15,751 research outputs found

    Chaos in an Exact Relativistic 3-body Self-Gravitating System

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    We consider the problem of three body motion for a relativistic one-dimensional self-gravitating system. After describing the canonical decomposition of the action, we find an exact expression for the 3-body Hamiltonian, implicitly determined in terms of the four coordinate and momentum degrees of freedom in the system. Non-relativistically these degrees of freedom can be rewritten in terms of a single particle moving in a two-dimensional hexagonal well. We find the exact relativistic generalization of this potential, along with its post-Newtonian approximation. We then specialize to the equal mass case and numerically solve the equations of motion that follow from the Hamiltonian. Working in hexagonal-well coordinates, we obtaining orbits in both the hexagonal and 3-body representations of the system, and plot the Poincare sections as a function of the relativistic energy parameter η\eta . We find two broad categories of periodic and quasi-periodic motions that we refer to as the annulus and pretzel patterns, as well as a set of chaotic motions that appear in the region of phase-space between these two types. Despite the high degree of non-linearity in the relativistic system, we find that the the global structure of its phase space remains qualitatively the same as its non-relativisitic counterpart for all values of η\eta that we could study. However the relativistic system has a weaker symmetry and so its Poincare section develops an asymmetric distortion that increases with increasing η\eta . For the post-Newtonian system we find that it experiences a KAM breakdown for η≃0.26\eta \simeq 0.26: above which the near integrable regions degenerate into chaos.Comment: latex, 65 pages, 36 figures, high-resolution figures available upon reques

    Dynamical N-body Equlibrium in Circular Dilaton Gravity

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    We obtain a new exact equilibrium solution to the N-body problem in a one-dimensional relativistic self-gravitating system. It corresponds to an expanding/contracting spacetime of a circle with N bodies at equal proper separations from one another around the circle. Our methods are straightforwardly generalizable to other dilatonic theories of gravity, and provide a new class of solutions to further the study of (relativistic) one-dimensional self-gravitating systems.Comment: 4 pages, latex, reference added, minor changes in wordin

    Electron cyclotron maser emission mode coupling to the z-mode on a longitudinal density gradient in the context of solar type III bursts

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    Copyright 2012 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. This article appeared in Physics of Plasmas 19, 110702 (2012) and may be found at .supplemental material at http://astro.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/sp.htmlsupplemental material at http://astro.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/sp.htm

    Chaos in a Relativistic 3-body Self-Gravitating System

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    We consider the 3-body problem in relativistic lineal gravity and obtain an exact expression for its Hamiltonian and equations of motion. While general-relativistic effects yield more tightly-bound orbits of higher frequency compared to their non-relativistic counterparts, as energy increases we find in the equal-mass case no evidence for either global chaos or a breakdown from regular to chaotic motion, despite the high degree of non-linearity in the system. We find numerical evidence for a countably infinite class of non-chaotic orbits, yielding a fractal structure in the outer regions of the Poincare plot.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex, 3 figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Consequences of Leading-Logarithm Summation for the Radiative Breakdown of Standard-Model Electroweak Symmetry

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    In the empirically sensible limit in which QCD, t-quark Yukawa, and scalar-field-interaction coupling constants dominate all other Standard-Model coupling constants, we sum all leading-logarithm terms within the perturbative expansion for the effective potential that contribute to the extraction of the Higgs boson mass via radiative electroweak symmetry breaking. A Higgs boson mass of 216 GeV emerges from such terms, as well as a scalar-field-interaction coupling constant substantially larger than that anticipated from conventional spontaneous symmetry breaking. The sum of the effective potential's leading logarithms is shown to exhibit a local minimum in the limit ϕ→0\phi \to 0 if the QCD coupling constant is sufficiently strong, suggesting (in a multiphase scenario) that electroweak physics may provide the mechanism for choosing the asymptotically-free phase of QCD.Comment: latex using aip proceedings class. 8 page write-out of presentation at MRST 2003 Conference (Syracuse

    The effect of electron beam pitch angle and density gradient on solar type III radio bursts

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    Copyright 2012 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. This article appeared in Physics of Plasmas 19, 112903 (2012) and may be found at .supplemental material at http://astro.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/sp.htmlsupplemental material at http://astro.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/sp.htm

    Higher Dimensional Taub-NUTs and Taub-Bolts in Einstein-Maxwell Gravity

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    We present a class of higher dimensional solutions to Einstein-Maxwell equations in d-dimensions. These solutions are asymptotically locally flat, de-Sitter, or anti-de Sitter space-times. The solutions we obtained depend on two extra parameters other than the mass and the nut charge. These two parameters are the electric charge, q and the electric potential at infinity, V, which has a non-trivial contribution. We Analyze the conditions one can impose to obtain Taub-Nut or Taub-Bolt space-times, including the four-dimensional case. We found that in the nut case these conditions coincide with that coming from the regularity of the one-form potential at the horizon. Furthermore, the mass parameter for the higher dimensional solutions depends on the nut charge and the electric charge or the potential at infinity.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Higher Order Stability of a Radiatively Induced 220 GeV Higgs Mass

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    The effective potential for radiatively broken electroweak symmetry in the single Higgs doublet Standard Model is explored to four sequentially subleading logarithm-summation levels (5-loops) in the dominant Higgs self-interaction couplant λ\lambda. We augment these results with all contributing leading logarithms in the remaining large but sub-dominant Standard Model couplants (t-quark, QCD and SU(2)⊗U(1)SU(2)\otimes U(1) gauge couplants) as well as next to leading logarithm contributions from the largest of these, the t-quark and QCD couplants. Order-by-order stability is demonstrated for earlier leading logarithm predictions of an order 220 GeV Higgs boson mass in conjunction with fivefold enhancement of the value for λ\lambda over that anticipated from conventional spontaneous symmetry breaking.Comment: revtex, 6 pages. Analysis and text is expanded in revised versio

    Quantum scalar field on three-dimensional (BTZ) black hole instanton: heat kernel, effective action and thermodynamics

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    We consider the behaviour of a quantum scalar field on three-dimensional Euclidean backgrounds: Anti-de Sitter space, the regular BTZ black hole instanton and the BTZ instanton with a conical singularity at the horizon. The corresponding heat kernel and effective action are calculated explicitly for both rotating and non-rotating holes. The quantum entropy of the BTZ black hole is calculated by differentiating the effective action with respect to the angular deficit at the conical singularity. The renormalization of the UV-divergent terms in the action and entropy is considered. The structure of the UV-finite term in the quantum entropy is of particular interest. Being negligible for large outer horizon area A+A_+ it behaves logarithmically for small A+A_+. Such behaviour might be important at late stages of black hole evaporation.Comment: 28 pages, latex, 2 figures now include

    On the Standard Approach to Renormalization Group Improvement

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    Two approaches to renormalization-group improvement are examined: the substitution of the solutions of running couplings, masses and fields into perturbatively computed quantities is compared with the systematic sum of all the leading log (LL), next-to-leading log (NLL) etc. contributions to radiatively corrected processes, with n-loop expressions for the running quantities being responsible for summing N^{n}LL contributions. A detailed comparison of these procedures is made in the context of the effective potential V in the 4-dimensional O(4) massless λϕ4\lambda \phi^{4} model, showing the distinction between these procedures at two-loop order when considering the NLL contributions to the effective potential V.Comment: 6 page
