170 research outputs found

    Uticaj bakterijskog inokulanta na hemijski sastav i fermentaciju silaže lucerke

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    Alfalfa silage is a useful source of protein for feeding ruminants. Therefore, managing alfalfa silage in livestock production systems is an important issue in order to maintain the silage quality and achieve maximum profitable production of milk and meat. The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of bacterial inoculant Silko, containing Lactobacillus plantarum (strains: LP1, LP2, LP3 and LP4) on chemical composition, energetic characteristics and fermentation alfalfa silage under field conditions in the commercial dairy farm, during the 2016. The first-cut alfalfa in the second year has been conserved in silage form. The silage mass was subdivided into two equal parts (control (silage without inoculant) and silages treated with bacterial inoculant Silko) and ensiled in trench silo. After 60 days of ensiling, the silages were analyzed. Dry matter, ash, crude protein, lactic acid, acetic acid, total digestible nutrients value and relative feed value were significantly higher in silage treated with bacterial inoculant Silko compared to control. Contrary, alfalfa silage treated with a bacterial inoculant Silko had lower values of cellulose, acid detergent fibre, neutral detergent fibre, nonnitro extractive matter, pH, butyric acid, soluble nitrogen/total nitrogen and NH3- N/total nitrogen than untreated silage. Results showed that bacterial inoculant Silko increases silage quality compared to control so that research should be directed toward the use of such prepared silage in ruminant diets and its impact on milk and meat production on farms.Silaža lucerke je koristan izvor proteina za ishranu preživara. Stoga, proizvodnja silaže lucerke u stočarstvu predstavlja važno pitanje kako bi se održao kvalitet silaže i postigla maksimalna profitabilna proizvodnja mleka i mesa. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se proceni efekat bakterijskog inokulanta Silka koji sadrži Lactobacillus plantarum (sojevi: LP1 LP2, LP3 i LP4) na hemijski sastav i fermentaciju silaže lucerke u terenskim uslovima na komercijalnoj farmi goveda u 2016. godini. Prvi otkos lucerke u drugoj godini je konzerviran u obliku silaže. Silažna masa je podeljena na dva jednaka dela (kontrola (silaža bez inokulanta) i silaža tretiranih bakterijskim inokulantom Silko) i silirana u rovu silosu. Silaža je analizirana 60 dana nakon siliranja. Sadržaj suve materije, pepela, sirovih proteina, mlečne i sirćetne kiseline, ukupna svarljiva hranljiva materija i relativna hranljiva vrednost značajno su veći u silaži tretiranoj bakterijskim inokulantom Silko nego u kontroli. Suprotno, silaža lucerke tretirana sa bakterijskom inokulantom Silko imala je niže vrednosti za celulozu, ADF, NDF, bezazotne ekstraktivne materije, pH, buternu kiselinu i udeo rastvorljivog i amonijačnog azota u ukupnom azotu nego kontrola. Rezultati su pokazali da bakterijski inokulant Silko povećava kvalitet silaže u odnosu na kontrolu, tako da bi dalja istraživanja trebalo da budu usmerena ka korišćenju ovako pripremljene silaže u ishrani preživara i njen uticaj na proizvodnju mleka i mesa na farmama

    Procena uticaja bakterijske i mineralne fertilizacije na hemijski sastav i prinos zelene biomase kukuruza

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of an application of different rates of composite mineral fertilizers and their combination with bacterial inoculants (N-fixing Klebsiella planticola and Enterobacter spp.) on chemical composition and yield of the maize green biomass (without spikes) on acid Eutric Cambisol during the two growing seasons: 2006 and 2008. Unfertilized soil was used as a control. The contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and crude proteins in biomass samples were determined three times during the maize vegetation season, as follows: stage of intensive growth, milk-waxy maturity stage and full maturity stage. Measuring of the green biomass yield was carried out at the end of the vegetation. The results of the study showed that the use of high rates of composite mineral fertilizers and their combination with bacterial inoculants resulted in increased contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and crude proteins in the maize biomass during the both study years, which was noticeably observed in the stage of intensive growth. The highest increase in the biomass yield was obtained by the same mentioned treatments, although the combination of bacterial inoculants and lower rates of mineral fertilizers resulted in higher yields comparing to the application of lower rates of the pure mineral nutrients. The data suggest that the studied bacterial inoculants can be used in further investigations as the potential agents of new biofertilizers for improved maize production and other agriculture crops in animal nutrition.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se proceni uticaj primene različitih doza kompleksnih mineralnih đubriva i njihovih kombinacija sa bakterijskim inokulantima (azotofiksirajuće bakterije Klebsiella planticola i Enterobacter spp.) na hemijski sastav i prinos zelene biomase kukuruza na kiselom eutričnom kambisolu tokom dve vegetacione sezone: 2006 i 2008. Neđubreno zemljište je služilo kao kontrola. Sadržaj azota, fosfora, kalijuma i sirovih proteina u uzorcima biomase su određivani tri puta tokom vegetativne sezone kukuruze, i to: u fazi intenzivnog porasta, fazi mlečno-voštane zrelosti i fazi pune zrelosti. Merenje prinosa zelene biomase obavljeno je krajem vegetacije. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je primena visokih doza kompleksnih mineralnih đubriva i njihova kombinacija sa bakterijskim inokulantima uticala na povećanje sadržaja azota, fosfora, kalijuma i sirovih proteina u biomasi kukuruza tokom obe godine istraživanja, što je naročito izraženo u fazi njegovog intenzivnog porasta. Najveći porast prinosa biomase je dobijen na istim navedenim varijantama, a isto tako je i primena kombinacije bakterijskih inokulanata i manjih doza mineralnih đubriva rezultirala većim prinosima u odnosu na primenu manjih doza čistih mineralnih hraniva. Dobijeni podaci ukazuju da se ispitivani bakterijski inokulanti mogu koristiti u daljim istraživanjima kao potencijalni agenti novih biofertilizatora u cilju poboljšanja proizvodnje kukuruza i drugih poljoprivrednih kultura u ishrani životinja

    Uticaj Lactobacillus plantarum inokulanata na kvalitet silaže kukuruza

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    In the winter time in Serbia, maize silage is the main ruminant feed. Therefore, managing maize silage is an important contributor to maintain the silage quality for livestock feed. In the study were evaluated the chemical composition, energetic and fermentation characteristics in whole-crop maize silage inoculated with different bacterial inoculants under field conditions in the commercial dairy farm, during the 2015. Three treatments were tested: negative control (untreated silage), a positive control (competitor inoculant) and Silko treatment (contains a mixture of 4 strains of Lactobacillus plantarum (LP1, LP2, LP3 and LP4). Maize is ensiled in the milk-wax grain maturity. After 90 days of ensiling, the maize silages were analyzed. The application of bacterial inoculants improved the chemical composition and energetic characteristics of silage. The inoculant Silko was more effective at improving the fermentation characteristics than competitor inoculant. Ash, cellulose, soluble N/TN, NH3-N/TN, ADF, NDF, acetic acid and pH were significantly lower in Silko treatment than positive control. There were no differences in crude fat, crude protein, ME, NEL, lactic acid and butyric acid between the treated silages. Generally, the new product bacterial inoculant Silko proved in field trials its ability to support the ensiling process in maize. The main action of the bacterial inoculant Silko is performed in two ways: the reduced degradation of protein in silage and the improvement of the aerobic stability due to the lower pH, higher content of acetic acid than negative control.U zimskom periodu u Srbiji, silaža kukuruza je glavna hrana za preživare. Zbog toga je postupak proizvodnje silaže važan faktor u očuvanju kvaliteta silaže za ishranu zivotinja. U studiji su ocenjeni hemijski sastav, energetske i fermentacione karakteristike silaža od celih biljaka kukuruza inokulisanih različitim bakterijskim inokulantima u terenskim uslovima na komercijalnoj farmi goveda u 2015. godini. Tri tretmana su testirana: negativna kontrola (netretirana silaža), pozitivna kontrola (konkurentski proizvod) i Silko tretman (sadrži mešavinu 4 soja Lactobacillus plantarum (LP1 LP2, LP3 i LP4)). Kukuruz je siliran u fazi mlečno-voštane zrelosti zrna. Silaža je analizirana 90 dana nakon siliranja. Bakterijski inokulanti su poboljšali hemijski sastav i energetske karakteristike silaže. Inokulant Silko bio je efikasniji u poboljšanju fermentacionih karakteristika u odnosu na konkurentski proizvod. Sadržaj pepela, celuloze, rastvorljivog i amonijačnog azota u ukupnom azotu, ADF, NDF, sirćetne kiseline i pH značajno su niži u Silko tretmanu nego u pozitivnoj kontroli. Nije bilo razlike u sadržaju sirove masti, sirovih proteina, ME, NEL, mlečne i buterne kiseline između tretiranih silaža. Generalno, novi proizvod bakterijski inokulant Silko pokazao je da u poljskim ogledima ima sposobnost da podrži proces siliranja kukuruza. Delovanje bakterijskog inokulanta Silka vrši se na dva načina: smanjena degradacija proteina u silaži i poboljšana aerobna stabilnost zbog nižeg pH i većeg sadržaja sirćetne kiseline u poređenju sa negativnom kontrolom

    Influence of sowing time on Fusarium and fumonisin contamination of maize grains and yield component traits

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    The main aim of this research was to study the effect of two sowing times (early and late) on Fusarium and fumonisin contamination and some yield component traits of two maize hybrids from the FAO maturity groups 500 (ZP 560) and 600 (ZP 666) within a two-year growing season (2016–2017). F. verticillioides and F. subglutinans have been identified as Fusarium ear rot (FER) pathogens and potential producers of B-type fumonisins (FBs), with F. verticillioides as the predominant Fusarium species in both years. The incidence of F. verticillioides and FB levels were affected by sowing time and maize hybridity. With early sowing and the mid-maturity hybrid ZP 560, F. verticillioides and FB contamination were lower than with late sowing and the late-maturity hybrid ZP 666. Yield parameters also differed significantly between sowing time and maize hybrid treatments. Early sowing increased ear length (EL), number of grains per ear (NGE), grain weight per ear (GWE), and grain yield per hectare (GY). The late-maturity hybrid ZP 666 had higher yield component traits and GY than the mid-maturity hybrid ZP 560. EL, GWE, thousand-grain weight (TGW), and GY were affected by year. Interactions between sowing times and maize hybrids were highly significant (p ≤ 0.01) for FB level, GWE, and GY. The obtained results indicate the importance of applying early sowing to achieve high maize grain yields with lower contamination by F. verticillioides and FBs. Although mid-maturity hybrid ZP 560 and late-maturity hybrid ZP 666 showed significant differences in terms of levels of F. verticillioides and FB contamination, both were susceptible to F. verticillioides, with high FB levels. These results should be useful to breeders of maize hybrids to create genotypes more resistant to these fungal contaminants

    Uticaj vremena žetve na prinos i kvalitet silokrme kukuruza

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    Maize is the very important silage source in the world. Timely harvesting ensure high maize forage yield and quality. Therefore, the study focused on the effects of four harvesting times (starting at the 12 August every 7 days) on yield and qualitative parameters of forage green mass of maize hybrid ZP 677. The experiment was set in Vojvodina Province, Serbia, during the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. Plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves per plant, ear percentage, forage yield, dry matter content and crude protein content were higher, while stem percentage was lower in 2014 with favorable climatic condition. Forage yield, crude protein content, ADF and NDF decreased, while dry matter content significantly increased with delay in harvesting. The maize hybrid should be harvested when the milk line is three-quarter of the way down the grain that is in the third decade of August.Kukuruz je veoma važan izvor silaže u svetu. Pravovremenom žetvom kukuruza obezbeđuje se visok prinos i kvalitet krme za silažu. Stoga je istraživanje fokusirano na uticaj četiri datuma žetve (počev od 12. avgusta svakih sedam dana) na prinos i kvalitativne parametre silokrme hibrida kukuruza ZP 677. Eksperiment je postavljen u Vojvodini, u Srbiji, tokom 2013. i 2014. godine. Visina biljke, prečnik stabla, broj listova po biljci, udeo stabla, prinos krme, sadržaj suve materije i sadržaj sirovih proteina bili su veći, dok je udeo stabla bio manji u 2014. godini sa povoljnim klimatskim uslovima. Prinos krme, sadržaj sirovih proteina, ADF i NDF su se smanjivali, dok se sadržaj suve materije povećavao sa kašnjenjem u žetvi. Hibrid kukuruza za krmu treba sakupljati kada je mlečna linija tri četvrtine visine zrna što je u trećoj dekadi avgusta

    Aktivnost fosfomonoesteraze u zavisnosti od mikrobioloških svojstava zemljišta

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    In the present work, effects of microbiological soil properties and phosphomonoesterase activity are presented. The abundances of ammonificators, fungi, actinomycetes, Azotobacter sp., cellulolytic microorganisms, microorganisms that solubilize organic and inorganic P compounds bound to Al, Fe and Ca, have been determined by the dilution method with application of selective nutrient mediums. The first five axes explaines 86% of the total variance. The first axis explains 34.6% of variance and it appears to reflect the processes of microbiological mineralization and immobilization of phosphorus. The second axis explains 25.9% of variance and reflects microbial activity and organic matter accumulation, N biomasses, Azotobacter sp. abundance and acid and alkaline PME activities. Phosphomonoesterase activity in soil depend primarily on soil organic matter and biological factors and can be used as a parameter of plants' uptake of phosphorus, especially in conditions of its low concentration in soil.U ovom radu ispitivan je uticaj mikrobioloskih svojstava zemljista i aktivnosti fosfomonoestreaze. Brojnost azotofiksatora, gljiva, aktinomiceta, Azotobacter sp., celulolitičkih mikroorganizama, mikroorganizma koji razlazu organske i neorganske jedinjenja vezana za P, Al, Fe i Ca, utvrđene su postupkom razređivanja s primenom selektivnih hranjivih medija. Prvih pet osa objasnjava 86% ukupne varijanse. Prva osa objašnjava 34,6% varijanse, a odražava procese mikrobiološke mineralizacije i imobilizacije fosfora. Druga osa objašnjava 25,9% varijanse i odražava mikrobiološku aktivnost i nakupljanje organske materije, N biomase, brojnost Azotobacter sp. i aktivnosti kisele i alkalne fosfomonoesteraze. Fosfomonoesterazna djelovanja u tlu primarno zavise od organske materije i bioloških faktora i može se koristiti kao parametar biljnog usvajanja fosfora, naročito u uslovima njegove niske koncentracije u tlu

    The use of bacterial indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) for reduce of chemical fertilizers doses

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    The standard technology of seed processing uses mainly chemical products. Recent researches showed that toxic materials from chemical fertilizers can be harmful to humans, animals and the environment. Currently the attention of researches is shifting away from chemical fertlizers and toward alternative that consumers perceive to be natural, Plant Growth Promoting bacteria (PGP). PGP bacteria could be a way to reduce chemical fertilizer doses. This was the reason to test the ability of Bacillus megaterium, Azotobacter chroococcum to produce hormone auxin (IAA). Bacterial strains were identified by PCR amplification and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was detected and quantified by MRM experiment. This study conducted that maize seed inoculation with IAA from species mentioned above showed positive effects. They had statistically significantly higher root and steam height compared to control seedlings. Bacterial strains tested in this study may be recommended as PGP (Plant Growth Promoting) bacteria, due to their positive effects and eventually can be used to reduce chemical fertilizers doses

    Fermentabilne karakteristike travno-leguminoznih silaža košenih u dve različite starosne faze

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    The objective of our study was to investigate the diversity of individual parameters of quality of grass-legume mixture silages harvested in two stages of crop utilization and the impact of the interaction of studied factors on the quality. Legumes as an important source of protein are very difficult to ensilage. However, in mixture with grasses their fermentable characteristics are improved. During the growth and development of plants, their chemical composition changes, hence their ability and suitability for ensiling also changes. In regard to the studied factors, the phase of exploitation had a highly significant impact on almost all quality parameters in both years. By delaying the harvest period, dry matter content in silage has significantly increased and the level of crude protein and NH3-N decreased. In regard to the content of lactic acid, the studied silages fall into category of good quality silages. Its content in the first year ranged from 24.3-31.5 in the early harvest stage and from 27.9-36.2 g kg-1 DM at the late harvest stage, and in the second year from 27.4 to 31.4 in the early harvest stage and from 28.2- 31.9 g kg-1 DM at the stage of late harvest. According to the content of acetic and butyric acids, studied silages can also be considered as silages of good quality.Cilj naših istraživanja je bio da ispitamo uticaj faze zrelosti useva u vreme kosidbe različitih travno-leguminoznih smeša, kao i interakciju faktora faza-vrsta smeše na pojedine parametre kvaliteta silaža od tih smeša. Leguminoze kao važni izvori proteina se vrlo teško siliraju. U smeši sa travama njihove fermentabilne karakteristike se popravljaju. U toku rasta i razvića biljaka menja se njihov hemijski sastav, pa i sposobnost za siliranje. Od ispitivanih faktora, faza iskorišćavanja imala je visoko značajnog uticaja na gotovo sve parametre kvaliteta u obe ispitivane godine. Odlaganjem vremena kosidbe značajno je povećan sadržaj suve materije u silaži i smanjen sadržaj sirovih proteina i NH3-N. Ispitivane silaže po sadržaju mlečne kiseline spadaju u silaže dobrog kvaliteta. Njen sadržaj u prvoj godini kretao se od 24,3-31,5 u ranoj kosidbi i od 27,9-36,2 g kg-1 SM u kasnoj kosidbi i u drugoj godini od 27,4-31,4 u ranoj fazi i od 28,2-31,9 g kg-1 SM u kasnoj fazi košenja. Po sadržaju sirćetne i buterne kiseline, ispitivane silaže se takođe mogu okarakterisati kao dobrog kvaliteta

    Proizvodni rezultati višegodišnjeg ljulja u binarnim smešama sa lucerkom i crvenom detelinom u uslovima đubrenja azotom

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    Perennial ryegrass is a very important and widespread grass species used for livestock nutrition, in particularly ruminants. As a species that is most commonly used on grasslands, it is grown in mixtures with other types of grasses and legumes. The objective of the research was to investigate the performance of perennial ryegrass at various proportions in the mixtures with red clover and lucerne, and how different levels of N fertilization affect its competitiveness. Ryegrass achieved the highest yield with lucerne at seeding rate 50:50 and with red clover at seeding rate 70:30. Relative grass yield (RYg) of mixtures ranged from 1.01 to 1.55 respectively, which means that ryegrass in mixtures achieved 0.1-55% greater yield than pure ryegrass crop. N fertilization increased DMY and RYg, leaf : steam ratio, specific leaf area (SLA), leaf area ratio (LAR) and leaf area index (LAI) in both years thus increasing the competitive capability of perennial ryegrass.Višegodišnji ljulj je veoma važna i rasprostranjena vrsta trava koja se koristi za ishranu stoke, naročito preživara. Kao vrsta koja se najčešće koristi na travnjacima, ona se uzgaja u mešavinama sa drugim vrstama trava i mahunarki. Cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti proizvodne rezultate višegodišnjeg ljulja u različitim proporcijama u smešama sa crvenom detelinom i lucerkom, kao i kako različiti nivoi N đubrenja utiču na njegovu konkurentnost. Ljulj je postigao najveći prinos sa lucerkom pri razmerisetvenoj of 50:50 i sa crvenom detelinom, 70:30. Relativni prinos trava (RYg) smeša se kretao od 1,01 do 1,55, što znači da je ljulj u smešama postigao 0.1-55% veći prinos od čistog useva. N đubrenje povećalo je DMY i RYIg, odnos lista i stabljike, specifičnu lisnu površinu (SLA), odnos lisnih površina (LAR) i indeks lisnih površina (LAI) u obe godine, čime se povećava konkurentna sposobnost višegodišnjeg ljulja

    Uticaj gustine useva na prinos zrna kukuruza

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    The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of crop density on the plant height (PH), ear height (EH), leaf number per plant (LN), ear length (EL), number of rows per ear (NRE), number of grain per row (NGR), number of grain per ear (NGE), grain weight per ear (GWE), cob weight (CW), 1000-grain weight (1000-GW), ear diameter (ED) and grain yield (GY) in staygreen maize hybrid Dijamant 6 (FAO maturity group 600). Three crop densities (51020 plants ha-1, 59524 plants ha-1 and 71429 plants ha-1) were tested. The field experiment was carried out during 2006 and 2007 at Srem region (Putinci: latitude 44° 59' 19' N; longitude 19° 58' 11' E). Plots were organized as completely randomized block system design in four replications. PH (284.3 cm), EH (119.9 cm), LN (13.9), EL (20.8 cm), GWE (232.5 g), CW (56.4 g), 1000-GW (378.4 g) and GY (13.56 t ha-1) were significantly higher in 2006 (favorable climatic conditions) than in 2007 (258.5 cm, 112.8 cm, 13.2, 17.9 cm, 192.9 g, 46.9 g, 232.7 g and 11.50 t ha-1, respectively). Increasing crop density significantly increased the PH, EH and GY, and significantly decreases the EL, NGR, NGE, GWE, CW and 100-GW. The crop density of 71429 plants ha-1 is the optimal for growing this hybrid in Srem region. On that crop density hybrid more efficiently used available resources and achieved the highest grain yield.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj gustine biljaka na visinu biljke (VB), visinu klipa (VK), broj listova po biljci (BL), dužinu klipa (DK), broj redova zrna na klipu (BRZ), broj zrna u redu (BZR), broj zrna po klipu (BZK), prinos zrna po klipu (PZK), masu kočanke (MK), masu 1000 zrna (MHZ), prečnik klipa (PK) i prinos zrna (PZ) u hibrida Dijamant 6 (FAO 600 grupa zrenja). Tretmani su bili: 51020 biljaka ha-1, 59524 biljaka ha-1 i 71429 biljaka ha-1. Poljski ogledi izvedeni su 2006. i 2007. godine u regionu Srema (Putinci 44° 59' 19' SGŠ, 19° 58' 11' IGD). Ogledi su postavljeni po slučajnom blok sistemu u četiri ponavljanja. VB (284.3 cm), VK (119.9 cm), BL (13.9), DK (20.8 cm), PZK (232.5 g), MK (56.4 g), MHZ (378.4 g) i PZ (13.56 t ha-1) bili su značajno veći u 2006 godini (povoljni klimatsku uslovi) nego u 2007. (258.5 cm, 112.8 cm, 13.2, 17.9 cm, 192.9 g, 46.9 g, 232.7 g i 11.50 t ha-1). Povećanje gustine useva značajno je povećalo VB, VK i PZ, i značajno smanjilo DK, BZR, BZK, PZK, MK i MHZ. Gustina useva 71429 biljaka ha-1 je optimalna za gajenje ovog hibrida u regionu Srema. Na toj gustini hibrid najefikasnije koristi raspoložive resurse i postiže najveći prinos zrna