8 research outputs found

    Human promoter CTAG1A and modified constructs.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) The 535 base pair long promoter region of human gene CTAG1A is rich in CpGs and exhibits α-scores higher than the genomic distribution with pronounced peaks. Shown are the composite α<sub>k</sub>-scores (top), the individual α<sub>k</sub>-scores for different sizes of <i>k</i> in the middle graph (colour coded, blue = negative, red/orange = positive), and CpGs in yellow (bottom). The three strongest regions are marked by red bars. (<b>b</b>) In-vitro activity of the original CTAG1A promoter (hCTAG1A Promoter), the three strongest α-score regions deleted (hCTAG1A delta), the three strongest α-score regions replaced with sequences from the genomic concatomer (hCTAG1A replace), and the three strongest α-score regions replaced with sequences from the promoter-like concatomer (hCTAG1A UP). Also shown are results without any promoter (Negative CO) and the SV40 core promoter (SV40 Promoter AVG).</p

    <i>In-vitro</i> promoter activity driven by artificial constructs.

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    <p>Artificial constructs ArS110, ArS300, ArS201 and ArS232 exhibit strong promoter activity driving a reporter gene (firefly luciferase, internally normalized by renilla luciferase) in mammalian cell lines: (<b>a</b>) CHO/hamster, (<b>b</b>) P19/mouse, (<b>c</b>) VERO/monkey, (<b>d</b>) HEK293/human, but not in (<b>e</b>) the insect cell line Sf9/army worm. Also shown are the negative control (−) and the SV40 core promoter activity (+). (<b>f</b>) TATA-boxes 1 (left) and 2 (right) were deleted from construct ArS232: deletion of TATA-box 1 only (dT1) results in lack of activity, deletion of TATA-box 2 (dT2) does not change expression levels, while deletion of both (dT1&2) results in slightly increased expression levels.</p

    Binding affinity of artificial promoter constructs to the transcription factors TFIIB and TBP.

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    <p>The binding expressed as Δnm on the y-axis was monitored in real time as sec (x-axis), using the ForteBio Octet QK instrument. Binding was conducted in four phases: (i) loading of biotinylated DNA fragments to the streptavidin biosensor tip, (ii) washing in Kinetics Buffer, (iii) association of the transcription factor and (iii) dissociation of the transcription factor. (<b>a</b>) The promoter constructs ArS110, ArS201, ArS232 and ArS300 show similar binding affinities to the TFIIB protein. (<b>b</b>) The promoter constructs ArS232, ArS232 dT1, ArS232 dT2 and ArS232 dT12 exhibit sequence-specific binding to the TBP protein. ArS232 dT12 lacking two TATA-Boxes shows the lowest binding affinity compared to the other constructs. (<b>c</b>) TFIIB binding vs. a negative control, for which we chose a 85 bp long sequence from inside the coding region of the luciferase gene (pGL3-Basic Promoter Promega: 1314 bp–1399 bp).</p

    Distance trees of expression profiles.

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    <p>We constructed neighbor-joining trees based on the correlation between expression values (FPKM>1.0) between samples, with 1 minus Spearman's rho defining the distance. Colors denote library construction methods (poly-A: blue, DSN: red). We divided transcribed loci into (a) protein coding genes with RNA-Seq support, either annotated by EnsEMBL in dog or EnsEMBL in the human orthologous regions. Replicates cluster together, so do the library constructions methods poly-A and DSN, as well as related tissues, such as heart and muscle; (b) antisense transcripts, that overlap at least one exon of a protein coding gene, as defined in (a). With the exception of testis, poly-A and DSN separate the samples, with both the poly-A and DSN sub-trees maintaining closer relationships between the related tissues heart and muscle; (c) spliced intergenic loci, excluding sequences that have coding potential. Similar to protein coding genes, the poly-A and DSN group by tissue first, with the exception of kidney DSN; and (d) intergenic and uncharacterized single-exon transcript loci. In this set, DSN and poly-A are, similar to antisense loci, the most dominant factor when grouping samples.</p