24 research outputs found

    Overexpression of <i>alk</i> promotes cell proliferation and affects neurogenesis.

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    <p><b>(A,B)</b> Confocal sections of HSE:<i>cfp</i> embryos. Sib (A) and Tg+ (B) embryos show no difference in number and distribution of pH 3 and HuC/D positive cells. <b>(C)</b> Y-axis indicates numbers of pH 3 positive cells counted in a 50 Āµm confocal stack of the hindbrain. Mean Ā± SEM, nā€Š=ā€Š10 embryos in each group. Sib and Tg+ HSE:<i>cfp</i> embryos were not significantly different (pā€Š=ā€Š0.84). Sib and Tg+ embryos of both <i>alk</i>:HSE:<i>cfp</i> lines were significantly different (***p<0.001). Unpaired two tailed t-test. <b>(Dā€“G)</b> Confocal sections of <i>alk</i>:HSE:<i>cfp</i><sup>1</sup> embryos. Sib (D) and Tg+ (Eā€“G, from three different embryos) had different neural tube shapes. Dividing cells (pH 3, green) and neurons (HuC/D, red) in Tg+ embryos (Eā€“G) were mispositioned (arrowheads), with aberrant patterns. <b>(Eā€²)</b> High magnification of the boxed area in (E). Asterisk labels 4<sup>th</sup> ventricle. Arrows label small cavities found in the neural tube. <b>(H,I)</b> Confocal sections of <i>alk</i>:HSE:<i>cfp</i><sup>1</sup> embryos, with BrdU labelled cells in S-phase. In Sib (H), BrdU positive cells occupy a region between dividing cells and neurons that exited the cell cycle, in a pattern complementary to pH 3 and HuC/D in (A,B,D). In Tg+ (I), BrdU positive cells were randomly positioned. Smaller dimension of samples in (H,I) might be due to HCl treatment in the experiment procedure. <b>(J,K)</b> Manual sections of embryos after <i>in situ</i> hybridization showed expanded <i>ccnd1</i> expressions in Tg+ (K) in comparison to Sib embryos (J). Sib, transgenic negative siblings. Tg+, transgenic positive embryos. All images are sections perpendicular to neural tube. Scale bars: 50 Āµm.</p

    Expression of zebrafish <i>alk</i>.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> RT-PCR of cDNA at different embryonic stages. <i>gapdh</i> is used as loading control. <b>(B)</b> RT-PCR of cDNA from different adult tissues. <i>beta-actin</i> is used as loading control. <b>(C)</b> Lateral view of whole embryos at 24 hpf with dorsal up and anterior to the left. Insert shows dorsal view of head region. <b>(Dā€“G)</b> Transverse sections of embryos at 24 hpf, at forebrain (D), midbrain (E), rhombomere 2 (r2; F) and r5 (G) levels, corresponding to positions indicated by lines in (C). <b>(H)</b> Lateral view of whole embryo at 48 hpf with dorsal up and anterior to the left. Insert shows dorsal view of head region. <b>(Iā€“K)</b> Transverse sections of embryos at 48 hpf at forebrain (I), midbrain (J), and r5 (K), corresponding to positions indicated by lines in (D). Scale bars: C,H, 200 Āµm; Dā€“E,Iā€“K, 100 Āµm.</p

    Knock-down of <i>alk</i> impairs neuronal differentiation.

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    <p><b>(Aā€“L)</b><i>In situ</i> hybridization of neuronal marker genes with wild-type (A,C,E,G,I,K), and <i>alk</i> Spl-MO injected embryos (B,D,F,H,J,L) at 22 hpf. Images in first row show dorsal views of head region with anterior to the left. <b>(Aā€²ā€“Lā€²,Aā€³ ā€“Lā€³)</b> Transverse cross sections at the level of r2 (Aā€²ā€“Lā€²) and r5 (Aā€³ ā€“Lā€³) in WT embryos or <i>alk</i> Spl-MO injected morphants. <b>(A,Aā€²Aā€³,B,Bā€²Bā€³)</b><i>her6</i> expression was unchanged in <i>alk</i> morphants compared to WT. <b>(C,Cā€²,Cā€³,D,Dā€²,Dā€³)</b><i>neurog1</i> expression was unchanged or only slightly reduced in morphants. <b>(E,Eā€²,Eā€³,F,Fā€²,Fā€³)</b><i>neurod4</i> expression was strongly reduced in morphants in several regions including the hindbrain. <b>(G,Gā€²,Gā€³,H,Hā€²,Hā€³)</b> Similarly, <i>ascl1b</i> expression in <i>alk</i> morphants was also significantly reduced. <b>(I,Iā€²,Iā€³,J,Jā€²,Jā€³)</b><i>dla</i> expression in <i>alk</i> morphants was also reduced. <b>(K,Kā€²,Kā€³,L,Lā€²,Lā€³)</b> Glia marker <i>gfap</i> expression was unchanged. Scale bars: 50 Āµm. Lines at r2 and r5 indicate levels of cross sections.</p

    Knock-down of <i>alk</i> does not affect proliferation but induces apoptosis in the hindbrain.

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    <p><b>(Aā€“C)</b> Confocal sections of 22 hpf embryos after immunostaining with pH 3 (green) and TUNEL (red). Compared to WT (A), both <i>alk</i> ATG-MO injected (B) or <i>alk</i> Spl-MO injected (C) embryos show pH 3 positive cells at normal positions, but more TUNEL positive cells are evident. Note that the size of neural tube in (B,C) is smaller than in (A). <b>(D)</b> Y-axis indicates numbers of pH 3 positive cells in a 50 Āµm thick confocal stack of hindbrain. Numbers are not significantly different in <i>alk</i> ATG-MO or <i>alk</i> Spl-MO from WT. <b>(E)</b> Y-axis indicates numbers of TUNEL positive cells in the same samples. Both <i>alk</i> ATG-MO and <i>alk</i> Spl-MO numbers were different from that in WT with high significance (***p<0.001). Mean Ā± SEM, nā€Š=ā€Š5 embryos in each group. Unpaired two tailed t-test. Scale bars: 50 Āµm.</p