11 research outputs found

    Hemorrhagic infarction at 33 days after birth in a healthy full-term neonate

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    Intraparenchymal hemorrhage in the full-term neonate rarely occurs more than 2 weeks after birth, and its definitive cause remains unclear. In the present report, a case of a patient with intraparenchymal hemorrhage occurring 33 days after birth is described. Histological examination of the brain tissue obtained during hematoma evacuation through craniotomy showed hemorrhagic infarction. Patent foramen ovale may have been present and this may have led to spontaneous paradoxical cerebral embolism followed by hemorrhagic infarction

    Supplement to the Flora of Seed Plants Confi rmed or Recorded in Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan <Data>

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    広島県廿日市市宮島の植物について,広島県植物誌(1997)の発刊後に標本あるいは文献等で記録された種子植物について,そのリストと標本・文献情報等について報告した。標本や文献情報,野外調査の結果,ヒメクロモジLindera lancea (Momiy.) H. KoyamaとヒメシロダモNeolitsea sericea (Blume) Koidz. f. prematura Okuyama,スズフリイカリソウEpimedium × sasakii F. Maek.,イワヨモギArtemisia sacrorum Ledeb.,ヤマトウミヒルモHalophila nipponica J. Kuo,ホンゴウソウSciaphila nana Blume,ヒナノシャクジョウBurmannia championii Thwaites,シロシャクジョウB. cryptopetala Makino,チャボイEleocharis parvula (Roem. & Schult.) Link ex Bluff, Nees & Schauer.の合計9種の種子植物が宮島のフロラに加わることが明らかになった。また,キミノシロダモNeolitsea sericea (Blume) Koidz. f. xanthocarpa (Makino) OkuyamaとツルメドハギLespedeza × intermixta Makino,ヤマビワMeliosma rigida Siebold & Zucc.,モロコシソウLysimachia sikokiana Miq.,コバノヘクソカズラPaederia scandens (Lour.) Merr. var. mairei (H.Lév.) H. Hara f. microphylla (Honda) H.Hara.については新たな知見または標本情報が得られた。ヤクシマオオバコPlantago asiatica L. var. yakusimensis (Masam.) Ohwiについては宮島のフロラから除外された

    Documenting how Truku Seediq speakers and English speakers think and produce their languages

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    We examined the word order currently used by elder Truku Seediq speakers and empirically investigated whether English speakers and Truku Seediq speakers, who use different word order (i.e., Subject-Verb-Object in English and Verb-Object- Subject in Truku), not only orally describe the world differently, but also mentally perceive the world differently