147 research outputs found

    Tailoring plasmonic response by Langmuir-Blodgett gold nanoparticle templating for the fabrication of SERS substrates

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    Nanoparticle self-assembly is a robust and versatile strategy for the development of functional nanostructured materials, offering low-cost and scalable methods that can be fine-tuned for many different specific application. In this work, we demonstrate a pathway for the fabrication of tailorable quasitwo- dimensional lattices of gold nanoparticles to be used in Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) detection of biomolecules. As a first step, nanoparticles are spread as a monolayer at the water/ air interface, compressed to a target lateral density in a Langmuir-Blodgett technique, and transferred to a properly functionalized substrate surface. Once firmly adhered to the substrate, the lattice of nanoparticles can be directly used or be further processed using electroless gold deposition to let the nanoparticle grow thus tuning the plasmonic response and SERS enhancement. Compared to direct deposition or self-assembly methods, our protocol enables to obtain consistent results and much higher coverage of Au nanoparticles thanks to the active control of the surface pressure of the spread monolayer

    Strategic Intellectual Property Rights Policy and North-South Technology Transfer

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    Precautionary Effect and Variations of the Value of Information

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    Asymmetric Labor Markets, Southern Wages, and the Location of Firms

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    Impure Public Goods and Technological Interdependencies

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    Impure public goods represent an important group of goods. Almost every public good exerts not only effects which are public to all but also effects which are private to the producer of this good. What is often omitted in the analysis of impure public goods is the fact that – regularly – these private effects can also be generated independently of the public good. In our analysis we focus on the effects alternative technologies – independently generating the private effects of the public good – may have on the provision of impure public goods. After the investigation in an analytical impure public good model, we numerically simulate the effects of alternative technologies in a parameterized model for climate policy in Germany

    An Empirical Contribution to the Debate on Corruption, Democracy and Environmental Policy

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