2 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Banjir Menggunakan HEC–RAS pada Kebun Pisang PT Agro Prima Sejahtera di Sekampung Udik, Lampung Timur

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    Banjir dapat berupa genangan seperti pada lahan pertanian, permukiman, dan pusat kota. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pemetaan luas sebaran wilayah banjir yang terdapat di lahan perkebunan milik PT Agro Prima Sejahtera di DAS Way Sekampung menggunakan aplikasi ArcGIS dan HEC-RAS, hasil berupa peta wilayah sebaran banjir. Manfaat hasil penelitian ini yaitu memberikan informasi terhadap pemerintah daerah, mengenai daerah yang rawan banjir sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk menyusun rencana pengelolaan DAS. Debit hidrograf didapat dari hasil simulasi pada aplikasi SWAT. Debit puncak sebesar 97.90 m3/detik terjadi pada 6 Oktober 2007, debit minimum sebesar 19.25 m3/detik terjadi pada 14 November 2007, dan rata – rata debit sebesar 41.14 m3/detik. Penampang saluran berbentuk trapesium dengan luas 178.52 m2, elevasi per segmen 0.5 m, lebar dasar saluran 9.1 m, dan tinggi muka air di saluran 6.23 m. Tinggi saluran 5 m dan tinggi banjir yang terjadi pada saluran saat kondisi maksimum adalah 2.17 m. Nilai koefisien manning yang digunakan sebesar 0.025 dengan tipe saluran tanah berkelok, landai, dan berumput. Luas sebaran wilayah banjir saat debit maksimum 32.48 m2 sedangkan ketika kondisi minimum 0.001 m2  dan terjadi pada hulu sungai

    Edutourism Initiative in Pulau Santen Beach, Banyuwangi Through Local Community Empowerment by Sea Turtle Conservation Program

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    The potential of Santen Island beach, which has been known as a tourist beach, is increasingly visible with the amount of infrastructure and tourism built by the local government. This is done as an effort to promote Santen Island, as one of the best natural tourism centers in Banyuwangi. The people of Santen Island must be prepared as a group that is aware of the potential of their village and the sustainability of its natural tourism. Santen Island is also a tourist location that is annually used as a nesting site for sea turtles that land on the coast of Banyuwangi. This is actually very contrary to the natural habits of sea turtles which prefer to make nests in quiet places without the disturbance of sound, light, and humans. Because this natural nesting site is a tourist attraction, the local residents should also be given insights related to the protection of sea turtles that land on the coast of Santen Island as wildlife protected by the Conservation Law in Indonesia. This community service aims to strengthen the awareness and knowledge of the Santen Island tourism awareness group related to the importance of the role of the community around the beach to participate in preserving wildlife and their ecosystems. The methods used to carry out community service are lectures, discussions, and brainstorming. The location of the implementation is on the beach of Pulau Santen with the target group of people in the Pulan Santen beach area. The locality development model is applied in community service activities. The understanding, awareness, and participation of the target group increased. Through the community service activities that have been carried out, the sustainability of the program is needed until a conservation education tourism model is formed that has the potential to improve the economy of the surrounding community and the preservation of biodiversity in the region. This activity provides an increase in knowledge, awareness, and participation of the target group in managing the conservation of wildlife and their ecosystems, especially sea turtles