29 research outputs found

    Innovative approaches to evaluate sugar beet responses to changes in sulfate availability

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    In this study, a system based on omics profiling was set-up for sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris) evaluation after changes in sulfate availability. Seedlings were grown on sulfate-deprived Hoagland solution. Six days after germination, 100 \ub5M MgSO4was added to the solution. Root samples were collected 36 h after treatments. WinRHIZO root-scanning approach was used for the automated image analysis of plant root morphology. Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (Q-TOF) were used for ionomic and metabolic analysis, respectively. Nanofluidic real-time PCR (OpenArray system) was used for molecular profiling. OpenArray chips were designed with TaqMan probes for 53 sugar beet genes putatively involved in sulfate nutrition. At morphological level treated seedlings showed significantly higher values (P < 0.01) than untreated plants for root traits related to soil exploration and nutrient uptake, such as total root length, fine roots length and root tips number. ICP-OES, Q-TOF and transcriptomic data revealed changes due to sulfate availability in sugar beet samples. Two key results are highlighted in sulfate-supplied roots and leaves. Firstly, high expression levels of auxin efflux carrier component 1 (PIN) and 5-phosphoribosyl-anthranilate, precursor of tryptophan and auxin synthesis, were observed in roots. Secondly, high levels of 2-Cys peroxiredoxin BAS1, chloroplastic, thioredoxin reductase (NADPH) and cysteine synthase, chloroplastic/chromoplastic, O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase, involved in protection against oxidative stress and cysteine synthase activity, respectively, were observed in leaves. Based on our findings, the combination of evaluated omics approaches could become a key system for the evaluation of the nutritional status of sugar beet under different nutrient availability conditions

    Iohannis Scotti seu Eriugenae Sermo de imagine

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    Introduzione ed edizione critica di un testo latino di filosofia patristica, finora non disponibile in edizione critica. Si tratta della traduzione effettuata da Giovanni Scoto Eriugena ("Sermo de imagine") di un'importante opera di antropologia filosofica del Padre della Chiesa greco Gregorio di Nissa (nota come "De opificio hominis")

    La dottrina del primo principio nel pensiero arabo cristiano e iltrattato sull'unita' divina di Yahya ibn 'Adi

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    La tesi è dedicata a un esame degli scambi dottrinali fra la teologia cristiana araba medievale e la filosofia araba coeva. Il caso di studio scelto e' il Trattato sull'unita'  divina del cristiano giacobita Yahya ibn 'Adi (X sec.). L'analisi dottrinale dell'opera cerca di evidenziarne contesto, struttura argomentativa e interlocutori filosofici. La tesi include il testo critico del Trattato sull'unità divina, riveduto su un nuovo testimone manoscritto, una traduzione italiana e un comment