354 research outputs found

    Bancos de tempo e creación de capital social: unha análise de datos de transaccións

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    This article uses transaction data from three time banks located in Barcelona to analyze their otential to generate bonding and bridging social capital for their members. Regarding bonding social capital, the findings are in line with the related literature in terms of the average number of trading partners and the ego-network density. However, reciprocity is a more frequent form of behavior in our data than in other time banks from other countries. Concerning bridging social capital and considering different age groups, the results show slight evidence of homophilic behavior, although intergenerational transactions are also present, being more frequent between more similar age groups. Finally, we explore the influence of age on the time it takes for members to engage in transactions, which could somehow be related to their potential motivations behind joining a time bank.Este artigo utiliza datos de transaccións de tres bancos do tempo situados en Barcelona para analizar o seu potencial para xerar capital social entre os seus membros. En canto aos vínculos do capital social, os resultados están en consonancia coa literatura relacionada en canto ao número medio de socios de intercambio e a densidade da ego-network. Non obstante, a reciprocidade é máis frecuente nos nosos datos que noutros bancos doutros países. En canto á xeración do capital social entre diferentes grupos de individuos e considerando a idade, os resultados mostran lixeiras evidencias de comportamento homofílico, aínda que tamén están presentes transaccións interxeracionais, sendo máis frecuentes entre grupos de idade máis próximos. Finalmente, exploramos a influencia da idade no tempo que tardan os membros en realizar transaccións, o que podería estar relacionado coas súas posibles motivacións detrás de unirse a un banco de tempo.Authors acknowledge financial support from Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grants PID2021-124860NB-I00 (Ángeles Carnero), Grants PID2022-139458NB-I00 and PID2022-138706NB-I00 (Blanca Martinez), Grant PID2022-139614NB-C21 (Rocío Sánchez Mangas); and from Generalitat Valenciana, Grant CIPROM/2021/060 (Ángeles Carnero)

    Solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of polyphenols in apple musts and ciders

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    An improved analytical method was developed for the determination of polyphenols in the apple products must and cider. Phenolic compounds were fractionated into neutral and acidic groups by means of a solid-phase extraction method. The analytical method proposed was effective for the quantitation of phenolic compounds; recoveries between 84% and 111% were obtained, and the relative standard deviation was usually less than 5%

    Mobbing and workers' health: an empirical analysis for Spain

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    his paper analyzes empirically the impact of mobbing on the health of workers in Spain. Based on the Sixth Spanish Survey on Working Conditions, we first describe the differences in health among mobbed and not mobbed workers, sing two different indicators: the worker's self-perception that work affects health and the presence of bad health symptoms. The descriptive evidence shows that mobbing victims perform worse on such health indicators. We estimate the effect of being mobbed on the probability of suffering from health problems, taking into account the potential endogeneity of mobbing. Our estimates show that being a mobbing victim increases significantly the probability of having bad health, independently on the indicator used. Moreover, when bad health is measured by the perception indicator, we find that the effect of mobbing is underestimated if endogeneity is not accounted for.bullying at workplace, moral harassment

    Characterization of Cider Apple Fruits According to Their Degree of Ripening. A Chemometric Approach

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    A chemometric study was carried out in order to typify cider apples according to their degree of ripening. Several chemical variables (sugars, organic acids, amino acids, polyphenols, and pectins) were analyzed using HPLC and FIA methods. Univariate data treatment was not sufficient to allow the apple varieties to be differentiated according to their stage of ripening. Two linear combinations of original variables, ascertained by principal component analysis (PCA), provided an adequate data structurization. To classify apples by their degree of ripening, a mathematical decision rule was established with a prediction capacity of 85% using a LDA method; the most relevant variables in the canonical function ascertained by LDA were sugars, pectins, malic acid, glycine, serine, valine, and glutamic acid. The use of the PLS-2 algorithm demonstrated the influence of the ripening process on the chemical composition of the fruits (R2: 91.7%) and furthermore allowed authors to differentiate apple varieties according to their degree of ripening