22 research outputs found

    Placental Expression of CD100, CD72 and CD45 Is Dysregulated in Human Miscarriage

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The etiology of miscarriage is often multifactorial. One major cause, immunological rejection of the fetus, has not been clearly elucidated. Our aim was to establish whether the semaphorin CD100, its natural receptor CD72, and the glycoprotein CD45, implicated in immune mechanisms, are involved in pregnancy loss by examining their placental expression with real-time PCR, immunohistochemistry and western blotting techniques. PATIENTS: Placenta tissue from 72 Caucasian women undergoing surgical uterine evacuation due to early spontaneous pregnancy loss between the 8(th) and 12(th) week of gestation was divided into four groups based on miscarriage number. Gestational age-matched placentas from 18 healthy women without a history of miscarriage undergoing voluntary pregnancy termination were the control group. Placenta from 6 Caesarean deliveries performed at 38-40 weeks of gestation was also studied. RESULTS: CD100, CD72 and CD45 were expressed in placenta and exhibited different mRNA and protein levels in normal pregnancy and miscarriage. In particular, protein levels were highly dysregulated around 10 weeks of gestation in first and second miscarriage placentas. The CD100 soluble form was produced and immediately shed from placental tissue in all samples. CONCLUSIONS: Fetal CD100, CD72 and CD45 seem to play a role in miscarriage. The present data support the involvement of the fetal immune system in pregnancy maintenance as well as failure

    Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia: Histopathological Upgrading of Lesions and Evidence of Occult Vaginal Cancer

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    Objective The aim of this study was to analyze women treated with excisional procedures for vaginal high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs). The histopathological upgrading of the lesions previously detected on vaginal biopsy and the presence of occult invasive vaginal cancer in the specimens excised were investigated, to identify a higher risk subset of women.Materials and Methods A retrospective analysis of the medical records of 86 women with a biopsy histopathologic diagnosis of vaginal HSIL (vaginal intraepithelial neoplasias [VaINs]: VaIN2 and VaIN3) and subsequent excisional therapy, consecutively referred to the Aviano National Cancer Institute (Aviano, Italy) from January 1991 to April 2014, was performed.Results Of the 86 patients, 4 cases (4.6%) of occult vaginal cancer were detected, all of them in women previously diagnosed with VaIN3 on biopsy (4/39 cases, 10.3%). Women with diagnosis of VaIN2 on biopsy showed an upgrading of lesions, with diagnosis of VaIN3 on the final specimen in 5 (10.6%) of 47 cases, with no cases of VAIN2 upgraded to invasive cancer. In 33.3% of the women initially diagnosed with VaIN2 and with previous hysterectomy for human papillomavirus-related disease, a final histopathological upgrading of lesions emerged. Furthermore, tobacco use was significantly related to the histopathological upgrading of lesions previously detected on vaginal biopsy.Conclusions Women diagnosed with VaIN3 should be treated with excisional procedures as first-line surgical approach, given the risk of occult invasive disease in 10% of the cases. Women diagnosed with VaIN2 and with previous hysterectomy for human papillomavirus-related cervical diseases should always be carefully evaluated and possibly excised, given the higher risk of histopathological upgrading of lesions and thus the potential risk of occult vaginal cancer. Tobacco users should be considered as high-risk group

    Possible role of placental CD100, CD72 and CD45 molecules in human miscarriage

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    The precise mechanism for recurrent miscarriage is unclear. A lot of metabolic alterations are involved in the missed intercommunication between mother and its foetus, causing their reciprocal intolerance. The identification of new molecules involved in pregnancy loss represents the main objective of our study. We analysed the semaphorin CD100, its natural receptor CD72 and the glycoprotein CD45, physically and functionally associated to CD100 in the placental tissues from recurrent miscarriages by real-time PCR, western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Placental tissue was obtained during surgical uterine evacuation in 72 caucasian women with early spontaneous pregnancy loss between 8th and 12th week of gestation and classified in four groups defined as first, second, third and fourth miscarriages. Other two normal placental groups were recruited: a) first trimester placentas (n = 18), matched for gestational age with placentas from spontaneous pregnancy loss; b) third trimester placentas (n = 6) at 38-40 weeks of gestation. We demonstrated that CD72, CD45 and CD100 mRNA were detectable in placental tissues with different expression in normal and pathological conditions. In addition, we demonstrated that CD72 and CD45 molecules were expressed in foetal macrophages and that their protein levels were especially deregulated in first and second miscarriages at about 10 weeks of gestation. On the contrary, CD100 cleaved protein appeared to be absent in placenta. In conclusion, our findings underline a possible role for CD100, CD72 and CD45 molecules in recurrent miscarriages, showing an important foetal involvement in the occurring of pregnancy loss

    Management of pathological femoral fracture secondary to breast cancer in pregnancy: A case report

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    Bone metastasis resulting from breast cancer in pregnancy is rare. In the literature there are few reports regarding osteolytic lesions in pregnancy and no data on the treatment of such femoral fractures. The present study reports a case of a 29-week primigravida presenting with severe lumbosciatica in the left side, refractory to medical therapy. During neurosurgical examination a spontaneous pathological fracture of the left femur occurred. Damage control orthopedic principals were applied and a biopsy specimen from the femoral lesion was obtained, providing a diagnosis of metastases from breast adenocarcinoma. Cesarean section was performed at 32 gestational weeks. Following delivery, an internal fixator was placed in the left femur for definitive treatment of the fracture and staging of cancer was conducted. Subsequently, adjuvant treatment comprising left mastectomy and percutaneous radiofrequency thermoablation of the sacroiliac lesion were performed. A follow-up one-year following percutaneous radiofrequency thermoablation of the sacroiliac lesion detected no metastatic bone pain, and identified a stable sacroiliac lesion

    Laser CO2 treatment for vulvar lymphedema secondary to gynecological cancer therapy: A report of two cases and review of the literature

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    Vulvar lymphedema is an uncommon and disabling side-effect of pelvic lymphadenectomy and pelvic radiotherapeutic treatment for invasive genital cancer. Lymphorrhea, a complication of lymphedema, may be extremely distressing for patients due to the requirement to wear sanitary towels and as the pain and loss of elasticity of the vulvar skin and mucosa can cause discomfort during coitus. Surgical treatments of lymphorrhea and vulvar lymphedema secondary to gynecological cancer treatments remain controversial and are not currently considered to be the standard therapy. The present study reports two cases of vulvar lymphedema complicated by vulvar lymphorrhea in females who had undergone treatment for cervical and endometrial cancer, respectively; a review of the literature is also included. In the two present cases, vulvar lymphedemas were refractory to standard treatments, including decongestive therapy, manual lymph drainage, elastic bandaging, low-stretch bandaging, exercises and skin care. Laser CO2 excision and vaporization of the whole skin and mucosal tissue of the vulva was successfully performed to treat the lymphorrhea and improve quality of life. Thus, the present two cases indicated that laser CO2 surgery may present an additional therapy for the treatment of genital lymphedema that is refractory to other treatments

    Procedures of cervical conization: a national survey among Italian colposcopy units

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    The recent evolution of surgical techniques, anesthesia and treatment strategies has led to a decrease in the number of cervical conization procedures performed in ordinary hospitalization or with anesthetics other than local infiltration anesthesia of the cervix. Conization should be as least invasive as possible, favor women's compliance and resumption of normal daily activities after surgery. We evaluated various aspects of patient care revolving around conization (technical, healthcare, and administrative aspects) in the clinical practice of 26 Italian colposcopy units

    Abnormal Pap Smear and Diagnosis of High-Grade Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between the first diagnosis of high-grade Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (HG-VaIN: VaIN 2-VaIN 3) and the cytological abnormalities on the referral pap smear.All the women with histological diagnosis of HG-VaIN consecutively referred to the Gynecological Oncology Unit of the Aviano National Cancer Institute (Aviano, Italy) from January 1991 to April 2014 and with a pap smear performed in the 3 months before the diagnosis were considered, and an observational cohort study was performed.A total of 87 women with diagnosis of HG-VaIN were identified. Major cytological abnormalities (HSIL and ASC-H) on the referral pap smear were significantly more frequent than lesser abnormalities (ASC-US and LSIL) in postmenopausal women (64.9% vs 36.7%, P = 0.02) and in women with a previous diagnosis of HPV-related cervical preinvasive or invasive lesions (70.5% vs 39.5%, P = 0.01). Diagnosis of VaIN 3 was preceded by major cytological abnormalities in most of the cases (72.7% vs 27.3%, P < 0.001).The diagnosis of HG-VaIN can be preceded by different abnormalities on referral pap smear. Major abnormalities are usually reported in postmenopausal women and in women with previous cervical HPV-related disease. However, ASC-US or LSIL do not exclude HG-VaIN, especially VaIN2. An accurate examination of the whole vaginal walls (or vaginal vault) must be performed in all the women who underwent colposcopy for an abnormal pap smear, and a biopsy of all suspicious areas is mandatory

    Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in pregnancy: Interference of pregnancy status with p16 and Ki-67 protein expression

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    To date, there are evidence-based guidelines available for cervical dysplasia diagnosed in pregnancy. Certain functional biomarkers have proven useful in the prediction of regressing and non-regressing cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) lesions in non-pregnant women. In the present study, Ki-67 and p16 immunostaining were evaluated in different grades of CIN lesions diagnosed in pregnant or non-pregnant women with the aim to identify any differences in order to better understand the behavior of CIN in pregnancy. The current retrospective case-control study included 17 pregnant patients that conceived naturally with first-time onset of CIN occurring at no later than 16 gestational weeks. The control group included 17 non-pregnant patients matched for age, parity and number of previous sexual partners. Exclusion criteria included previous cervical treatment, immunocompromised status, chronic hepatitis B and/or C and cigarette smoking. p16 and Ki-67 protein expression were respectively detected using the CINtec Histology kit and monoclonal antibodies against Ki-67. p16 and Ki-67 staining were analyzed using a classification system based on the distribution of positivity on a semi-quantitative three point-scale. p16 and Ki-67 immune reactivity correlated positively with the grade of epithelial dysplasia in the total cohort of pregnant and non-pregnant patients; expression increased linearly from CIN1 to CIN3. Furthermore, the association between p16 immunostaining and CIN grade was significant in non-pregnant patients but not in pregnant patients. In pregnant patients, positivity for Ki-67 was less intense than in non-pregnant patients. These results appear to suggest that pregnancy status interferes with the expression of cellular proteins involved in cell-cycle regulation and the carcinogenic process induced by high-risk human papilloma virus, exhibiting increased variability in their staining