14 research outputs found


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    Mangrove forests are biological natural resources that have a variety of potentials that benefit human life both directly and indirectly and can be felt, both by people who live near the mangrove forest area and people who live far from the mangrove forest area. Mangrove forests also have high economic and ecological values but are very vulnerable to damage if they are not wise in maintaining, preserving and managing them. Collecting data to find out the benefits of mangrove forests for the people of Lansa Village is done by survey methods in the form of direct interviews with the community using the ecosystem.Data collection on the ecological conditions of mangroves is carried out by making plots. The number of plots in this study are nine plots. Each plot has a size of 10x10 m. Retrieval of data in this study are: the type of mangrove, the relative density of species, the relative frequency of types, the closure of relative types, and the index of important values. Based on the results of interviews with the community regarding mangrove forests are mangrove regulation services, mangrove provisioning services and mangrove cultural services. The most extensive assessment of the use of mangrove forests is the construction of embankments of Rp. 2,583,300,000 and followed by utilization of fish Rp. 1,521,429,000 and then utilization of fuel wood Rp259.200.000. With the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Lansa Village, it is Rp.4,363,929,000 per year. Hutan mangrove merupakan sumberdaya alam hayati yang mempunyai berbagai keragaman potensi yang memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan manusia baik yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dan bisa dirasakan, baik oleh masyarakat yang tinggal di dekat kawasan hutan mangrove maupun masyarakat yang tinggal jauh dari kawasan hutan mangrove. Hutan mangrove juga memiliki nilai ekonomis dan ekologis yang tinggi akan tetapi sangat rentan terhadap kerusakan apabila kurang bijaksananya dalam mempertahankan, melestarikan dan mengelolahnya. Pengambilan data untuk mengetahui manfaat hutan mangrove bagi masyarakat Desa Lansa dilakukan dengan metode survei dalam bentuk wawancara langsung dengan masyarakat pengguna ekosistem.Untuk pengambilan data kondisi ekologi mangrove dilakukan dengan pembuatan plot. Jumlah plot dalam penelitian ini adalah sembilan plot. Setiap plot memiliki ukuran 10x10 m. Pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini adalah: jenis mangrove, kerapatan relatif jenis, frekwensi relatif jenis, penutupan relatif jenis, dan indeks nilai penting. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan masyarakat mengenai hutan mangrove adalah mangrove regulation service, mangrove provisioning service dan mangrove cultural services. Penilaian pemanfaatan hutan mangrove yang paling banyak yaitu pembangunan tanggul Rp 2.583.300.000 dan diikuti oleh pemanfaatan ikan Rp 1.521.429.000 dan kemudian pemanfaatan kayu bakar Rp 259.200.000. Dengan jumlah total nilai ekonomi hutan mangrove Desa Lansa adalah Rp 4.363.929.000 per tahun


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    Corals are associations of millions polyps that live in symbiotic way with zooxanthellae algae. Most of the polyps live in colonies and form a reef. Coral reefs are rich ecosystems that contain diverse organisms living in it. However, the threat of damage increases with the pressure that enters the waters. Coral transplantation is one way of restorations that can be done to restore damaged corals by cutting live corals and then planting them in places where the corals have been damaged. This study aims to determine the growth rate of Acropora formosa corals that were transplanted on fixed and hanging media. Data was collected in Malalayang Coast Waters, Manado City, North Sulawesi. The research took place for seven months. Beginning with the coral transplant activity of Acropora formosa on fixed and hanging media, then continued with monitoring every month for six months. Transplanted corals were measured using a ruler to determine the length of the coral from the beginning to the end of the study and then the data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The results obtained for the average growth rate of Acropora formosa corals transplanted on fixed media were 0.8 cm and on hanging media 1.8 cm. Overall growth rate averaged 1.3 cm.Keywords: Coral, Coral Reef, Transplant, Acropora formosa

    Community Structure of Hard Coral (Scleractinia) in the Walenekoko Reef Flat, Pasir Panjang, Bitung City

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    Coral reefs are one of the potential good water resources in Indonesian marine waters. Ecologically, coral reefs can only develop in tropical climates. Hard coral is one of the important components as a constituent of coral reef ecosystems and plays an important role for marine biota. The research was conducted at the reef flat of Walenekoko Village, Pasir Panjang Village, South Lembeh District, Bitung City. The research covers the species, family and life form composition, and ecological indices (diversity, species equitability, and dominance indices). The research was carried out with an Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) method. The results obtained 18 types of hard corals belonging to 5 families. Montipora samarensis was the most abundant coral in the area with 43% of the community composition. The Faviidae family and Acroporidae (33%) had the largest percentage in all transects. The form of coral growth consisted of Acropora Submassive (ACS) 53%, Coral Massive (CM) 30%, and for Acropora Branching (ACB) 16%. The highest diversity value is at point 3 of 1.64, and point 1 of 1.60, while the lowest is at point 2 of 0.56. The evenness index obtained at point 1 is 0.70, and at point 2 is 0.30. The dominance values obtained ranged from 0.25 to 0.52.Keywords: Community Structure; Hard Coral; Reef FlatAbstrakTerumbu karang merupakan salah satu potensi sumberdaya perairan yang baik di perairan laut Indonesia. Secara ekologis terumbu karang hanya dapat berkembang di wilayah beriklim tropis. Karang keras merupakan salah satu komponen penting sebagai penyusun ekosistem terumbu karang dan berperan penting bagi biota laut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di rataan terumbu Desa Walenekoko, Desa Pasir Panjang, Kecamatan Lembeh Selatan, Kota Bitung. Penelitian meliputi komposisi spesies, famili, dan bentuk kehidupan, serta indeks ekologi (keanekaragaman, keseragaman spesies, dan indeks dominasi). Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Underwater Photo Transect (UPT). Hasil penelitian diperoleh 18 jenis karang keras yang termasuk dalam 5 famili. Montipora samarensis adalah spesies yang paling banyak ditemukan di daerah tersebut dengan persentase 43%. Famili Faviidae dan Acroporidae (33%) memiliki persentase terbesar di semua transek. Bentuk pertumbuhan karang terdiri dari: Acropora Submassive (ACS) 53%, Coral Massive (CM) 30%, dan untuk Acropora Branching (ACB) 16%. Nilai keanekaragaman tertinggi yaitu pada titik 3 sebesar 1,64, dan titik 1 sebesar 1.60, sedangkan yang termasuk rendah yaitu pada titik 2 sebesar 0,56. Indeks kemerataan diperoleh pada titik 1 sebesar 0,70, dan pada titik 2 sebesar 0.30. Nilai dominasi diperoleh berkisar antara 0.25 hingga 0.52.Kata kunci: Struktur Komunitas; Karang Keras; Rataan Terumbu

    Mangrove Community Structure in West Madapolo Village, North Obi District, South Halmahera Regency

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    The ecological function of mangroves can be viewed from three aspects, namely physical, chemical, and biological aspects. Data collection of mangrove community structure using line transect quadrant method by pulling the line along 100 m from the sea to land at the lowest tide. The results of mangrove community structure analysis in West Madapolo Village, North Obi District, South Halmahera Regency. Identified 4 types of mangroves namely Rhizopora apiculata, Sonneratia alba, Brugueira gymnorhiza, and Lumnitzera litorea found at the 3 stations. The highest species density value is Rhizopora apiculata, at station 1. The highest frequency by Rhizopora apiculata, and Brugueira gymnorhiza species at station 1 with the same value of 39.29. The highest cover by Rhizopora apiculata species at station 1 with a value of 49.73 and the lowest by S. alba species at 14.17 while the highest importance value index by Rhizopora apiculata species at 147.99 and the lowest is Sonneratia alba 40.54. The highest diversity at station 2, and the lowest at station 1, the highest diversity at station 2 while the highest dominance is found at the station and the lowest at station 2. Keywords: Structure Community, Mangrove, Village Madapolo Barat Abstrak Fungsi ekologis mangrove dapat ditinjau dari tiga aspek, yakni aspek fisika, kimia dan biologi. Pengambilan data struktur komunitas mangrove menggunakan metode line transek kuadran dengan cara menarik line garis sepanjang 100 m dari arah laut ke darat pada saat surut terendah. Hasil analislis struktur komunitas mangrove di Desa Madapolo Barat, Kecamatan Obi Utara, Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan. Teridentifikasi 4 jenis mangrove yaitu Rhizopora apiculata, Sonneratia alba, Brugueira gymnorhiza, dan Lumnitzera litorea yang ditemukan pada ke 3 stasiun. Nilai kerapatan jenis tertinggi adalah Rhizopora apiculata, pada stasiun 1. Frekuensi tertinggi oleh jenis Rhizopora apiculata, dan Brugueira gymnorhiza pada stasiun 1 dengan nilai yang sama yaitu 39,29. Penutupan tertinggi oleh jenis Rhizopora apiculata pada stasiun 1 dengan nilai 49,73 dan yang terendah oleh jenis S. alba  14,17 sedangkan indeks nilai penting tertinggi oleh jenis Rhizopora apiculata 147,99 dan terendah yaitu Sonneratia alba 40,54. Keanekaragaman tertinggi pada stasiun 2, dan terendah pada stasiun 1, kseseragaman tertinggi pada stasiun 2 sedangkan dominasi tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun dan yang terendah pada stasiun 2. Kata kunci: Struktur Komunitas, Mangrove, Desa Madapolo Bara


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    Benthic fauna is a group of benthic organisms that live on the bottom of the water or the bottom of the sediment or between sediments. This study aims to obtain an overview of the distribution and types of benthic faunal organisms measuring > 1mm in the waters of Molas Village at a depth of 1-3 m, especially around coral fragments. Benthos sampling was carried out using a grab sampler with three repetitions. The benthic sediment sample was sieved using a 1000 m (1.0 mm) sieve.  The sediment retained in the sieve was then identified based on its morphological characters using a  stereo microscope.  Furthermore, the number of organisms found was counted and analyzed according to the calculation of the ecological index. The results of the identification of benthic faunal organisms >1mm obtained a total of 36 types of mollusks consisting of 34 species belonging to the class Gastropods and 2 species belonging to the class Bivalvia which were divided into 24 families and obtained an average density of 81.4 ind/m2, Diversity Index 1, 47 (medium category), Uniformity Index 0.97 (high category) and Dominance Index 0.27 (nothing dominates). Keywords: benthic ecology, grab sampling, Manado Bay   ABSTRAK Fauna bentos merupakan kelompok organisme bentos yang hidup di dasar perairan atau dasar sedimen maupun di antara sedimen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran distribusi dan jenis organisme fauna bentos yang berukuran > 1mm di daerah perairan Kelurahan Molas padakedalaman 1-3 m khususnya di sekitar pecahan karang. Pengambilan sampel bentos dilakukan dengan menggunakan grab sampler dengan pengulangan sebanyak tiga kali. Sampel sedimen bentos diayak menggunakan saringan 1000 µm (1,0 mm). Sedimen yang tertahan di saringan kemudian diidentifikasi berdasarkan karakter morfologi dengan menggunakan bantuan mikroskop stereo. Selanjutnya jumlah organisme yang ditemukan dihitung dan dianalisis menurut perhitungan indeks ekologi.Hasil identifikasi organisme fauna bentos >1mm mendapatkan total 36 jenis moluska yang terdiri dari 34 spesies anggota kelas Gastropoda dan 2 spesies anggota kelas Bivalvia yang terbagi dalam 24 famili dan mendapatkan hasil rata-rata kepadatan 81,4 ind/m2, Indeks Keanekaragaman 1,47 (kategori sedang), Indeks Keseragaman 0,97 (kategori tinggi) dan Indeks Dominansi 0,27 (tergolong tidak ada yang mendominasi). Kata Kunci: Ekologi bentos, grab sampling, Teluk Manado &nbsp

    Study Of Hard Coral (Scleractinia) Recruitment In The Molas Waters, Manado City

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    Coral recruitment is the entry of new coral individuals into coral reef populations due to reproduction or migration. Juvenile coral is the result of metamorphosis and growth of coral planula measuring 5 cm and attached to certain substrates. There are two types of substrates in the waters, stable substrates and unstable substrates such as rubble. The purpose of this study was to study hard coral recruitment, both in terms of density, the composition of juvenile coral colony types, size, and the type of substrate occupied by juvenile corals. This research was conducted in August 2021 in the waters of Molas, Bunaken District, Manado City. The method used for site selection is the purposive sampling method and data collection using a sampling method with quadrant transects. The results showed that the density of coral recruitment at the study site was 8,43 colonies/m2. The percentage of juvenile coral attachment on stable substrates is 90% and 10% on unstable substrates. The average size of juvenile corals at the study site was 2.4cm. The composition of the juvenile coral genus found at the research site were corals of the genus Acropora, Anacropora, Coeloseris, Cycloseris, Cyphastrea, Echinopora, Favites, Fungia, Galaxea, Goniastrea, Isopora, Leptastrea, Leptoseris, Lobophyllia, Merulina, Montastrea, Montipora, Oulophyllia, Pachyseris, Pavona, Platygyra, Plasiastrea, Pocillopora, Porites, Psammocora, Scolymia, Seriatopora, Symphyllia, and Trachyphyllia. Of the entire genus, corals of the genus Porites were dominated by the number of juveniles as many as 36 colonies.Keywords: Molas, coral, recruitment, ScleractiniaAbstrakRekrutmen karang adalah masuknya individu karang baru pada populasi terumbu karang dikarenakan reproduksi ataupun migrasi.  Juvenil karang merupakan bentuk hasil metamorphosis dan pertumbuhan planula karang yang berukuran ≤ 5 cm dan menempel pada substrat tertentu.  Terdapat dua tipe substrat di perairan, substrat yang stabil dan substrat yang tidak stabil seperti pecahan karang (rubble).  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari tentang rekruitmen karang keras, baik dari densitas, komposisi jenis koloni juvenil karang, ukuran, hingga tipe substrat yang ditempati oleh juvenil karang.  Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2021 di perairan Molas Kecamatan Bunaken Kota Manado.  Metode yang digunakan untuk pemilihan lokasi adalah metode purposive sampling dan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode sampling dengan transek kuadran.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa densitas rekruitmen karang pada lokasi penelitian sebesar 8,43 koloni/m2.  Persentase penempelan juvenil karang pada substrat stabil sebesar 90% dan pada substrat yang tidak stabil sebesar 10%.  Ukuran rata-rata dari juvenil karang pada lokasi penelitian adalah 2,4cm.  Komposisi genus juvenil karang yang ditemukan pada lokasi penelitian adalah karang genus Acropora, Anacropora, Coeloseris, Cycloseris, Cyphastrea, Echinopora, Favites, Fungia, Galaxea, Goniastrea, Isopora, Leptastrea, Leptoseris, Lobophyllia, Merulina, Montastrea, Montipora, Oulophyllia, Pachyseris, Pavona, Platygyra, Plasiastrea, Pocillopora, Porites, Psammocora, Scolymia, Seriatopora, Symphyllia, dan Trachyphyllia.  Dari keseluruhan genus, didominasi oleh karang genus Porites dengan jumlah juvenil sebanyak 36 koloni.Kata kunci: Molas, karang, rekrutmen, scleractini

    Hard Coral Cover and Coral Fish Density in Pantai Pall Waters,Tanjung Pulisan, East Likupang, North Minahasa Regency

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    Tanjung Pulisan area in Likupang has been designated as part of the Likupang Special Economic Zone (SEZ), as one of five super-priority tourist destinations. To support this program, it is urgent to have an assessment based on coral reef and fish ecology that can be destined as a tourism target. Thus, the purpose of this study is to provide information on the percentage of hard coral cover, the percentage of hard coral genera, as well as the density of reef fish in the waters of Tanjung Pulisan. The author uses the Line Intercept Transect and Underwater Visual Census methods at three stations which are combined synergistically to obtain data on corals and target reef fish effectively. Data were analyzed using the Microsoft Excel program. The results of the analysis showed that the percentage of live coral cover in Tanjung Pulisan waters was categorized as moderate with an average percentage of 47.04%, consisting of 30.28% hard coral and 16.76% soft coral. In these waters, 32 genera of hard corals were found, and Porites as the most dominant genus, with an average percentage of 23.01 %. In addition, the total average density of target reef fish in this location was 0.185 ind/m2, with the most dominant family being Acanthuridae with an average density value of 0.096 ind/m2.Keywords: Hard coral; Likupang; Reef fish; Tanjung PulisanAbstrakKawasan Tanjung Pulisan, Likupang telah ditetapkan menjadi bagian dari Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Likupang, satu dari lima destinasi wisata super prioritas. Guna menunjang program ini, perlu dilakukan analisis berbasis ekologi karang dan ikan karang yang bisa dijadikan sebagai target wisata. Berdasarkan ini maka dilakukan riset tutupan karang keras, persentase genera karang keras, juga kepadatan ikan karang di lokasi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah Line Intercept Transect dan Sensus Visual Bawah Air pada tiga stasiun yang dipadukan secara sinergis untuk memperoleh data karang dan ikan karang target secara efektif. Data dianalisis menggunakan program Microsoft Excel. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa persentase tutupan karang hidup di perairan Tanjung Pulisan terkategorikan sedang dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 47,04 %, yang terdiri dari 30,28 % karang keras dan 16,76 % karang lunak. Di perairan ini ditemukan 32 genera karang keras, dengan genus yang paling dominan yaitu Porites dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 23,01 %. Selain itu, total kepadatan rata-rata ikan karang target di lokasi ini adalah 0,185 ind/m2, dengan Famili yang paling dominan adalah Acanthuridae dengan nilai kepadatan rata-rata sebesar 0,096 ind/m2.Kata kunci:   Ikan karang; Karang keras; Likupang; Tanjung Pulisa

    Persentage of Coral Cover and Megabenthos Diversity in “Tanjung Jaha”, Tanjung Pulisan Waters, North Minahasa Regency

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    Tanjung Pulisan waters, especially the “Tanjung Jaha” are one of the diving tourism areas and have been designated as part of Likupang Special Economic Zone (SEZ), which has also been included in one of five super-priority tourist destinations in Indonesia. Based on the assumptions that tourism activities in the area would be very massive, it is presumed that the “Pantai Kecil” area will be affected by those activities. Therefore, this study aims to provide data on coral cover and megabenthic diversity, as a basis data for further research and or for policy decisions in the region. This study used the Benthos Belt Transect (BBT) method and the Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) method and they were analyzed with CPCE (Coral Point Count with Excel Extensions) and Microsoft Excel. The results showed that the percentage of coral cover in “Tanjung Jaha” was categorized as “Good” with a value of 55.92% which included 41.36% hard corals and 15.31% soft corals. At this location, 26 megabenthos were found which consisted of 5 different taxa and the diversity index was categorized as “Medium” with the value of H’=1.36.Keywords:     Coral Cover; Diversity; Pantai Kecil; Tanjung PulisanAbstrakPerairan Tanjung Pulisan, khususnya “Tanjung Jaha” merupakan salah satu daerah wisata penyelaman dan telah ditetapkan menjadi bagian dari Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Likupang dan juga masuk dalam salah satu dari lima destinasi wisata super prioritas di Indonesia. Dengan aktivitas pariwisata yang akan sangat masif, diperkirakan wilayah “Tanjung Jaha” akan terdampak oleh aktivitas pariwisata. Maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan data tutupan karang dan keanekaragaman megabentos, sebagai data awal sebagai informasi bagi riset selanjutnya maupun pada kebijakan yang akan berlaku di daerah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Benthos Belt Transect (BBT) dan metode Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) dengan analisa menggunakan CPCe (Coral Point Count with Excel extensions) dan Microsoft Excel. Hasil analisis menunjukan persentase tutupan karang di “Tanjung Jaha” terkategorikan “Baik” dengan nilai 55.92% yang terdiri dari 41.36% karang keras dan 15.31% karang lunak. Di lokasi ini ditemukan 26 megabentos dari 5 taksa berbeda dengan indeks keanekaragaman terkategorikan “Sedang” dengan nilai H’=1.36.Kata kunci: Keanekaragaman; Pantai Kecil; Tutupan Karang; Tanjung Pulisa


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    Mangrove forest is an ecosystem that lives in coastal areas and has muddy substrates and river mouths influenced by seawater and it is able to live in areas with high salinity ranges. Mangroves absorb CO2 during photosynthesis, then convert it into carbohydrates by storing it in biomass in, roots, and leaves. This study aimed to identify mangrove species, examine the structure of the mangrove community, analyze the importance value index, and determine the value of mangrove biomass in East Ratatotok Village, Southeast Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province. The method used in this study is the quadrant line transect method which examines the importance value index and the amount of biomass in mangroves using a mangrove biomass determination algorithm. Based on the results of this study, four types of mangroves were found, namely Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculate, Ceriops tagal, and Sonneratia alba. The type of R. mucronata dominates the mangrove species in East Ratatotok, Southeast Minahasa Regency. The analysis results of East Ratatotok mangrove biomass values are quite high, ranging from 113.15 to 239.03 tons/ha.Keywords: Mangrove, IVI, Biomass, East RatatotokABSTRAKHutan mangrove merupakan suatu ekosistem yang hidup di daerah pesisir pantai dan memiliki substrat berlumpur, muara sungai yang dipengaruhi oleh air laut serta dapat hidup di daerah dengan rentang salinitas yang tinggi. Mangrove menyerap CO2 pada saat proses fotosintesis, kemudian mengubahnya menjadi karbohidrat dengan menyimpannya dalam bentuk biomassa pada akar, batang, ranting, dan daun Tujuan dari penelitian ini, yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi jenis mangrove, mengkaji struktur komunitas mangrove dan menganalisis indeks nilai penting serta mengetahui nilai biomassa mangrove di Desa Ratatotok Timur, Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode garis transek kuadrat yang meneliti indeks nilai penting dan jumlah biomassa pada mangrove menggunakan algoritma penentuan biomassa mangrove. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, ditemukan 4 jenis mangrove yaitu Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Ceriops tagal, dan Sonneratia alba. Jenis R. mucronata mendominasi jenis-jenis mangrove yang di Ratatotok Timur Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Hasil analisis nilai biomassa mangrove Ratatotok Timur cukup tinggi berkisar antara 113.15 hingga 239.03 ton/ha.Kata kunci: Mangrove, INP, Biomassa, Ratatotok Timu