3 research outputs found

    Analysis of Structure Cellulose Rattan Biomassas Bionanocomposite Filler by Using X-ray Diffraction

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    Rattan biomass is one of the agricultural waste that can be used as a source of fiber for bionanocomposites. To produce bionanocomposite reinforcement for nanocellulose rattan biomass that is low density, good mechanical properties, natural resources and renewable resources needs a new method of development nanotechnology. The purpose of this study is the characterization of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Particle Size analyzer (PSA) cellulose nanorattan biomass were used for reinforcement of polypropylene matrix using injection molding. Cellulose is made of rattan biomass with mechanical systems (pen disk milling and shakers) in size 75 μm was heated at 100 °C and stirred at 300 rpm for 2 hours, then ultrasonicated at f = 20 kHz, with time variation of 1, 2 and 3 hours. PSA test results particle size of 146.3 nm (number distribution 32%) at t = 3 hours. Meanwhile, the Apparent Crystal Size (ACS) and micro strain (η) using XRD showed cellulose nanoparticles rattan biomass has crystal structure with ACS = 151.95 and η = 0.0001. Nanoparticle cellulose were used as reinforcement of polypropylene (PP) matrix which show better mechanical properties (impact and hardness) than its counterpart i.e. fiber glass reinforced composite


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    Abundant of natural resources in Indonesia give advent to the development of Biocomposite technology. Furthermore, agricultural wastes as one typical sources of bio-composite are available everywhere in Indonesia. Rotan-bark is one kind of agriculture waste that can be use as main input for bio-composite. This research deals with characterisation of cellulose content from rotan-bark as substitute for fibber glass as filler in composite. Cellulose from Rotan-bark made in long and short fibbers by means of fermentation. In this case, aspergillus niger is used as fermentation agent. Rotan type, Rotan mass, and temperature are maintained constant during the treatment. Variable of fermentation time ( tF ) and fungi-volume ( Vf) are varied. Fermentationtime range from: 4,5,6,8 to 10 days. Extraction of rotan-bark-cellulose by means of fermentation developed specific enzyme. This enzyme can break-down the filament of non-cellulose plant. Then this enzyme can separated fibber component from: parenchyma, xylem and epidermis at weight density = 0,58 and optimal efficiency up to 60,8% at tF = 8 days ; Vf = 15 ml. X-Furthermore, XRay Diffraction (XRD) shows the crystallized structure obtained from rotan-bark cellulose at Apparent Crystal Size (ACS) = 29130,42 nm and η (inhomogeneous mechanical micro strain) = 0,94 x 10-3 . Characterization by means of SEM-EDS shows rotan-bark cellulose composed from : C = 47,5 % massa, O = 46 % massa and mineral. The result is close to recommended fibber glass composition for industrial application. Keywords : fibber glass, extraction, celulosa, bio-composite, aspergilus nige


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    Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas tentang hasil-hasil eksperimental membajak tanah pada soil bin. Tujuannya adalah mencari besar dan frekuensi gaya potong tanah sehingga dapat dibuat pendekatan pendekatan model matematis dari gaya potong tanah. Hasil ini nantinya akan digunakan untuk merancang sebuah pegas elastis dari bajak getar jenis self excited vibration. Soil bin berukuran panjang 1.2 m, lebar 0.3 m dan tinggi 0.4 m. diisi dengan lapisan tanah jenis clay loam soil setebal 19-20 cm. Di dasar Soil bin dibuat lapisan hardpan setebal 10-11 cm dengan tahanan penetrasi sekitar 2.75 Mpa. Digunakan dua jenis chisel plough yaitu chisel plough dengan batang lurus tegak dan chisel plough dengan batang lurus miring. Kedalaman operasi diatur konstan sekitar 15 cm sedangkan tebal lapisan hardpan yang dibongkar adalah sekitar 5-6 cm Kecepatan membajak divariasikan pada kecepatan sekitar 0.108, 0.158, 0.212 dan 0.265 m/dt. Hasil-hasil menunjukkan bahwa chisel plough bekerja pada frekuensi pemotongan tanah yang rendah sekitar 1.45-2.0 Hz. Gaya potong tanah untuk chisel plough dengan batang lurus tegak lebih besar dibandingkan dengan gaya potong tanah untuk chisel plough dengan batang lurus miring.Gaya potong tanah semakin besar dan linier dengan semakin besarnya kecepatan membajak, sedangkan profilgaya potong tanahnya berupa fungsi matematiks yang stochastics dan dimodelkan sebagai fungsi periodik. Kata kunci: Draught force, Cutting frequency, Soil bin, Chisel ploug