32 research outputs found

    Vitamin D3 in High-Quality cow milk: an Italian case study

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    The quality-labeling category of High-Quality (HQ) milk defined by the Italian legislation must comply with specific requirements concerning rigorous breeder management, hygienic controls, fat and protein content, bacterial load, somatic cells, lactic acid content, and non-denatured soluble serum proteins. However, there is no specification for the vitamin D content of HQ milk. Moreover, the data on the vitamin D content of this milk category is very scarce. In the present study, the content of vitamin D3 was evaluated in HQ raw and pasteurized cow milk obtained from Italian cowsheds and supermarkets. The vitamin D3 content varied from not detected (less than 1 \ub5g L-1) to 17.0\ub12.0 \ub5g L-1 milk and was not related to the milk fat content. These results represent a case study including a significant although not exhaustive part of the contemporary Italian market of HQ milk. It was shown for the first time that HQ raw milk does not necessarily contain more vitamin D3, even though non-expert consumers likely to buy milk labeled as HQ could expect it. The vitamin D3 content in HQ pasteurized whole milk should be reported on the label of the milk package as a best practice of consumer information policy

    Sensory Wheel and Lexicon for the Description of Cold-Pressed Hemp Seed Oil

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    : Cold-pressed hemp seed oil (CP-HSO) has become available on the market and is gaining popularity mainly for its appeal and nutritional profile. The sensory quality largely depends on seed quality and processing as well as oil storage conditions. Given the "native" nature of the product, obtained by cold-pressing, the development of a standardized methodology to evaluate and describe the sensory quality of HSOs is of the utmost importance. To this aim, 16 commercial HSOs were evaluated, covering the main differences in brands and sales channels. A trained panel developed a vocabulary to describe the HSO profile consisting of 44 attributes, and a practical sensory wheel was proposed to classify attributes in different clusters and according to sensory modality. A sensory profile sheet was developed including two color descriptors (yellow, green), seven main positive (sunflower/pumpkin seeds, nutty, toasted nutty, hay, sweet, bitter, and pungent), several secondary positive (herbs, coffee, tobacco, etc.), four main defects (rancid, paint, burnt, and fish), and other secondary negative descriptors (boiled vegetables, cucumber, etc.). Subsequently, specific training of the panelists was carried out, and a satisfactory performance level was reached. This study represents the first attempt to standardize the sensory quality and terminology of HSO

    Effects of turmeric powder on intestinal and biliary functions: The influence of curcuminoids concentration on spontaneous contractility

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    Two turmeric food powders (C1 and C2) were studied for curcuminoid content and their effects on the guinea pig intestinal tract in vitro. C1 contained a higher curcuminoid content than C2 (5.22% vs 2.31%). C1 and C2 increased gallbladder (similar to 10%) and biliary smooth muscle tone (similar to 15%), without affecting the sphincter of Oddi smooth muscle contractility. C2 was more effective than C1 in lowering ileum tone (-22% vs -37%), whereas the reverse occurred in the colon (-50% vs 20%). Standard Fast Fourier transforms and absolute powers analysis of the frequency bands highlighted that, in the bile duct, C2 induced contractions of higher variability and ampler oscillations of low-frequency waves. At the Oddi sphincter, C1 had a biphasic effect, increasing and then drastically decreasing the oscillations. The same occurred with C2 in the ileum, while both samples reduced the fluctuations in the colon

    Impact of Lavender Flower Powder as a Flavoring Ingredient on Volatile Composition and Quality Characteristics of Gouda-Type Cheese during Ripening

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    This study aimed to formulate a Gouda-type cheese from cow's milk, flavored with lavender flower powder (0.5 g/L matured milk), ripened for 30 days at 14 °C and 85% relative humidity. Physicochemical, microbiological, and textural characteristics, as well as the volatile composition of the control (CC-cheese without lavender) and lavender cheese (LC), were assessed at 10-day intervals of ripening. Consumers' perception, acceptance, and purchase intention were only evaluated for ripened cheeses. Moisture and carbohydrate contents, the pH, cohesiveness, indexes of springiness and chewiness decreased during ripening in both CC and LC; however, protein, ash, and sodium chloride contents, titratable acidity, hardness, lactobacilli, streptococci, and volatiles increased. Fat and fat in dry matter contents, respectively, the energy value did not vary with ripening time in LC and increased in CC; gumminess decreased in CC and did not change in LC. Lavender flower powder significantly affected the cheese's microbiological and sensory characteristics and volatile composition but did not considerably impact physicochemical and textural ones. Populations of lactobacilli and streptococci were substantially higher in LC compared to CC. The volatile profile of LC was dominated by terpene and terpenoids, and that of CC by haloalkanes. Sensory scores were slightly lower for LC than CC, even if it did not considerably affect consumers' acceptance and purchase intention

    Preliminary Study: Comparison of Antioxidant Activity of Cannabidiol (CBD) and α-Tocopherol Added to Refined Olive and Sunflower Oils

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    This study evaluates the antioxidant activity of cannabidiol (CBD), added to model systems of refined olive (ROO) and sunflower (SO) oils, by measuring the peroxide value, oxidative stability index (OSI), electron spin resonance (ESR) forced oxidation, and DPPH• assays. Free acidity, a parameter of hydrolytic rancidity, was also examined. CBD was compared using the same analytical scheme with α-tocopherol. CBD, compared to α-tocopherol, showed a higher scavenging capacity, measured by DPPH• assay, but not better oxidative stability (OSI) of the oily systems considered. In particular, α-tocopherol (0.5%) showed an antioxidant activity only in SO, registered by an increase of more than 30% of the OSI (from 4.15 ± 0.07 to 6.28 ± 0.11 h). By ESR-forced oxidation assay, the concentration of free radicals (μM) in ROO decreased from 83.33 ± 4.56 to 11.23 ± 0.28 and in SO from 19.21 ± 1.39 to 6.90 ± 0.53 by adding 0.5% α-tocopherol. On the contrary, the addition of 0.5% CBD caused a worsening of the oxidative stability of ROO (from 23.58 ± 0.32 to 17.28 ± 0.18 h) and SO (from 4.93 ± 0.04 to 3.98 ± 0.04 h). Furthermore, 0.5% of CBD did not lower dramatically the concentration of free radicals (μM) as for α-tocopherol, which passed from 76.94 ± 9.04 to 72.25 ± 4.13 in ROO and from 17.91 ± 0.95 to 16.84 ± 0.25 in SO

    Composition of cold-pressed hemp seed oils: key elements of quality and authenticity

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    With the promotion of the agro-industrial chain of Cannabis sativa L., the presence on the market of food products obtained from industrial hemp has become more frequent and relevant. Among these, it is important to mention cold-pressed hemp seed oil, which, in relation to specific sensory quality and nutritional characteristics, is certainly one of the most widespread. In order to guarantee consumers regarding its safety, quality and authenticity, it is essential to know the key compositional parameters, their variability and the analytical methods that can be used to detect them. In this review article, all the evidence from the literature, useful to define a quality regulatory framework for the product category “cold-pressed hemp oil” according to the basic criteria of the Codex Alimentarius and some related considerations such as the seed conservation methods, the fundamental variables of the production process and the safety of the edible oil obtained, this last in relation to the legal limit (7.5 mg/kg), expressed as the sum of Δ9 – tetrahydrocannabinol (acid plus neutral form), are discussed. Nowadays, apart this last legal obligation, there is no specific and harmonized EU legislation to define the quality and authenticity of cold-pressed hemp seed oil. In order to help achieve this objective, this review presents a discussion of the data from the literature and provides interpretative elements. The path and information described herein were keys in drafting the commercial standard entitled “Cold-pressed hemp oil obtained from Cannabis sativa L. seeds - Characteristics and methods of analysis” UNI-11876:2022