107 research outputs found

    7ª Contribuição ao estudo dos Flebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae): descrição dos machos de 24 novas espécies

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    The A. and his co-workers captured in trips in the hinterland of Brazil more tham 17.000 flebotomi from which 35 are new ones, 11 discribed by, him in previous papers. The A. found these insects in groups of species living in different habitats, some ones of them not yet known: ondoors, or outdoors attracted by light or animal baits, without Shannon’s trap, in great or small caves, in the jungle in tree’s holes, holes in stones, holes in the soil habited by animals like armadillos, pacas (Aguti paca), wild rats, cururú toad (Bufo sp.). He observed the life history of 13 species: Flebotomus longipalpis Lutz& Neiva, 1912, Flebotomus intermedius Lutz & Neiva, 1912, Flebotomus avellari Costa Lima, 1932, Flebotomus aragãoi costa Lima, 1932, Flebotomus lutzianus Costa Lima, 1932, Flebotomus limai fonseca, 1935, Flebotomus rickardi Costa Lima, 1936, Flebotomus dasipodogeton Castro, 1939, Flebotomus oswaldoi n. sp., Flebotomus villelai n. sp., Flebotomus triacanthus n. sp., Flebotomus longispinus n. sp. And flebotomus travassosi n. sp. He describes the male of 24 n. sp., explaining the differential diagnose of group or nearly allied species. He inclued F. rooti n. sp. And F. hirsutus n. sp. In the sub-genus Shannonomyia. The first one, very allied to F. davisi Root is different from it, for presenting in the dorsal side of the abdomen bristles and not scales and to have the median claspers longer than his inner appendage and F. hirsutus quite different from the others which show 3 spines on distal segment of the upper clasper and for being the only one who presents the bristles of inner appendage of median clasper longer than it. Only the females of F. amazonensis Root and f. chagasi Costa Lima, are known and then it is possible that they belong to one of the species of this sub-genus from whom only the male have been described. F. choti Floch & Abonnenc, captured also at Pará, F. triacanthus n. sp. F. trispinosus n. sp. And F. equatorialis n. sp. Are very related and to this group the A. proposes the same of Pressatia as sub-genus in honor to whom demonstrated the medical importance of the flebotomi, considering F. triacanthus as the type specie of this sub-genus. In this sub-genus the V papal joint is very long, longer than III + IV, the antennae with geniculated spines without posterior outgrowth. At the genitalia the basal segment of the upper clasper presents two types of bristles ou the inner face, arranged in tuft; the distal segment with 3 spines and 2 thin bristles something difficult to see one of them situated near the apical spine and the other on the base of tubercle where the median spine is articulated; the median clasper is unarmed and compressed; the inferior clasper is also unarmed and longer than de basal segment of the upper clasper; the pompeta is longer than the basal segment of the upper clasper. Following it is presented a key for the determination of the males of the four species of this sub-genus. F. micropygus n. sp., F. minasensis n. sp. e F. dandrophylus n. sp., f. shannoni, F. monticolus, F. pestanai, F. lanei and F. cayenensis constitute a group with many similars characters. F. micropygus is the only American species who present α smaller than β and for that reason and others is allied to. F. minuts and others related species, but presents two terminal spines on the distal segment of the upper clasper. F. micropygus and f. minasensis are quite different because they have very small genitalia, smaller than their heads. F. dendrophylus presents on the median clasper a naked area near the apex and for this and others characters is different from the others of the group. F. flaviscutellatus n. sp., F. oliverioi, F. intermedius and whithmani, are very allied but the first one can be very easily distinguished because it’s scutellum is light. Flebotomus barrettoi n. sp., F. coutinhoi n. sp., F. aragãoi, F. brasiliensis, F. lutzianus, F. texanus, F. pascalei, F. atroclavatus and F. tejeraae are very allied forming a natural group. The two last ones are not well known but the A. A. who have studied them described very long clipeus so long as the head and for that reason can be distinguished from all the others included the two new ones. F. coutinhoi is the only one who presents the apecis of the penis filaments twisted. F. barrettoi n. sp., can be distinguished from aragãoi, texamus and coutinhoi by the length of the penis filaments and from atrocavatus, tejeraae, lutzianus and brasiliensis by the arrangement of the spines of distal segment of the upper clasper. Flebotomus ubiquitalis n. sp., F. auraensis n. sp., F. affinis and F. microps e F. antunesi have many common characters. F. microps n. sp., can be distinguished from any one by the size of the eyes and the presence od well developed genae. This species and other new species are different from F. antunesi by the arrangement of the spines of the distal segment of the upper clasper of the latter. F. ubiquitalis n. sp. can be distinguished from others by the figure of the median clasper. F. auraensis n. sp. Can be distinguished from F. affinis n. sp. By the tuft hairs on the inner face of the basal segment and by arrangement of the spines of the sital segment of the upper clasper. Flebotomus brachipygus n. sp. Seemed to be F. rostrans, specie not well known, by the characters of the genitalia but can not be identified to her by the clypeus size and the palpi’s characters. Flebotomus costalimai, n. sp., f. tupynambai n. sp., and f. castroi Barreto & Coutinho, 1941, are very allied species and the A. proposes to included them the new sub-genus Castromyia, in honor to Dr. G. M. de Oliveira Castro, appointing like typespecies F. castroi with the V joint longer than III + IV; antennae with geniculated spines without posterior prolongation. Genitalia: the basal segment of the upper clasper with a tuft of hairs and the distal segment with 4 spines, one of them at the apex and near it a thin and straight bristle difficult to see; the median clasper with one spinous hair isolated..

    6ª Contribuição ao estudo dos Flebotomus: Flebotomus (Pintomyia) damascenoi n. sp.: (Diptera: Psychodidae)

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    Secretaria Geral do Estado do Pará. Diretoria Geral de Saúde Pública. Instituto de Pathologia Experimental do Norte. Belém, PA, Brasil

    Variacao estacional do preco da cebola na regiao do submedio Sao Francisco.

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o comportamento de precos da cebola produzida e comercializada na regiao do Submedio Sao Francisco, que e um dos principais polos de producao de cebola do pais, sendo, atualmente responsavel por mais de 25% da producao nacional. Os dados da pesquisa, que abrange uma serie historica de 1995-2000, foram coletados no mercado do produtor de Juazeiro, BA, que e um dos mais importantes mercados de comercializacao de frutas e hortalicas do Nordeste. O metodo utilizado para a obtencao dos resultados foi a media movel de doze meses. A pesquisa revelou que a cebola do Submedio Sao Francisco alcan?a os melhores precos no primeiro semestre do ano, periodo em que quase todos os meses se registraram indices estacionais de precos superiores ao indice medio, ficando os demais meses do ano com cifras abaixo desse indice. No mes de junho ocorreu o indice estacional maximo, estando 39,08% acima do indice medio e no mes de agosto ocorreu o minimo com 46, 70% abaixo do indice medio. O estudo tambem indica que as amplitudes de variacao, que corresponde a diferenca entre o indice estacional e os limites de variacao (superior ou inferior), sao bastante acentuadas na maioria dos meses do ano, comportamento que indica que a comercializacao do produto em analise apresenta um alto grau de risco.Suplemento. Edição do 41 Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura; 1 Encontro sobre Plantas Medicinais, Aromáticas e Condimentares, Brasília, DF, jul. 2001

    Comparação dos modelos digitais de elevação gerados com dados SRTM e cartas IBGE na escala 1:250.000 na região da Bacia do Camanducaia no Estado de São Paulo.

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    O estudo comparou os MDEs, os mapas de declividade e os mapas hipsométricos produzidos pela SRTM com aqueles gerados pelas cartas do IBGE. A área estudada integra a bacia do Camanducaia, que limita-se como Estado de São Paulo a leste e Jaguariúna a oeste, abrangendo Holambra, Jaguariúna, Santo Antônio de Posse, Pedreira, Amparo, Serra Negra, Monte Alegre do Sul, Socorro, Pinhalzinho e Pedra Bela

    Educação ambiental e agroecossistemas sustentáveis em WebGIS.

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    Este trabalho mostra o uso tecnologias de sensoriamento remoto para disponibilizar informações georreferenciadas pela Internet pelo instrumental WebGIS. Dessa forma, objetiva-se contribuir na disseminação dos dados oriundos de sistemas agrícolas sustentáveis e na educação ambiental agrícola

    Estudo fenológico de espécies nativas da mata ciliar do rio São Francisco, em Petrolina-PE.

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    A fenologia pode ser definida como o estudo dos eventos do ciclo de vida dos vegetais, conhecendo-se assim o ritmo de reprodução e regeneração. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o comportamento fenológico de seis espécies arbóreas nativas da mata ciliar do Rio São Francisco
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