9 research outputs found

    Is the Creation and Development of Biotech SMEs Localised? Conclusions Drawn from the French Case

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    International audienceThe article examines the localisation effects within biotechnology, concentrating in particular on the French case. The paper has two strands of analysis. The first presents a detailed statistical survey of the French biotechnology sector. Among other things, the survey shows that a) localisation effects within France are strong, b) in terms of dependence on local cluster infrastructures (especially universities and related public research institutes), most firms progress from an entry stage in which they are very dependent on local cluster infrastructures, to a mature phase in which their networks become more national/international in focus and c) French firms can be grouped into four general types of firms, ranging from “type 1” growth oriented product firms, to “type 2” niche market players, “ type 3” subsidiaries of larger firms, and “type 4” firms that have been acquired. Localisation effects differ across these firms, esp. across type 1 (international) and type 2 (very localised) firms. The second strand of analysis consists of a review of the localisation and related cluster literature, with implications drawn out for localisation and knowledge spillovers within biotech clusters. It examines the relative effects of scientific centres proximity and compares them to the public policy of start-up creation

    Coordination et incitations dans les contrats de recherche. Le cas des accords public / privé

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    Co-ordination and incentives in R&D contracts : the case of public/private agreements How can research activities between different independent actors be coordinated ? After having identified the limits of solutions provided by traditional theories (contracts theory and transaction costs theory), this text proposes an empirical and theoretical framework of analysis. In order to go beyond the static nature of these traditional theories, we consider the problem from the viewpoint of resource creation and see the initial contract as an intrinsically imperfect solution aimed at favouring cooperation. An analytical framework which emphasizes diffe­rent modes of coordination and their combinations is proposed. Empirical analysis allows us to identify different relationship logics which correspond to particular associations linking the research themes, technical devices and modes of organization adopted.Coordination et incitations dans les contrats de recherche. Le cas des accords public/privé Comment coordonner les activités de recherche dans les contrats public/privé ? Après avoir identifié les limites des réponses apportées dans le cadre des théories traditionnelles (théorie des contrats et théorie des coûts de transaction), ce texte propose un cadre d'analyse empirique et théorique. Afin de dépasser le caractère statique de ces théories traditionnelles, il convient de se situer dans une optique de création de ressources et de considérer le contrat initial comme une solution intrinsèquement imparfaite dont l'objectif est de favoriser l'apprentissage de la coopération. Un cadre analytique mettant l'accent sur les différentes modalités de coordination et sur leurs combinaisons est proposé. L'analyse empirique permet alors d'identifier différentes logiques de relation qui correspondent à des associations particulières liant les thématiques de recherche, les dispositifs techniques et les modes d'organisation adoptés.Joly Pierre-Benoît, Lemarié Stéphane, Mangematin Vincent. Coordination et incitations dans les contrats de recherche. Le cas des accords public / privé. In: Revue économique, volume 49, n°4, 1998. pp. 1129-1149

    Coordination et incitations dans les contrats de recherche. Le cas des accords public / privé

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    [eng] Co-ordination and incentives in R&D contracts : the case of public/private agreements. . How can research activities between different independent actors be coordinated ? After having identified the limits of solutions provided by traditional theories (contracts theory and transaction costs theory), this text proposes an empirical and theoretical framework of analysis. In order to go beyond the static nature of these traditional theories, we consider the problem from the viewpoint of resource creation and see the initial contract as an intrinsically imperfect solution aimed at favouring cooperation. An analytical framework which emphasizes diffe­rent modes of coordination and their combinations is proposed. Empirical analysis allows us to identify different relationship logics which correspond to particular associations linking the research themes, technical devices and modes of organization adopted. [fre] Coordination et incitations dans les contrats de recherche. Le cas des accords public/privé. . Comment coordonner les activités de recherche dans les contrats public/privé ? Après avoir identifié les limites des réponses apportées dans le cadre des théories traditionnelles (théorie des contrats et théorie des coûts de transaction), ce texte propose un cadre d'analyse empirique et théorique. Afin de dépasser le caractère statique de ces théories traditionnelles, il convient de se situer dans une optique de création de ressources et de considérer le contrat initial comme une solution intrinsèquement imparfaite dont l'objectif est de favoriser l'apprentissage de la coopération. Un cadre analytique mettant l'accent sur les différentes modalités de coordination et sur leurs combinaisons est proposé. L'analyse empirique permet alors d'identifier différentes logiques de relation qui correspondent à des associations particulières liant les thématiques de recherche, les dispositifs techniques et les modes d'organisation adoptés.

    Identification des propriétés élastiques d'un matériau enchevêtré

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    La laine de verre est un matériau hétérogène à microstructure complexe, localement anisotrope et d'orientation spatialement variable. L'identification des propriétés élastiques utilise un champ d'orientation ainsi qu'un champ de déplacement lors d'un essai mécanique afin de conduire un processus de recalage par éléments finis. Cette approche a été confrontée à des mesures 3D venant confirmer sa validité

    A convenient and quantitative route to Sn(IV)-M M = Ti(IV), Nb(V), Ta(V) heterobimetallic precursors for dense mixed-metal oxide ceramics

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    SSCI-VIDE+CDFA+SMR:SMA:HCH:SDAInternational audienceThe strategy of reacting SnCl4 with M(OR)(x) provided a convenient and quantitative approach to new heterobimetallics with a simple addition formula, [SnCl4M(OR)(x)(HOR)(y)] (M = Ti, Nb, Ta; R = Et, Pr-i, x = 4, 5; y = 0-2) or sometimes an oxo complex [SnCl3(O)Ti-2(OPri)(7)(HOPri)(2)]. The alcoholysis reactions of these heterometallics afforded mixed alkoxo complexes [SnCl4(mu-OEt)(2)M((PrO)-O-i)(x)((PrOH)-O-i)(y)] [M = Ti (x = y = 2), Nb, Ta (x = 3, y = 1)] under mild conditions, or a planar rectangular oxo product [SnCl3(mu-OEt)(2)Nb-(OEt)(2)(EtOH)(mu-O)](2) at refluxing/extended stirring time. DFT calculations shed light on the stability and reactivity of these complexes. The use of these thoroughly characterized heterometallics as sol-gel precursors suppresses the formation of the undesired SnO2 grains, which are difficult to be sintered to a high density. The combined approach of using bottom-up synthesis of mixed Ti0.5Sn0.5O2 nanoparticles and Spark Plasma Sintering allowed the successful densification of chloride-free mixed-metal oxide ceramics. The influence of thermal treatment before sintering on the density and spinodal decomposition of the TiO2-SnO2 pellets is reported

    Development of SMEs and heterogeneity of trajectories: the case of biotechnology in France

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    International audienceBiotechnology is an emergent sector based on the creation of research-intensive Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). While some SMEs are growing, most of them remain small, even those set-up several years ago. What is the pattern of development of the biotech sector? What are the patterns of development of firms? Studies on the development of high-tech SMEs have focused on a business model, in which entrepreneurs rely on growth forecasts to persuade capital investors (business angels and venture capitalists) to invest in a radical innovation project. Firms aim for a world market to industrialise their innovation, and initial public offering (IPO) enables initial investors to make profits that offset risky initial investment. While this model is appealing, it is simply one of the possible models of biotechnology development. Some firms are not designed to experience exponential growth, and choose to target local markets. Moreover, not all firms have the ambition of being listed on the stock exchange. Based on an in-depth analysis of the business and development of 60 French biotech SMEs, this article identifies two business models. By defining the development trajectories of each of these models, it highlights the temporary nature of the emergent model