15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penambahan Vitamin E Dan Bakteri Asam Laktat Terhadap Kecernaan Lemak Dan Bobot Telur Ayam Kedu Hitam Dipelihara Secara in Situ

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    The study aims to determine the fat digestibility, egg production and egg weight due to the addition of vitamin E and lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The research was conducted on November 2011 to January 2012 on Livestock Farmers Groups Makukuhan Mandiri Kedu, Temanggung, Central Java. The Research using 20 males kedu black chicken age of 1 year with weight of 2071,43 ± 41,03 g and 100 females weight of 1540,83 ± 46,58 g. Ration used consisted of rice bran, yellow corn, soybean meal, fish meal, shellfish, and CaCO3. Treatment applied is T0 = control ration, T1 = ration + 20 IU/100 g vitamin E, T2 = ration + 3,6 ml LAB (Biostarter A) and T3 = ration + vitamin E 20 IU/100 g + 3,6 ml LAB (Biostarter A). Experimental design used was completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The parameters observed were fat digestibility and egg weight. The results showed that the addition of vitamin E and LAB were significantly different (P>0,05) for fat digestibility and egg weight kedu black chicken. The results of fat digestibility and egg weight were 84,21; 85,32; 86,97; 87,36%, and 41,28; 42,07; 39,78; 40,50 g/egg for each treatment T0, T1, T2, and T3. The conclusion is the addition of vitamin E can increase fat digestibility and egg weight. The addition of lactic acid bacteria and the combination of vitamin E and LAB can increase fat digestibility but not increase the egg weight kedu black chicken

    Pengaruh Penambahan Vitamin A dan E dalam Ransum terhadap Bobot Telur dan Mortalitas Embrio Ayam Kedu Hitam

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    The aim of research was to know the effect of addition vitamin A and vitamin E in diet on egg weight and embryo mortality in Kedu black hens. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications (5 hens and 1 cock). The materials used were 100 hens and 20 cock black Kedu at 1 year old, yellow corn, rice bran, soybean meal, fish meal, oyster shell powder, CaCO3. Dietary treatments consist of T0 = basal diet (without supplements of vitamin A and vitamin E), T1 = diet with supplementation 20 IU/100g of vitamin E, T2 = diet with supplementation 2000 IU/100g vitamin A, T3 = diet with supplements of 2000 IU/100g vitamin A and 20 IU/100g vitamin E. Parameters observed were feed consumption, nutrient consumption, weight of egg, embryo mortality and hen day production (HDP). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance according to CRD and it continued with Duncan multiple range test. The data were not normal analysed by Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. The result showed that supplements of vitamin A, vitamin E and combination of both did not affect to feed consumption, nutrient consumption, weight of egg and HDP, but significantly affect to consumption of vitamin A and vitamin E and embryo mortality. Conclusion of this research explain that addition of vitamin A, vitamin E and combination of both as 2000 IU/100g and 20 IU/100g produced the same of feed consumption, nutrient consumption, weight of egg and HDP but it can be increased vitamin A and vitamin E consumption and decreased embryo mortality of black Kedu

    Kualitas Fisik Telur Ayam Arab Petelur Fase I Dengan Berbagai Level Azolla Microphylla

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    The objective of this research was to study the effect of A. microphylla in Arabic layer rations on physical qualities of eggs (Haught unit, yolk color, yolk index, albumen index, yolk weight, albumen weight and egg weight). This research used completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment given is the gift of A. microphylla different levels (0%, 3%, 6% and 9%). Parameters measured were Haught unit, yolk color, yolk index, albumen index, yolk weight, albumen weight and egg weight. The materials used are 82 Arabic layers (age ± 9 months) with average body weight at 1125±77,6g. The making of ration is based on iso protein and iso energy principle. The results showed that combining the A. microphylla into the ration up to level 9% give the same results of yolk weight, haught unit, albumen index and yolk index. Utilizing the A. Microphylla into the ration up to level 6% at Arabic layer ration to increase the egg weight, albumen weight and yolk color

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sari Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantifolia) Dalam Ransum Terhadap Kecernaan Protein Kasar Dan Retensi Nitrogen Pada Itik Magelang Jantan

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    The aim of the research is to assess the effect of lime (Citrus aurantifolia) addition in the diet on protein digestibility and nitrogen retention in male Magelang ducks. The material used is 100 ducks Magelang age of 5 weeks with an average body weight of 460 ± 4.51 g. Constituent materials used ration consisting of corn, bran, parched rice, fish meal, soybean meal and premix. Ration of research compiled by the protein content of 18.25% and metabolic energy 2902 kcal / kg. The research design used was completely randomized design with four for the treatment and five replications. Treatment research is T0 (ration without the addition of lime), T1 (ration + 1.5 ml of lime), T2 (ration + 3 ml of lime) and T3 (4.5 ml + ration of lime). Parameters measured were ration consumption, body weight gain, protein digestibility and nitrogen retention. The results showed the addition of lime treatments non significant to ration consumption, protein digestibility, nitrogen retention and body weight gain. Based on the research results can be concluded that the addition of 1.5 ml of lime level, 3 ml, and 4.5 ml in Magelang male duck ration did not increase the ration intake, protein digestibility, nitrogen retention and body weight gain

    Pengaruh Penambahan Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantifolia) Dalam Ransum Terhadap Laju Digesta Dan Kecernaan Serat Kasar Pada Itik Magelang

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    Research's purpose to finds out the lime juice's effect to the digest rate and crude fiber digestibility on Magelang duck ration. There were used 100 Magelang ducks of 5 weeks age with average body weight 460 ± 4,51 g. Formula of the feeds used corn, rice bran, dried rice, fish meal, soybean meal and mineral mix. Diet research was compositioned with crude protein 18,25% and metabolizable energy 2902 kkal/kg. The research designed were used completely randomized design with four treatment and five replications. Research treatment : T0 (ration without the addition of lime), T1 (ration + 1.5 ml of lime), T2 (ration + 3 ml of lime) and T3 (4.5 ml + ration of lime). The parameters of the research were consumption, daily body weight gain, rate of digesta and crude fiber digestibility. The results showed the addition of lime juice treatments significant to digest rate (p<0,05) but no significant effect to diet consumption, digestibility of crude fiber and daily body weight gain. Based on this research the conclusion of the results is the additive of lime juice to 4,5 ml/head/day did not increase the consumption of diet, the crude fiber digestibility and daily body weight gain of Magelang duck, but the additive of lime juice 3 ml/head/day able to decreased the rate of digesta

    Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Sitrat Dalam Ransum Sebagai Acidifier Terhadap Retensi Kalsium Dan Fosfor Itik Jantan Lokal (the Effect of Citric Acids Addition in Diets as Acidifier on Calcium and Phospor Retention of the Local Male Ducks)

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    The aim of this research was to study the effect of citrit acids addition on calcium and phospor retention of the local male ducks diets. This experiment was conducted using 80 local male ducks at 8 weeks with average live weight 1221,17 + 38,43 g. Basal diets were formulated from yellow corn, rice brand, parched rice, soybean meal, fish meal and mineral. The treatment was added citric acids at level T0= 0 g or 0% ; T1= 1 g or 0,67 ; T2= 2 g or 1,33% and T3= 3 g or 2,00%. The parameters of the research were feed consumption, calcium and phospor consumption, calcium and phospor retention, and body weight. Research design used was Completely Randomized Design (CDR) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Analyzed data was using Analysis of variance in 5% level, if there were significant effected would be tested by Duncan's Multiple Range Test Method. The result showed that citrit acids addition in local male ducks diets were different significantly (P<0,05) on calcium and phospor retention, mean while were not different significantly (P>0,05) on feed consumption, calcium and phospor consumption, and body weight of local male ducks

    Pengaruh Level Protein Dan Asam Asetat Dalam Ransum Terhadap Tingkat Keasaman (Ph) Usus Halus, Laju Digesta Dan Bobot Badan Akhirayam Broiler (the Effect of Levels Protein and Acetic Acid on Feed Formula to Potensial Hydrogen (Ph) Intestine Small, Digest

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    This research aims to determine the effect of levels protein and acetic acid on feed formula to pH small intestine, digest rate and final body weight of broiler. The materials used in the research were 180 unsex broiler chickens Lohman strain MB 202 with an average weight 45,6 ± 4,8 g. The ration used consisting of broken maize, rice bran, soybean meal, Poutry Meat Meal (PMM), fish meal and premix. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial 2x3 with 3 replications. The first factor, the protein level in ration, is CP 21% (T1) and 20% (T2), the second factor is the addition of acetic acid on level 0% (V0), 0,75% (V1), 1,5% (V2). Parameters were observed include pH small intestine, digest rate and final body weight. Research used variance analised.The results showed that the protein level of the ration with the addition of acetic acid in the diet there is no significant interaction (p> 0.05) on the pH small intestine, digesta rate and final body weight. Conclusion The study is a combination of levels protein 21% and 20% with the addition of acetic acid 0%, 0.75% and 1.5% in the diet has not been able to change the pH small intestine, digesta rate and final body weight