73 research outputs found

    On the trace-zero doubly stochastic matrices of order 5

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    We propose a graph theoretic approach to determine trace of product of two permutation matrices through a weighted digraph representation of the permutation matrices. Consequently, we derive trace-zero doubly stochastic (DS) matrices of order 55 whose kk-th power is also a trace-zero DS matrix for k{2,3,4,5}k\in\{2,3,4,5\}. Then, we determine necessary conditions for the coefficients of a generic polynomial of degree 55 to be realizable as the characteristic polynomial of a trace-zero DS matrix of order 55. Finally, we approximate the eigenvalue region of trace-zero DS matrices of order $5.

    Localization of two-dimensional quantum walks defined by generalized Grover coins

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    In this paper, we study the localization phenomena of discrete-time coined quantum walks (DTQWs) on two-dimensional lattices when the coins are permutative orthogonal (real) matrices of order 4×4.4 \times 4. First, we provide a complete characterization of all complex, real and rational permutative orthogonal matrices of dimension 4×44\times 4; and consequently we determine new chains of groups of orthogonal matrices. Next, we determine matrix spaces generated by certain permutation matrices of order 4×44\times 4 such that orthogonal matrices in these spaces are permutative matrices or direct sum of permutative matrices up to permutation of rows and columns. However, we provide an example of a matrix space which contains orthogonal matrices that are neither of these forms. Then we establish that the localization phenomena of Grover walk at initial position corresponding to canonical initial coin states is extended to the proposed quantum walks on two-dimensional infinite lattice with generalized Grover coins, which need not be true for any coin which is a permutative orthogonal (real) matrix.Comment: 31 page

    Comparative efficacy of inhaled ciclesonide, budesonide, and fluticasone in mild to moderately persistent bronchial asthma

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    Background: Bronchodilators and glucocorticoids have been proven to be very effective and safe in asthma treatment, which recommend the use of steroids and β2-agonist (long or short acting) as the first line of treatment in of asthma. This study was aimed to compare the efficacy of three different inhaled corticosteroids ciclesonide, budesonide, and fluticasone in bronchial asthma.Methods: A total of 30 patients with mild to moderately persistent bronchial asthma was selected as per the NAEPP classification in the expert panel report (EPR) update 2002, NHLBL USA 2003. They were randomly divided into 3 groups of 10 patients each, and they were given 3 different steroid inhalers (ciclesonide or budesonide or fluticasone). Baseline and post-therapy spirometry were performed on day 1 and after 2 months and 6 months of treatment. Data were analyzed using SPSS software.Results: It was observed that most of the cases (43.3%) were between 26 and 35 years of age with female preponderance (56.6%). Significant symptomatic improvement was observed in all 3 groups. The percentage of improvement in mean peak expiratory flow rate was 17%, 18%, and 18% in ciclesonide, budesonide, and fluticasone group, respectively. The percentage improvement of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)/forced vital capacity after bronchodilatation was 18%, 18%, and 19% in ciclesonide, budesonide, and fluticasone group, respectively. The improvement in mean FEV1% predicted was 20%, 19%, and 21% in three groups, respectively.Conclusion: Steroid therapy along with β2-agonists showed a significant improvement in symptoms. There was no difference among the three different types of steroids

    A study of prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a tertiary care referral hospital in West Bengal

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    Background: The terms "metabolic syndrome", "insulin resistance syndrome" and "syndrome X" are now used specifically to define a constellation of abnormalities that is associated with increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes and atherosclerotic vascular disease. It is a state of chronic low grade inflammation with the profound systemic effects. Several organisations gave several criteria to diagnose it. Effective preventive approaches include lifestyle changes, primarily weight loss, diet, and exercise, the appropriate use of pharmacological agents to reduce the specific risk factors.Methods: A cross-sectional study was done to evaluate the co-morbidity profile of patients, with metabolic syndrome and correlate clinical manifestations with specific components or metabolic syndrome, at the OPD of Bankura Sammilani Medical College and Hospitals, West Bengal. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists criteria were chosen for diagnosis.Results: 100 patients were recruited having type II diabetes mellitus. Most of the patients were male between 20-70 years and maximum was on oral hypoglycemic agent with app 40% patient was without any glycemic control. In comorbidities hypertension was highest, followed by coronary artery disease, hypothyroidism and cerebrovascular accident. Waist-hip ratio was highest in female. All of the patients were having some cardiac risk factor assessed by ECG, echocardiography and thread mill test.Conclusions: The data demonstrates that metabolic syndrome is extremely common among diabetic patients. Frequency was much higher in women than men. Obesity is a key element in causing the metabolic syndrome and this factor was also more common in women

    An observational comparative study of different doses of azilsartan and with chlorthalidone combination in moderate hypertension

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    Background: High blood pressure (BP) is one of the significant non-communicable diseases that are of high prevalence in our country. Hypertension (HTN) is responsible cause of 57% of stroke and 24% of coronary heart disease deaths in India. Eight classes of medications are currently used in the treatment of hypertension. Azilsartan medoxomil is a newly added FDA approved drug to the ARB class of antihypertensive agents. azilsartan and chlorthalidone combination is also got the FDA approval. There is limited study in between these two groups regarding efficacy especially in rural Bengal.Methods: A prospective observational study was done in medicine OPD of Bankura Sammilani Medical College for twelve weeks with two groups that are azilsartan (80mg) and fixed dose combination of azilsartan (40mg) plus chlorthalidone (12.5mg) in the age group of 18 to 55years of moderate hypertensive patients. Change of heart rate was assessed as safety parameter.Results: It was found that both the group of drugs are very much effective in lowering blood pressure constantly in respect of both systolic and diastolic BP but azilsartan monotherapy in high dose reduce systolic blood pressure slightly high. Significant change of heart rate was not seen with both the groups.Conclusions: Both the group was effective as well as safe in hypertensive patients

    Magnetodielectric effect in nickel nanosheet-Na-4 mica composites

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    Nickel nanosheets of thickness 0.6 nm were grown within the nanochannels of Na-4 mica template. The specimens show magnetodielectric effect at room temperature with a change of dielectric constant as a function of magnetic field, the electric field frequency varying from 100 to 700 kHz. A decrease of 5% in the value of dielectric constant was observed up to a field of 1.2 Tesla. This is explained by an inhomogeneous two-component composite model as theoretically proposed recently. The present approach will open up synthesis of various nanocomposites for sensor applications.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Sensing behaviour of some nanocomposite systems

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    Silver nanoparticles of diameters 3.4 to 13.2 nm grown at the interfaces between silicate glass and some oxide crystallites exhibited about six orders of magnitude reduction in resistivity for a relative humidity change from 25% to 80%. Sn-SnO2 nano core-shell structure prepared within a gel-derived silica glass film by electrodeposition technique followed by heat treatment showed large change in resistivity as a function of humidity. The resistivity also changed due to gas flow of CO2, C2H5OH and NO2, respectively. The latter arose because of reduction/oxidation of Sn4+/Sn2+ species present at the shell layer of the nanostructures. Nickel nanosheets of thickness ~0.6 nm grown within the interlayer spaces of Na-4 mica crystallites showed a change of dielectric permittivity (5%) for an applied magnetic field of 1.2 Tesla. An inhomogeneous model was used to explain this behavior. Two dimensional CuO phase was grown within the channels of diameter ~5 nm of mesoporous SiO2 structure. A magnetodielectric (MD) parameter M.D. of 4.4% was obtained in this case. BaTiO3 nanoparticles of diameter ~25 nm having pores with diameter 10 nm showed multiferroic behavior which arose due to the presence of oxygen vacancies as a result of large surface area present. An M.D. parameter of 11% was found. Similarly mesoporous LiNbO3 of 10 nm diameter showed an M.D. parameter of ~4.5% at a magnetic field 1 Tesla. A giant magnetocapacitance effect with a value of 44% at 1.5 T was observed in nickel zinc ferrite (NZF) impregnated mesoporous silica. A magnetocapacitance of 51% at magnetic field 1.7 T was found in the case of nanocomposites comprising of iron ion containing silica based nanoglass and mesoporous silica. In the last two examples the behavior was explained on the basis of Catalan model of space-charge polarization with extracted values of magnetoresistance of the NZF and nanoglass phases being 58%

    Urea/thiourea derivatives and Zn(II)-DPA complex as receptors for anionic recognition - a brief account

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    This review covers few examples of anion complexation chemistry, with a special focus on urea/thiourea-based receptors and Zn(II)-dipicolyl amine-based receptors. This article specially focuses on structural aspects of the receptors and the anions for obtaining the desire specificity along with an efficient receptor-anion interaction. Two types of receptors have been described in this brief account; first one being the strong hydrogen bond donor urea/thiourea derivatives, which binds the anionic analytes through hydrogen bonded interactions; while, the second type of receptors are coordination complexes, where the coordination of the anion to the metal centre. In both the cases the anion binding modulate the energy gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) and thereby the spectroscopic response. Appropriate choice of the signalling unit may allow probing the anion binding phenomena through visual detection