802 research outputs found

    A review of the D1/D5 system and five dimensional black hole from supergravity and brane viewpoint

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    We review some aspects of the D1/D5 system of type IIB string theory and the associated five dimensional black hole. We include a pedagogical discussion of the construction of relevant classical solutions in supergravity. We discuss the gauge theory and the conformal field theory relevant to D-brane description of these systems. In order to discuss Hawking radiation we are automatically led to a discussion of near-horizon geometries and their relation to gauge theories and conformal field theories. We show how inputs from AdS/CFT correspondence resolve some earlier puzzles regarding Hawking radiation. Besides the D1/D5 system, we include a brief discussion of some nonsupersymmetric systems which show unexpected agreement between supergravity and perturbative brane/string computations. We also comment briefly on possible implications of the AdS/CFT relation for the correspondence principle and for the principle of black hole complementarity.Comment: 54 pages, Expanded version of ICTP Spring School lectures 1999; (v2) references and 1 more "obedient non-susy" example adde

    Quantum quench in matrix models: Dynamical phase transitions, Selective equilibration and the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble

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    Quantum quench dynamics is considered in a one dimensional unitary matrix model with a single trace potential. This model is integrable and has been studied in the context of non-critical string theory. We find dynamical phase transitions, and study the role of the quantum critical point. In course of the time evolutions, we find evidence of selective equilibration for a certain class of observables. The equilibrium is governed by the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble (GGE) and differs from the standard Gibbs ensemble. We compute the production of entropy which is O(N) for large N matrices. An important feature of the equilibration is the appearance of an energy cascade, reminiscent of the Richardson cascade in turbulence, where we find flow of energy from initial long wavelength modes to progressively shorter wavelength excitations. We discuss possible implication of the equilibration and of GGE in string theories and higher spin theories. In another related study, we compute time evolutions in a double trace unitary matrix model, which arises as an effective theory of D2 branes in IIA string theory in the confinement phase. We find similar equilibrations and dynamical transitions in this matrix model. The dynamical transitions are related to Gregory-Laflamme transitions in string theory and are potentially connected with the issue of appearance of naked singularities.Comment: 46 pages, 28 figures; v2: minor corrections, references added; related movies are on http://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~mtakeshi/MQM/index.htm

    What is the gravity dual of the confinement/deconfinement transition in holographic QCD?

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    We study the gravity dual of four dimensional pure Yang-Mills theory through D4 branes, as proposed by Witten (holographic QCD). In this holographic QCD, it has been widely believed that the confinement phase in the pure Yang-Mills theory corresponds to the AdS D4 soliton in gravity and the deconfinement phase corresponds to the black D4 brane. We inspect this conjecture carefully and show that the correspondence between the black D4 brane and the deconfinement phase is not correct. Instead, by using a slightly different set up, we find an alternative gravity solution called "localized soliton", which would be properly related to the deconfinement phase. In this case, the confinement/deconfinement transition is realized as a Gregory-Laflamme type transition. We find that our proposal naturally explains several known properties of QCD.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, based on the proceedings of the Seventh International Conference `Quantum Theory and Symmetries', held in Prague 2011 and XVII European Workshop on String Theory 2011, held in Padua; v2: minor correction

    Nonrenormalization of Mass of Some Nonsupersymmetric String States

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    It is argued that the quantum correction to the mass of some very massive, nonsupersymmetric states vanishes in inverse proportion to their tree-level mass to all orders in string loops. This approximate nonrenormalization can explain the agreement between the perturbative degeneracy of these states and the Sen entropy of the associated black holes.Comment: Additional details provided, in particular, of the analytic continuation of the two point function. Discussion of higher loops substantially amplified. References added, conclusions unchanged; 19 pages, harvma

    Supersymmetric Giant Graviton Solutions in AdS_3

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    We parameterize all classical probe brane configurations that preserve 4 supersymmetries in (a) the extremal D1-D5 geometry, (b) the extremal D1-D5-P geometry, (c) the smooth D1-D5 solutions proposed by Lunin and Mathur and (d) global AdS3×S3×T4/K3AdS_3 \times S_3 \times T^4/K3. These configurations consist of D1 branes, D5 branes and bound states of D5 and D1 branes with the property that a particular Killing vector is tangent to the brane worldvolume at each point. We show that the supersymmetric sector of the D5 brane worldvolume theory may be analyzed in an effective 1+1 dimensional framework that places it on the same footing as D1 branes. In global AdS and the corresponding Lunin-Mathur solution, the solutions we describe are `bound' to the center of AdS for generic parameters and cannot escape to infinity. We show that these probes only exist on the submanifold of moduli space where the background BNSB_{NS} field and theta angle vanish. We quantize these probes in the near horizon region of the extremal D1-D5 geometry and obtain the theory of long strings discussed by Seiberg and Witten.Comment: 63 page

    Bosonization of non-relativistic fermions on a circle: Tomonaga's problem revisited

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    We use the recently developed tools for an exact bosonization of a finite number NN of non-relativistic fermions to discuss the classic Tomonaga problem. In the case of noninteracting fermions, the bosonized hamiltonian naturally splits into an O(N)(N) piece and an O(1)(1) piece. We show that in the large-N and low-energy limit, the O(N)(N) piece in the hamiltonian describes a massless relativistic boson, while the O(1)(1) piece gives rise to cubic self-interactions of the boson. At finite NN and high energies, the low-energy effective description breaks down and the exact bosonized hamiltonian must be used. We also comment on the connection between the Tomonaga problem and pure Yang-Mills theory on a cylinder. In the dual context of baby universes and multiple black holes in string theory, we point out that the O(N)(N) piece in our bosonized hamiltonian provides a simple understanding of the origin of two different kinds of nonperturbative O(e−N)(e^{-N}) corrections to the black hole partition function.Comment: latex, 28 pages, 5 epsf figure

    The inside outs of AdS(3)/CFT(2): Exact AdS wormholes with entangled CFT duals

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    We present the complete family of solutions of 3D gravity (Lambda<0) with two asymptotically AdS exterior regions. The solutions are constructed from data at the two boundaries, which correspond to two independent and arbitrary stress tensors T_R, \bar T_R, and T_L, \bar T_L. The two exteriors are smoothly joined on to an interior region through a regular horizon. We find CFT duals of these geometries which are entangled states of two CFT's. We compute correlators between general operators at the two boundaries and find perfect agreement between CFT and bulk calculations. We calculate and match the CFT entanglement entropy (EE) with the holographic EE which involves geodesics passing through the wormhole. We also compute a holographic, non-equilibrium entropy for the CFT using properties of the regular horizon. The construction of the bulk solutions here uses an exact version of Brown-Henneaux type diffeomorphisms which are asymptotically nontrivial and transform the CFT states by two independent unitary operators on the two sides. Our solutions provide an infinite family of explicit examples of the ER=EPR relation of Maldacena and Susskind [arXiv:1306.0533].Comment: 27 pages + 10 pages of Appendix and references; (v2) title changed for clarity, typos fixed, references adde
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