4 research outputs found

    Kadar Ferritin dengan Status Gizi Pasien Thalassemia Î’ Mayor Anak di RSAM Bandar Lampung

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    Thalassemia is a disease of hemolytic anemia characterized by abnormalities in globin chain synthesis. Continuous transfusion in patients with thalassemia can cause iron buildup or accumulation of iron so that ferritin levels increase in the body, especially in the liver, heart, and endocrine organs. Problems in the endocrine glands and the condition of anemia can interfere with the growth of children, causing a decrease in appetite and cause a lack of nutrition into the body. The purpose of the research is to know the correlation between ferritin levels with nutritional status in Thalassemia patients β Major children. This research uses an analytic observational method with a cross-sectional approach. The subjects in the study were 60 patients. The instrument used was medical record data. The results of statistical analysis using the Chi-Square test showed a p-value of 0.02 (p-value <0.05) which means that there is a relationship between ferritin levels and nutritional status in Thalassemia patients β Major children in Abdul Moeloek Hospital, Bandar Lampung Year 2019. There is a correlation between ferritin levels with nutritional status in patients with Thalassemia β Major children at Abdul Moeloek Hospital in Bandar Lampung in 2019

    Relationship Between Lymphocyte Levels and Segment Neutrophils in Acute Appendicitis

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    Appendicitis is one of the most common cases in the field of abdominal surgery which causes acute abdominal pain and requires immediate surgery to prevent complications that are generally dangerous, such as gangrenous, perforation, and even generalized peritonitis. Appendicitis can be found in both men and women with a risk of suffering from appendicitis in their lifetime reaching 7-8%. The highest incidence is reported in the age range of 20 to 30 years. Methodology: The type of research used in this study is an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional study design using medical records as data. The population in this study were all patients with appendicitis recorded in medical records. The data were analyzed using the Spearman test. Results: In this study, 26 people with a percentage of 65% had abnormal lymphocyte counts. as many as 31 people with a percentage of 77.5% who had abnormal neutrophils. For the neutrophil variable with the incidence of appendicitis using the Spearman test, the p-value = 0.005 (p <0.05). In the lymphocyte variable with the incidence of appendicitis using the Spearman test, the p-value = 0.058 (p <0.05) was obtained. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between neutrophil and appendicitis. Meanwhile, the lymphocyte variable with the incidence of appendicitis had no significant relationship

    Hubungan Kadar Feritin Serum dengan Kadar Enzim SGOT dan SGPT pada Pasien Thalasemia Î’ Mayor

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    Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that can cause hemolysis in hemoglobin. So the patient must get a transfusion for life. The transfusion is done continuously, this is what causes patients with thalassemia β major to have iron buildup in their body. So the levels of Ferritin, SGOT, and SGPT enzymes can be increased in patients with β major thalassemia. This study aims to determine the relationship between serum ferritin with SGOT and SGPT enzymes in thalassemia β major patients. This research uses an analytic method with a cross-sectional approach. The subjects in this study were 60 samples. The instrument used was the patient's medical record data. Statistical analysis using the Chi-Square test showed a p-value 0.005 (p-value <0.05) for serum ferritin with SGOT. And for serum ferritin with SGPT enzymes, p-value 0.004 (p-value <0.05), it means that there is a relationship between serum ferritin and SGOT and SGPT enzymes. There is a correlation between serum ferritin with SGOT and SGPT enzymes in β major thalassemia patients at Abdul Moeloek Hospital Bandar Lampung

    Nilai Indeks Shine dan LAL antara Anemia Defisiensi Besi dengan Thalassemia di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek

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    Background: Iron deficiency anemia and β minor thalassemia have the same morphological picture of hypochromic blood, therefore it needs to be distinguished from an examination. The diagnosis of β-thalassemia minor and iron deficiency anemia can be made by conducting a series of screening laboratory tests, ranging from the routine hematological examination, peripheral blood smear preparations, staining of peripheral blood smear preparations with supravital staining for reticulocyte counts and detection of HbH inclusion objects in erythrocytes, reserve status iron blood with a groove examination in stages until a sophisticated examination that is Hb electrophoresis and DNA examination. Objective: To find out the comparison of the shine & lal index between iron deficiency anemia patients and thalassemia patients in Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province. Method: This type of research is a comparative test. With the number of samples using a ratio of 1: 1 so that 45 people with iron deficiency anemia and 45 people with thalassemia found in Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province. Results: The Mann-Whitney test results showed a sig value of 0.029. Then H1 is accepted because of the value of sig <0.05. Conclusion: There is a significant difference in the value of the shine & lal index between iron deficiency anemia patients and thalassemia patients in Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Provinc