5 research outputs found

    Voz e disfunção temporomandibular em professores Voice and temporomandibular joint disorders in teachers

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    OBJETIVO: verificar a presença e possível correlação entre alteração vocal e DTM, em professores, a partir de dados de avaliação autorreferida, fonoaudiológica, otorrinolaringológica e odontológica. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo, 29 professores de uma escola de rede pública do ensino fundamental e médio do município de Sorocaba - SP. Os professores responderam questionário para levantamento de alteração vocal, e de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM). Foram realizadas quatro avaliações: perceptivo-auditiva; otorrinolaringológica; motricidade orofacial e odontológica. A menção a três ou mais sintomas no questionário determinou "presença" de queixa de voz e de DTM. As avaliações: perceptivo-auditiva e otorrinolaringológica concluíram a "ausência" e "presença" de alteração de voz e de laringe. Nas avaliações da motricidade orofacial e odontológica foi considerada DTM quando registrados três ou mais sinais e/ou sintomas, sendo indispensável à presença de dor. Na análise estatística dos dados, foram empregados: teste de Igualdade de Duas Proporções, teste exato de Fisher e de concordância Kappa. RESULTADOS: dentre os participantes, 82,8% fizeram autorreferência à alteração vocal e 62,1% de sintomas de DTM; 51,7% apresentaram alteração de voz na avaliação otorrinolaringológica e 65,5%, alteração de DTM na avaliação odontológica. Na comparação da avaliação de alteração de voz e DTM foi registrada correlação significante presente na avaliação perceptivo-auditiva da voz e de motricidade orofacial para DTM, e com tendência a significância na aplicação do questionário. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados apontam na direção de confirmar a presença de alteração de voz e DTM no grupo de professores pesquisado e correlação entre os mesmos.<br>PURPOSE: to check the presence and possible correlation between vocal disorders and temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJD) in teachers, from self-reported speech pathological, medical and dental evaluation data. METHODS: 29 public school teachers from the city of Sorocaba - SP took part in this study. The teachers filled out a questionnaire about vocal disorders and on TMJD. The four following assessments were performed: auditory-perceptive, ENT medical assessment, oral-facial mobility, and a dental assessment. The mentioning about three or more symptoms in the questionnaire determined 'presence' of vocal and TMJD complaint. Both auditory-perceptive and ENT evaluations concluded whether there was 'presence' of voice and laryngeal disorders. TMJD was considered present when three or more signs or symptoms, necessarily including pain, were registered during oral-facial mobility and dental assessments. For statistical analysis of the data the following tests were applied: Two Proportions Equality Test, Fischer's Exact Test and Kappa Agreement Test. RESULTS: among the participating subjects, 82.8% reported having a vocal disorder, and 62.1% reported TMJD symptoms; 51.7% showed vocal disorders in ENT evaluation, and 65.5% had TMJD according to dental assessments. When comparing vocal and TMJ disorder assessments, a significant correlation was present for auditory-perceptual and oral-facial mobility for TMJD, with a tendency towards significance also when applying the questionnaire. CONCLUSION: the results point towards confirming the presence of TMJ and vocal disorders in the group of teachers in this research, as well as positive correlations between these two disorders

    Temporomandibular disorders and parafunctional oral habits: an anamnestic study

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency and severity of the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), the frequency of parafunctional oral habits and the correlation between the variables by means of the patients' perception regarding their problem. METHODS: One hundred patients diagnosed with TMD, through a clinical examination of their masticatory system, answered the questions of a previously published protocol concerning the signs and symptoms most frequently reported in the literature. RESULTS: According to the results from the non parametric statistical analysis, the frequency for the following signs and symptoms was significant: Fatigue and muscle pain, joint sounds, tinnitus, ear fullness, headache, chewing impairment and difficulty to yawn (p<0.01) and otalgia (p<0.05). As to the parafunctional oral habits, there was a significant presence of teeth clenching during the day and night (p<0.01) and teeth grinding at night (p<0.05). The variable correlation analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between symptom frequency and severity; age was correlated with the presence of otalgia, cervical pain and teeth sensitivity, besides being correlated with muscle and joint pain severity. Habit frequency was negatively correlated with age. TMD duration was also positively correlated with the symptoms of tinnitus, ear fullness, muscle and joint pain. CONCLUSION: The study results showed that the anamnestic assessment using ProDTMMulti can predict the severity of the TMD case