denticola. Tightly organized bundles of periplasmic flagella were readily observed in intact plunge-frozen cells. The periplasmic space was measured in both wild-type and aflagellate strains, and found to widen by less than the diameter of flagella when the latter are present. This suggests that a structural change occurs in the peptidoglycan layer to accommodate the presence of the flagella. In dividing cells, the flagellar filaments were found to bridge the cytoplasmic cylinder constriction site. Cytoplasmic filaments, adjacent to the inner membrane, run parallel to the tightly organized flagellar filaments. The cytoplasmic filaments may be anchored by a narrow plate-like structure. The tapering of the cell ends was conserved between cells, with a patella-shaped structure observed in the periplasm at the tip of each cytoplasmic cylinder. Several incompletely characterized structures have been observed in the periplasm between dividing cells, including a cable-like structure linking two cytoplasmic cylinders and complex foil-shaped structures

    Native cellular architecture of Treponema denticola revealed by cryo-electron tomography

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    Using cryo-electron tomography, we are developing a refined description of native cellular structures in the pathogenic spirochete Treponema denticola. Tightly organized bundles of periplasmic flagella were readily observed in intact plunge-frozen cells. The periplasmic space was measured in both wild-type and aflagellate strains, and found to widen by less than the diameter of flagella when the latter are present. This suggests that a structural change occurs in the peptidoglycan layer to accommodate the presence of the flagella. In dividing cells, the flagellar filaments were found to bridge the cytoplasmic cylinder constriction site. Cytoplasmic filaments, adjacent to the inner membrane, run parallel to the tightly organized flagellar filaments. The cytoplasmic filaments may be anchored by a narrow plate-like structure. The tapering of the cell ends was conserved between cells, with a patella-shaped structure observed in the periplasm at the tip of each cytoplasmic cylinder. Several incompletely characterized structures have been observed in the periplasm between dividing cells, including a cable-like structure linking two cytoplasmic cylinders and complex foil-shaped structures

    A Distinct Pathway Remodels Mitochondrial Cristae and Mobilizes Cytochrome c during Apoptosis

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    AbstractThe mechanism during apoptosis by which cytochrome c is rapidly and completely released in the absence of mitochondrial swelling is uncertain. Here, we show that two distinct pathways are involved. One mediates release of cytochrome c across the outer mitochondrial membrane, and another, characterized in this study, is responsible for the redistribution of cytochrome c stored in intramitochondrial cristae. We have found that the “BH3-only” molecule tBID induces a striking remodeling of mitochondrial structure with mobilization of the cytochrome c stores (∼85%) in cristae. This reorganization does not require tBID's BH3 domain and is independent of BAK, but is inhibited by CsA. During this process, individual cristae become fused and the junctions between the cristae and the intermembrane space are opened

    Structural and functional features and significance of the physical linkage between ER and mitochondria

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    The role of mitochondria in cell metabolism and survival is controlled by calcium signals that are commonly transmitted at the close associations between mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). However, the physical linkage of the ER–mitochondria interface and its relevance for cell function remains elusive. We show by electron tomography that ER and mitochondria are adjoined by tethers that are ∼10 nm at the smooth ER and ∼25 nm at the rough ER. Limited proteolysis separates ER from mitochondria, whereas expression of a short “synthetic linker” (<5 nm) leads to tightening of the associations. Although normal connections are necessary and sufficient for proper propagation of ER-derived calcium signals to the mitochondria, tightened connections, synthetic or naturally observed under apoptosis-inducing conditions, make mitochondria prone to Ca2+ overloading and ensuing permeability transition. These results reveal an unexpected dependence of cell function and survival on the maintenance of proper spacing between the ER and mitochondria

    A novel, high conductance channel of mitochondria linked to apoptosis in mammalian cells and Bax expression in yeast

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    During apoptosis, proapoptotic factors are released from mitochondria by as yet undefined mechanisms. Patch-clamping of mitochondria and proteoliposomes formed from mitochondrial outer membranes of mammalian (FL5.12) cells has uncovered a novel ion channel whose activity correlates with onset of apoptosis. The pore diameter inferred from the largest conductance state of this channel is ∼4 nm, sufficient to allow diffusion of cytochrome c and even larger proteins. The activity of the channel is affected by Bcl-2 family proteins in a manner consistent with their pro- or antiapoptotic properties. Thus, the channel activity correlates with presence of proapoptotic Bax in the mitochondrial outer membrane and is absent in mitochondria from cells overexpressing antiapoptotic Bcl-2. Also, a similar channel activity is found in mitochondrial outer membranes of yeast expressing human Bax. These findings implicate this channel, named mitochondrial apoptosis–induced channel, as a candidate for the outer-membrane pore through which cytochrome c and possibly other factors exit mitochondria during apoptosis

    The C. elegans Opa1 Homologue EAT-3 Is Essential for Resistance to Free Radicals

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    The C. elegans eat-3 gene encodes a mitochondrial dynamin family member homologous to Opa1 in humans and Mgm1 in yeast. We find that mutations in the C. elegans eat-3 locus cause mitochondria to fragment in agreement with the mutant phenotypes observed in yeast and mammalian cells. Electron microscopy shows that the matrices of fragmented mitochondria in eat-3 mutants are divided by inner membrane septae, suggestive of a specific defect in fusion of the mitochondrial inner membrane. In addition, we find that C. elegans eat-3 mutant animals are smaller, grow slower, and have smaller broodsizes than C. elegans mutants with defects in other mitochondrial fission and fusion proteins. Although mammalian Opa1 is antiapoptotic, mutations in the canonical C. elegans cell death genes ced-3 and ced-4 do not suppress the slow growth and small broodsize phenotypes of eat-3 mutants. Instead, the phenotypes of eat-3 mutants are consistent with defects in oxidative phosphorylation. Moreover, eat-3 mutants are hypersensitive to paraquat, which promotes damage by free radicals, and they are sensitive to loss of the mitochondrial superoxide dismutase sod-2. We conclude that free radicals contribute to the pathology of C. elegans eat-3 mutants

    Mitochondria of human Leydig cells as seen by high resolution scanning electron microscopy

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    VDAC—A Primal Perspective

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    The evolution of the eukaryotic cell from the primal endosymbiotic event involved a complex series of adaptations driven primarily by energy optimization. Transfer of genes from endosymbiont to host and concomitant expansion (by infolding) of the endosymbiont’s chemiosmotic membrane greatly increased output of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and placed selective pressure on the membrane at the host–endosymbiont interface to sustain the energy advantage. It is hypothesized that critical functions at this interface (metabolite exchange, polypeptide import, barrier integrity to proteins and DNA) were managed by a precursor β-barrel protein (“pβB”) from which the voltage-dependent anion-selective channel (VDAC) descended. VDAC’s role as hub for disparate and increasingly complex processes suggests an adaptability that likely springs from a feature inherited from pβB, retained because of important advantages conferred. It is proposed that this property is the remarkable structural flexibility evidenced in VDAC’s gating mechanism, a possible origin of which is discussed