27,636 research outputs found

    Quark-lepton symmetry and complementarity

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    We argue that the difference between the observed approximate quark-lepton complementarity and the theoretical prediction based on realistic quark-lepton symmetry within the seesaw mechanism may be adjusted by means of a triplet contribution in the seesaw formula.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex

    Symmetry Breaking Using Value Precedence

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    We present a comprehensive study of the use of value precedence constraints to break value symmetry. We first give a simple encoding of value precedence into ternary constraints that is both efficient and effective at breaking symmetry. We then extend value precedence to deal with a number of generalizations like wreath value and partial interchangeability. We also show that value precedence is closely related to lexicographical ordering. Finally, we consider the interaction between value precedence and symmetry breaking constraints for variable symmetries.Comment: 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    New Types of Thermodynamics from (1+1)(1+1)-Dimensional Black Holes

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    For normal thermodynamic systems superadditivity §\S, homogeneity \H and concavity \C of the entropy hold, whereas for (3+1)(3+1)-dimensional black holes the latter two properties are violated. We show that (1+1)(1+1)-dimensional black holes exhibit qualitatively new types of thermodynamic behaviour, discussed here for the first time, in which \C always holds, \H is always violated and §\S may or may not be violated, depending of the magnitude of the black hole mass. Hence it is now seen that neither superadditivity nor concavity encapsulate the meaning of the second law in all situations.Comment: WATPHYS-TH93/05, Latex, 10 pgs. 1 figure (available on request), to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Gauge Formulation of the Spinning Black Hole in (2+1)-Dimensional Anti-de Sitter Space

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    We compute the group element of SO(2,2) associated with the spinning black hole found by Ba\~nados, Teitelboim and Zanelli in (2+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time. We show that their metric is built with SO(2,2) gauge invariant quantities and satisfies Einstein's equations with negative cosmological constant everywhere except at r=0r=0. Moreover, although the metric is singular on the horizons, the group element is continuous and possesses a kink there.Comment: 10 page

    Misner String Entropy

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    I show that gravitational entropy can be ascribed to spacetimes containing Misner strings (the gravitational analogues of Dirac strings), even in the absence of any other event horizon (or bolt) structures. This result follows from an extension of proposals for evaluating the stress-energy of a gravitational system which are motivated by the AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: revtex, 5 pages, references added, typo correcte

    N-body Gravity and the Schroedinger Equation

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    We consider the problem of the motion of NN bodies in a self-gravitating system in two spacetime dimensions. We point out that this system can be mapped onto the quantum-mechanical problem of an N-body generalization of the problem of the H2+_{2}^{+} molecular ion in one dimension. The canonical gravitational N-body formalism can be extended to include electromagnetic charges. We derive a general algorithm for solving this problem, and show how it reduces to known results for the 2-body and 3-body systems.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, references added, typos corrected, final version that appears in CQ

    Higher Dimensional Taub-NUTs and Taub-Bolts in Einstein-Maxwell Gravity

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    We present a class of higher dimensional solutions to Einstein-Maxwell equations in d-dimensions. These solutions are asymptotically locally flat, de-Sitter, or anti-de Sitter space-times. The solutions we obtained depend on two extra parameters other than the mass and the nut charge. These two parameters are the electric charge, q and the electric potential at infinity, V, which has a non-trivial contribution. We Analyze the conditions one can impose to obtain Taub-Nut or Taub-Bolt space-times, including the four-dimensional case. We found that in the nut case these conditions coincide with that coming from the regularity of the one-form potential at the horizon. Furthermore, the mass parameter for the higher dimensional solutions depends on the nut charge and the electric charge or the potential at infinity.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Exact Solutions of Relativistic Two-Body Motion in Lineal Gravity

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    We develop the canonical formalism for a system of NN bodies in lineal gravity and obtain exact solutions to the equations of motion for N=2. The determining equation of the Hamiltonian is derived in the form of a transcendental equation, which leads to the exact Hamiltonian to infinite order of the gravitational coupling constant. In the equal mass case explicit expressions of the trajectories of the particles are given as the functions of the proper time, which show characteristic features of the motion depending on the strength of gravity (mass) and the magnitude and sign of the cosmological constant. As expected, we find that a positive cosmological constant has a repulsive effect on the motion, while a negative one has an attractive effect. However, some surprising features emerge that are absent for vanishing cosmological constant. For a certain range of the negative cosmological constant the motion shows a double maximum behavior as a combined result of an induced momentum-dependent cosmological potential and the gravitational attraction between the particles. For a positive cosmological constant, not only bounded motions but also unbounded ones are realized. The change of the metric along the movement of the particles is also exactly derived.Comment: 37 pages, Latex, 24 figure

    Quantum scalar field on three-dimensional (BTZ) black hole instanton: heat kernel, effective action and thermodynamics

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    We consider the behaviour of a quantum scalar field on three-dimensional Euclidean backgrounds: Anti-de Sitter space, the regular BTZ black hole instanton and the BTZ instanton with a conical singularity at the horizon. The corresponding heat kernel and effective action are calculated explicitly for both rotating and non-rotating holes. The quantum entropy of the BTZ black hole is calculated by differentiating the effective action with respect to the angular deficit at the conical singularity. The renormalization of the UV-divergent terms in the action and entropy is considered. The structure of the UV-finite term in the quantum entropy is of particular interest. Being negligible for large outer horizon area A+A_+ it behaves logarithmically for small A+A_+. Such behaviour might be important at late stages of black hole evaporation.Comment: 28 pages, latex, 2 figures now include

    Neutrino Models of Dark Energy

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    I consider a scenario proposed by Fardon, Nelson and Weiner where dark energy and neutrinos are connected. As a result, neutrino masses are not constant but depend on the neutrino number density. By examining the full equation of state for the dark sector, I show that in this scenario the dark energy is equivalent to having a cosmological constant, but one that "runs" as the neutrino mass changes with temperature. Two examples are examined that illustrate the principal feautures of the dark sector of this scenario. In particular, the cosmological constant is seen to be negligible for most of the evolution of the Universe, becoming inportant only when neutrinos become non-relativistic. Some speculations on features of this scenario which might be present in a more realistic theory are also presented.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Added comments on why FNW scenario always leads to a running cosmological constant and a few references. To be published in Phys. Rev.
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