374 research outputs found
Science Diplomacy Through Cities: Applying NASA Earth Observations at the Urban Scale
NASA's scientific expertise and data products are enhancing cities' environmental monitoring activities by pioneering applications of remote sensing and model-based Earth Observations at the urban scale. The above activities have greatly benefitted from engaging stakeholders and city practitioners from the start. Further, NASA's collaborations with cities have: Advanced NASA science, in testing new products and validating of satellite datasets, while meeting the needs of city governments. Broadened Rio de Janeiro's regional viewpoint and strengthened its relationships with neighboring cities. Scientific collaborations with cities benefit from: Selecting city partners with a high level of technical capacity and willing to make strong investments in joint projects. Sustained communication and face-to-face interactions. Well-defined deliverables, with dedicated resources and personnel. Pairing global datasets and projections with in situ measurements and local knowledgeSensitivity to local working culture and politics
Efeito da adição de sacarose e tempo de pasteurização sobre a tonalidade cromática e características microbiológicas de conservas de soja tipo hortaliça.
A soja tipo hortaliça é colhida no estádio de desenvolvimento R6, quando os grãos apresentam-se de coloração verde e totalmente desenvolvidos, mas ainda imaturos. Quando comparada com a soja convencional apresenta sabor suave e adocicado, textura macia e qualidade nutricional superior. Uma alternativa de consumo da soja tipo hortaliça, além do in natura, é o seu processamento em conservas que pode contribuir para sua disponibilidade em todas as épocas do ano. Durante o preparo das conservas, os grãos são tratados termicamente ocasionando perdas de cor e textura. A adição de sacarose em pequenas quantidades na salmoura das conservas contribui para manter a coloração, a firmeza e sabor ácido mais brando. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adição de sacarose e tempo de pasteurização sobre a tonalidade cromática e características microbiológicas de conservas em pH 3,9 de grãos de soja da cultivar tipo hortaliça BRS 267. Para isso foi utilizado o delineamento experimental composto central rotacional (DCCR) 22 com 4 pontos axiais e 4 ensaios no ponto central, totalizando 12 ensaios. O teor de sacarose na salmoura (variável X1 ) foi de 0,45 a 2,5 g ml-1 e o tempo de pasteurização em minutos (variável X2) de 10 a 40. Após 30 dias de armazenamento, foram determinadas as funções repostas Y1 (graus de tonalidade cromática) e Y2 (esterilidade comercial). A validação do modelo proposto foi realizada após estabelecer concentração de sacarose igual a 2,89 g por mL e 10 min de pasteurização. A adição de sacarose e tempo de pasteurização influenciaram a tonalidade cromática das conservas. As conservas atingiram esterilidade comercial. A melhor formulação de conserva de grãos de soja tipo hortaliça em pH 3,9 foi com adição de 2,89 g de sacarose, 6 g de NaCl e 0,29 g de CaCl2 em 100 mL de salmoura
Effect of zinc addition and pasteurization time on the zinc content and color stability of acid canned vegetable-type soybean.
For the processing of canned vegetable-type soybean, it is important to realize the heat treatment. However, during the treatment may occur loss of green color that is an indicator of its quality. In the brine canned, the presence of metal ions such as zinc, allows to maintain green color of canned vegetables. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of zinc addition (X1 = ppm of zinc in the brine) and pasteurization time (X2 = min) on zinc content and color stability of acid canned vegetable-type soybean by using Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD). The response functions Y1 (ppm of zinc) and Y2 (degrees of hue of the canned vegetable-type soybean) were analyzed. The model validation was performed after establishing X1 = 10.91 ppm and X2 = 10 min and ?1 = 73.49 ppm of zinc. The experimental answer (Y1) was 72.74 ppm of zinc. At the response surface can be observed a region where Y2 is maximal and equal to 93°. The model validation was performed, at the point where, x1 = -1.5, x2 = -1.41 and ? 2 = 92.81° of hue of canned. The response obtained experimentally (Y1) was 92.86° hue of canned vegetable-type soybean. Therefore, for adequate formulation of vegetable-type soybean grains should be zinc acetate (10.91 ppm), NaCl (100 mL 6 g-1), CaCl2 (0.29 g 100 mL -1) and citric acid (to pH 3.9) with thermal processing of 10 min
Conversion of isoflavone glucosides to aglycones in whole soybean flour thermally treated and with endogenous B-glucosidase of soybean.
The B-glucosidase hydrolyze isoflavone glucosides releasing aglycones. Its application in the food industry is relevant to the production of soybean foods with higher levels of isoflavone aglycones, with benefits for human health. The objective of this study was to apply endogenous B-glucosidase of soybean in whole soybean flour (WSF) and evaluate the conversion of isoflavone glucosides to aglycones. The B-glucosidase was fractionated by 40-85% ammonium sulfate saturation, concentrated by ultrafiltration (MWCO 100 kDa) and was applied in WSF thermally treated under different conditions. WSF without heat treatment and without application of enzyme was used as control (WSFC). Thermal pretreatment was performed in WSFC for 1h at 100°C (WSF100) or autoclaved for 30min at 121°C (WSF121). In these treatments were added 10U or 50U of B-glucosidase and incubated at 30°C for 2 or 6h. The aglycones content was determined by HPLC and the results were expressed as μg g-1 of samples. Thermal pretreatment increased the aglycone content of WSF100 and WSF121 in 2.6 and 2.8 times, respectively, relative to WSFC. The application of 50U of -glucosidase for 6h at 30°C in and CSF100 and CSF121 increased aglycones content of 7.1 and 8.5 times, respectively, relative to WSFC. The -glucosidase was efficient in the conversion of isoflavone glucosides to aglycones in all treatments compared with the control
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