33 research outputs found

    Characterization of sarR, a Modulator of sar Expression in Staphylococcus aureus

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    The expression of virulence determinants in Staphylococcus aureus is controlled by global regulatory loci (e.g., sar and agr). The sar locus is composed of three overlapping transcripts (sar P1, P3, and P2 transcripts from P1, P3, and P2 promoters, respectively), all encoding the 372-bp sarA gene. The level of SarA, the major regulatory protein, is partially controlled by the differential activation of sar promoters. We previously partially purified a ∼12 kDa protein with a DNA-specific colum

    sarU, a sarA Homolog, is Repressed by SarT and Regulates Virulence Genes in Staphylococcus aureus

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    In searching the Staphylococcus aureus genome, we previously identified sarT, a homolog of sarA, which encodes a repressor for alpha-hemolysin synthesis. Adjacent but transcribed divergently to sarT is sarU, which encodes a 247-residue polypeptide, almost twice the length of SarA. Sequence alignment disclosed that SarU, like SarS, which is another SarA homolog, could be envisioned as a molecule with two halves, with each half being homologous to SarA. SarU, as a member of the SarA family proteins, disclosed conservation of basic residues within the helix-turn-helix motif and within the beta hairpin loop, two putative DNA binding domains within this protein family. The transcription of sarU is increased in a sarT mutant. Gel shift and transcriptional fusion studies revealed that SarT can bind to the sarU promoter region, probably acting as a repressor for sarU transcription. The expression of RNAII and RNAIII of agr is decreased in a sarU mutant. As RNAIII expression is up-regulated in a sarT mutant, we hypothesize that sarT may down regulate agr RNAIII expression by repressing sarU, a positive activator of agr expression. We propose that, in addition to the quorum sensing effect of the autoinducing peptide of agr, the sarT-sarU pathway may represent a secondary amplification loop whereby the expression of agr (e.g., those found in vivo) might repress sarT, leading to increased expression of sarU. Elevated sarU expression would result in additional amplification of the original agr signal

    SarA Is an Essential Positive Regulator of Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm Development

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    Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm formation is associated with the production of the polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA)--poly-N-acetylglucosamine polysaccharide (PNAG) by the products of the icaADBC operon. Recent evidence indicates that SarA, a central regulatory element that controls the production of Staphylococcus aureus virulence factors, is essential for the synthesis of PIA/PNAG and the ensuing biofilm development in this species. Based on the presence of a sarA homolog, we hypothesized that SarA could also be involved in the regulation of the biofilm formation process in S. epidermidis. To investigate this, we constructed nonpolar sarA deletions in two genetically unrelated S. epidermidis clinical strains, O-47 and CH845. The SarA mutants were completely defective in biofilm formation, both in the steady-state conditions of a microtiter dish assay and in the flow conditions of microfermentors. Reverse transcription-PCR experiments showed that the mutation in the sarA gene resulted in downregulation of the icaADBC operon transcription in an IcaR-independent manner. Purified SarA protein showed high-affinity binding to the icaA promoter region by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Consequently, mutation in sarA provoked a significant decrease in the amount of PIA/PNAG on the cell surface. Furthermore, heterologous complementation of S. aureus sarA mutants with the sarA gene of S. epidermidis completely restored biofilm formation. In summary, SarA appeared to be a positive regulator of transcription of the ica locus, and in its absence, PIA/PNAG production and biofilm formation were diminished. Additionally, we present experimental evidence showing that SarA may be an important regulatory element that controls S. epidermidis virulence factors other than biofilm formation

    SarS, a SarA Homolog Repressible by agr, Is an Activator of Protein A Synthesis in Staphylococcus aureus

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    The expression of protein A (spa) is repressed by global regulatory loci sarA and agr. Although SarA may directly bind to the spa promoter to downregulate spa expression, the mechanism by which agr represses spa expression is not clearly understood. In searching for SarA homologs in the partially released genome, we found a SarA homolog, encoding a 250-amino-acid protein designated SarS, upstream of the spa gene. The expression of sarS was almost undetectable in parental strain RN6390 but was highly expressed in agr and sarA mutants, strains normally expressing high level of protein A. Interestingly, protein A expression was decreased in a sarS mutant as detected in an immunoblot but returned to near-parental levels in a complemented sarS mutant. Transcriptional fusion studies with a 158- and a 491-bp spa promoter fragment linked to the xylE reporter gene disclosed that the transcription of the spa promoter was also downregulated in the sarS mutant compared with the parental strain. Interestingly, the enhancement in spa expression in an agr mutant returned to a near-parental level in the agr sarS double mutant but not in the sarA sarS double mutant. Correlating with this divergent finding is the observation that enhanced sarS expression in an agr mutant was repressed by the sarA locus supplied in trans but not in a sarA mutant expressing RNAIII from a plasmid. Gel shift studies also revealed the specific binding of SarS to the 158-bp spa promoter. Taken together, these data indicated that the agr locus probably mediates spa repression by suppressing the transcription of sarS, an activator of spa expression. However, the pathway by which the sarA locus downregulates spa expression is sarS independent

    Structural and Function Analyses of the Global Regulatory Protein SarA from Staphylococcus Aureus

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    The sarA locus in Staphylococcus aureus controls the expression of many virulence genes. The sarA regulatory molecule, SarA, is a 14.7-kDa protein (124 residues) that binds to the promoter region of target genes. Here we report the 2.6 Å-resolution x-ray crystal structure of the dimeric winged helix SarA protein, which differs from the published SarA structure dramatically. In the crystal packing, multiple dimers of SarA form a scaffold, possibly via divalent cations. Mutations of individual residues within the DNA-binding helix–turn–helix and the winged region as well as within the metal-binding pocket implicate basic residues R84 and R90 within the winged region to be critical in DNA binding, whereas acidic residues D88 and E89 (wing), D8 and E11 (metal-binding pocket), and cysteine 9 are essential for SarA function. These data suggest that the winged region of the winged helix protein participates in DNA binding and activation, whereas the putative divalent cation binding pocket is only involved in gene function

    Small RNA teg49 Is Derived from a sarA Transcript and Regulates Virulence Genes Independent of SarA in Staphylococcus aureus

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    Expression of virulence factors in Staphylococcus aureus is regulated by a wide range of transcriptional regulators, including proteins and small RNAs (sRNAs), at the level of transcription and/or translation. The sarA locus consists of three overlapping transcripts generated from three distinct promoters, all containing the sarA open reading frame (ORF). The 5= untranslated regions (UTRs) of these transcripts contain three separate regions 711, 409, and 146 nucleotides (nt) upstream of the sarA translation start, the functions of which remain unknown. Re- cent transcriptome-sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis and subsequent characterization indicated that two sRNAs, teg49 and teg48, are processed and likely produced from the sarA P3 and sarA P1 transcripts of the sarA locus, respectively. In this report, we utilized a variety of sarA promoter mutants and cshA and rnc mutants to ascertain the contributions of these factors to the generation of teg49. We also defined the transcriptional regulon of teg49, including virulence genes not regulated by SarA. Phenotypically, teg49 did not impact biofilm formation or affect overall SarA expres- sion significantly. Comparative analyses of RNA-Seq data between the wild-type, teg49 mutant, and sarA mutant strains indicated that 133 genes are significantly upregulated while 97 are downregulated in a teg49 deletion mutant in a sarA- independent manner. An abscess model of skin infection indicated that the teg49 mutant exhibited a reduced bacterial load compared to the wild-type S. aureus. Overall, these results suggest that teg49 sRNA has a regulatory role in target gene regulation independent of SarA. The exact mechanism of this regulation is yet to be dissected

    sarZ, a sarA Family Gene, Is Transcriptionally Activated by MgrA and Is Involved in the Regulation of Genes Encoding Exoproteins in Staphylococcus aureusâ–¿

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    The expression of genes involved in the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus is controlled by global regulatory loci, including two-component regulatory systems and transcriptional regulators (e.g., sar family genes). Most members of the SarA family have been partially characterized and shown to regulate a large numbers of target genes. Here, we describe the characterization of sarZ, a sarA paralog from S. aureus, and its regulatory relationship with other members of its family. Expression of sarZ was growth phase dependent with maximal expression in the early exponential phase of growth. Transcription of sarZ was reduced in an mgrA mutant and returned to a normal level in a complemented mgrA mutant strain, which suggests that mgrA acts as an activator of sarZ transcription. Purified MgrA protein bound to the sarZ promoter region, as determined by gel shift assays. Among the sarA family of genes analyzed, inactivation of sarZ increased sarS transcription, while it decreased agr transcription. The expression of potential target genes involved in virulence was evaluated in single and double mutants of sarZ with mgrA, sarX, and agr. Northern and zymogram analyses indicated that the sarZ gene product played a role in regulating several virulence genes, particularly those encoding exoproteins. Gel shift assays demonstrated nonspecific binding of purified SarZ protein to the promoter regions of the sarZ-regulated target genes. These results demonstrate the important role played by SarZ in controlling regulatory and virulence gene expression in S. aureus

    Role of the Distal sarA Promoters in SarA Expression in Staphylococcus aureus

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    The global regulatory locus sarA comprises a 375-bp open reading frame that is driven by three promoters, the proximal P1 and distal P3 and P2 promoters. We mutated the weaker P3 and P2 promoters to ascertain the effect of the change on SarA protein and target gene expression. Our results indicated that the solely active P1 promoter led to a lower SarA protein level, which has an effect on agr transcription and subsequently had corresponding effects on hla, sspA, and spa transcription, probably in both agr-independent and agr-dependent manners

    Regulation of Superoxide Dismutase (sod) Genes by SarA in Staphylococcus aureus▿ †

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    The scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within cells is regulated by several interacting factors, including transcriptional regulators. Involvement of sarA family genes in the regulation of proteins involved in the scavenging of ROS is largely unknown. In this report, we show that under aerobic conditions, the levels of sodM and sodA transcription, in particular the sodM transcript, are markedly enhanced in the sarA mutant among the tested sarA family mutants. Increased levels of sod expression returned to near the parental level in a single-copy sarA complemented strain. Under microaerophilc conditions, transcription of both sodM and sodA was considerably enhanced in the sarA mutant compared to the wild-type strain. Various genotypic, phenotypic, and DNA binding studies confirmed the involvement of SarA in the regulation of sod transcripts in different strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The sodA mutant was sensitive to an oxidative stress-inducing agent, methyl viologen, but the sarA sodA double mutant was more resistant to the same stressor than the single sodA mutant. These results suggest that overexpression of SodM, which occurs in the sarA background, can rescue the methyl viologen-sensitive phenotype observed in the absence of the sodA gene. Analysis with various oxidative stress-inducing agents indicates that SarA may play a greater role in modulating oxidative stress resistance in S. aureus. This is the first report that demonstrates the direct involvement of a regulatory protein (SarA) in control of sod expression in S. aureus

    SarA of Staphylococcus aureus Binds to the sarA Promoter To Regulate Gene Expressionâ–¿

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    The 375-bp sarA open reading frame is driven by three promoters, P1, P3, and P2. Using gel shift and DNase I footprinting assays, we found that SarA binds to two 26-bp sequences and one 31-bp sequence within the P1 and P3 promoters, respectively. Together with the results of transcription analyses, our data indicate that SarA binds to its own promoter to down-regulate sarA expression