45 research outputs found

    Implications of Results from Z- and WW-Threshold Running

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    One year of Z- and WW-Threshold running of TESLA can provide the possibility to measure electroweak precision observables to an extremely high accuracy. At the Z peak O(10^9) Z bosons and about 6 10^8 b quarks can be collected. We employ the expected uncertainties \Delta MW = 6 MeV and \Delta sin(theta_W,eff) = 0.00001 and demonstrate in this way that very stringent consistency tests of the Standard Model and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model will be possible. The indirect determination of the Higgs-boson mass within the Standard Model can reach an accuracy of about 5 %. The 6 10^8 b quarks can be used to investigate various b physics topics.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, talk given at LCWS99, Sitges, Spain. Two clarifications, one reference adde

    The Renormalization Group Evolution of the CKM Matrix

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    We compute the renormalization of the complete CKM matrix in the MSbar scheme and perform a renormalization group analysis of the CKM parameters. The calculation is simplified by studying only the Higgs sector, which for the \beta-function of the CKM matrix is at one loop the same as in the full Standard Model. The renormalization group flow including QCD corrections can be computed analytically using the hierarchy of the CKM parameters and the large mass differences between the quarks. While the evolution of the Cabibbo angle is tiny V_{ub} and V_{cb} increase sizably. We compare our results with the ones in the full Standard Model.Comment: Latex, 31 pages, extensions amsmath, epsfig required The complete paper, including figures, is also available via anonymous ftp at ftp://ttpux2.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/, or via www at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/cgi-bin/preprints

    Form Factors and Strong Couplings of Heavy Baryons from QCD Light-Cone Sum Rules

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    We derive QCD light-cone sum rules for the hadronic matrix elements of the heavy baryon transitions to nucleon. In the correlation functions the Λc,Σc\Lambda_c,\Sigma_c and Λb\Lambda_b -baryons are interpolated by three-quark currents and the nucleon distribution amplitudes are used. To eliminate the contributions of negative parity heavy baryons, we combine the sum rules obtained from different kinematical structures. The results are then less sensitive to the choice of the interpolating current. We predict the Λb→p\Lambda_{b}\to p form factor and calculate the widths of the Λb→pℓνl\Lambda_{b}\to p\ell\nu_l and Λb→pπ\Lambda_{b}\to p \pi decays. Furthermore, we consider double dispersion relations for the same correlation functions and derive the light-cone sum rules for the ΛcND(∗)\Lambda_cND^{(*)} and ΣcND(∗)\Sigma_cND^{(*)} strong couplings. Their predicted values can be used in the models of charm production in ppˉp\bar{p} collisions.Comment: 45 pages, 3 figure

    B→πℓνlB \to \pi \ell \nu_l Width and ∣Vub∣|V_{ub}| from QCD Light-Cone Sum Rules

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    We employ the B→πB\to\pi form factors obtained from QCD light-cone sum rules and calculate the B→πℓνlB\to \pi \ell \nu_l width (ℓ=e,μ\ell=e,\mu) in units of 1/∣Vub∣21/|V_{ub}|^2, integrated over the region of accessible momentum transfers, 0≤q2≤12.0 GeV20\leq q^2\leq 12.0 ~GeV^2. Using the most recent BABAR-collaboration measurements we extract ∣Vub∣=(3.50−0.33+0.38∣th.±0.11∣exp.)×10−3|V_{ub}|=(3.50^{+0.38}_{-0.33}\big|_{th.}\pm 0.11 \big|_{exp.})\times 10^{-3}. The sum rule results for the form factors, taken as an input for a zz-series parameterization, yield the q2q^2-shape in the whole semileptonic region of B→πℓνℓB\to \pi\ell\nu_\ell. We also present the charged lepton energy spectrum in this decay. Furthermore, the current situation with B→τντB\to \tau\nu_\tau is discussed from the QCD point of view. We suggest to use the ratio of the B→πτντB\to \pi \tau\nu_\tau and B→πℓνl (ℓ=μ,e)B\to \pi\ell \nu_l ~(\ell =\mu,e) widths as an additional test of Standard Model. The sensitivity of this observable to new physics is illustrated by including a charged Higgs-boson contribution in the semileptonic decay amplitude.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; comments added in section 4, version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Semileptonic charm decays D \to \pi l \nu_{\l} and D→KlνlD \to K l \nu_l from QCD Light-Cone Sum Rules

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    We present a new calculation of the D→πD\to\pi and D→KD \to K form factors from QCD light-cone sum rules. The MS‾\overline{MS} scheme for the cc-quark mass is used and the input parameters are updated. The results are fDπ+(0)=0.67−0.07+0.10f^+_{D\pi}(0)= 0.67^{+0.10}_{-0.07}, fDK+(0)=0.75−0.08+0.11f^+_{DK}(0)=0.75^{+0.11}_{-0.08} and fDπ+(0)/fDK+(0)=0.88±0.05f^+_{D\pi}(0)/f^+_{DK}(0)=0.88 \pm 0.05. Combining the calculated form factors with the latest CLEO data, we obtain ∣Vcd∣=0.225±0.005±0.003−0.012+0.016|V_{cd}|=0.225\pm 0.005 \pm 0.003 ^{+0.016}_{-0.012} and ∣Vcd∣/∣Vcs∣=0.236±0.006±0.003±0.013|V_{cd}|/|V_{cs}|= 0.236\pm 0.006\pm 0.003\pm 0.013 where the first and second errors are of experimental origin and the third error is due to the estimated uncertainties of our calculation. We also evaluate the form factors fDπ−f^-_{D\pi} and fDK−f^-_{DK} and predict the slope parameters at q2=0q^2=0. Furthermore, calculating the form factors from the sum rules at q2<0q^2<0, we fit them to various parameterizations. After analytic continuation, the shape of the D→π,KD\to \pi,K form factors in the whole semileptonic region is reproduced, in a good agreement with experiment.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure

    Kaon Distribution Amplitude from QCD Sum Rules

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    We present a new calculation of the first Gegenbauer moment a1Ka_1^K of the kaon light-cone distribution amplitude. This moment is determined by the difference between the average momenta of strange and nonstrange valence quarks in the kaon. To calculate a1Ka_1^K, QCD sum rule for the diagonal correlation function of local and nonlocal axial-vector currents is used. Contributions of condensates up to dimension six are taken into account, including O(αs)O(\alpha_s)-corrections to the quark-condensate term. We obtain a1K=0.05±0.02a_1^K=0.05\pm 0.02, differing by the sign and magnitude from the recent sum-rule estimate from the nondiagonal correlation function of pseudoscalar and axial-vector currents. We argue that the nondiagonal sum rule is numerically not reliable. Furthermore, an independent indication for a positive a1Ka_1^K is given, based on the matching of two different light-cone sum rules for the K→πK\to\pi form factor. With the new interval of a1Ka_1^K we update our previous numerical predictions for SU(3)-violating effects in B(s)→KB_{(s)}\to K form factors and charmless (B) decays.Comment: a comment and a reference added, version to appear in Phys.Rev.D, 17 pages, 7 figure

    Higher Order Power Corrections in Inclusive B Decays

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    We discuss order 1/m_b^4 and 1/m_b^5 corrections in inclusive semileptonic decay of a BB meson. We identify relevant hadronic matrix elements of dimension seven and eight and estimate them using the ground-state saturation approximation. Within this approach the effects on the integrated rate and on kinematic moments are estimated. The overall relative shift in V_{cb} turns out about +0.4% as applied to the existing fits. Similar estimates are presented for B -> X_s+\gamma decays.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figure