3 research outputs found

    Implementing Role Play in English for Business Class

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    This study is aimed at describing the implementation of role play technique in English for Business class. The participants of this study were 52 students majoring informatics system at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia who enrolled English for business I. Data were collected through observation and interview. Then, the data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis. The result of this study shows that the implementation of role play was done successfully. Students played their role well. They could use English based on its context. More exposure toward real situated activities is suggested to help students develop their English ability

    Powtoon: a Digital Medium to Optimize Students' Cultural Presentation in ELT Classroom

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    Facing industrial revolution 4.0 requires university students to provide themselves with a skill that they can use to compete with machines or computers. One of the skills is negotiation which involves mastering language, especially English as a means of International communication. However, learning English as a foreign language is not as easy as it seems. The students need to use a proper learning media which match their characteristics as digital native and motivate them in learning English such as multimedia. By using multimedia, the students will not only learn about language but also the skill about how to use the media or a computer to come up with industrial revolution 4.0. Thus, the researchers who are English lecturers aimed to encourage students in Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) to use more web-based medium as a medium in learning English in a class, exclusively Powtoon. This research used a qualitative method since it disclosed how UTI students use Powtoon in a class and what their opinion toward Powtoon for learning English. During the research, the students used Powtoon in a class as a presentation medium for a half-semester because after mid-test they were divided into 13 groups to present the topics given by the lecturer. For each meeting, there were 2-3 groups presentation. At the end of the semester, the students were given questionnaire related to multimedia usage and responded that they felt motivated in learning English by using technology especially Powtoon. As a result, using a web-based medium in learning English can increase not only student's ability to language but also technology

    An Analysis of Teachers' Beliefs Toward Authentic Materials in Teaching Listening

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    This research concerns on the study of analyzing teachers' beliefs toward authentic materials in teaching listening. This issue becomes important to analyze because teachers' beliefs containing conceptions, world views, and mental models about the materials will shape learning and teaching practices. The subject of this research was two English teachers who specifically teach listening skill by using authentic materials in Surakarta. The data were collected through observation, questionnaire and interview and were analyzed by using interactive model proposed by Miles and Huberman. The result of this research is teachers believe that :a) authentic materials are materials produced by a native speaker of the target language not for a teaching purpose, b) authentic materials must introduce English in the real context used by the native speaker, improve students' knowledge, Improve students' English competence in both spoken and written, improve students' vocabulary, introduce the culture of native speaker, improve students' listening ability, motivate students to learn, motivate students to learn autonomously, c) authentic materials are important to use since it is motivating students and providing some aspect of English that students can learn, d) authentic materials are considered to be carefully selected before being taught to the students, e) song attracts students' interest. The result implies that teachers' concept toward authentic materials has shape their belief