4 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika pada Pokok Bahasan Lingkaran Menggunakan Pendekatan Pmri dan Aplikasi Geogebra

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    This study aims to produce the learning of mathematics on the subject of the circle using PMRI approach and Applications Geogebgra valid and practical as well as to determine the potential effects of such devices on student learning outcomes. Based on the results obtained by the prototype development of learning tools, design implementation of learning, student worksheets, and learning about the test results are valid and practical. Validity fulfilled qualitatively by the validator. Meanwhile, practicality demonstrated by experts / practitioners have expressed learning tools developed can be applied to the junior high school students, in addition to the appropriate implementation of phase one to one and small group, all students can use learning device properly. From observations of student learning activities, the results of students' answers, it appears that the learning device developed has potential effect to improve student math skills. Besides of interviews on the field test stage, most students said that learning device by using GeoGebra application for a given subject interesting circle, and may spur enthusiasm in learning mathematics Keyword: development, learning materials, PMRI approach, GeoGebra

    Pengembangan Website Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Untuk Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    This study aims to develop an internet-based mathematics learning environment, especially for junior high school students who realized through the development of realistic mathematics learning website that is valid, practical, and effective. But in this article the discussion is focused on validity and practicality. The method used in this study is development research method with type of formative research covering phase of analysis, developing and formative evaluation. Techniques of collecting data in the form of documentation, walk through, tests, observations, and interviews. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. Validity fulfilled qualitatively by the validator. Practical criteria are met if they fulfill two things; (1) the experts state that what is developed can be applied, and (2) the reality shows that what is developed is applicable. The result obtained is a prototype of a valid and practical mathematics learning website Keyword: website, learning, mathematics, realistic

    Edumat: jurnal edukasi matematika vol. 4 no. 7 tahun 2013

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    Pada nomor jurnal kali ini menampilkan berbagai topik khususnya hasil penelitian tindakan dan penelitian pengembangan. Salah satu artikel berjudul Pembelajaran Nilai Tempat Menggunakan Kegiatan Bertukar Biota Laut di Kelas II SD. Nilai tempat merupakan konsep matematika yang fundamental bagi siswa dalam belajar matematika. Pemahaman nilai tempat memerlukan integrasi dari konsep pengelompokan sepuluh dengan pengetahuan prosedural mengenai bagaimana suatu himpunan dicatat dalam skema nilai tempat, bagaimana bilangan ditulis dan bagaimana bilangan tersebut diucapkan (Van de Walle: 2008). Selain itu, pemahaman nilai tempat sangat penting bagi siswa sekolah dasar karena dapat membantu siswa dalam memahami dan melakukan operasi penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian dan pembagian bilangan