8 research outputs found

    The Carrageenan Dietary Fiber Suplementation in Feed to Improving Blood Lipid Parameters of Hypercholesterolemic Mice

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    Carrageenan is example of food with high content of fiber. An experiment was conducted to study the effects of carrageenan supplementations on blood lipid parameters of hypercholesterolemic male mice. The experiment were done at animal cages Departemen of Biology Education, Indonesia University of Education and  Fisiology Laboratory Faculty of Veteriner Medicine, Bogor Agricultural Institute on August 2011 until March 2012. The experimental mice were assigned into a completely randomized design with 5 treatments i.e., negative control  group; normocholesterolemic mice fed with a standard diet, positive control group; hypercholesterolemic mice fed with a standard diet without carrageenan supplementation, treatments group; hypercholesterolemic mice feds with supplemented with 15%, 30%, and 46%  carrageenan. The nonsoluble content of  dietary fiber in the experimental treatments were 6.92, 8.75, 10.48, 12.27, and 14.05%, respectively. The parameters measured were body weight, cholesterol levels of blood serum, liver and feces, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein  (LDL) and glucose levels. Supplementation of carrageenan as a source of dietary fiber increased serum HDL concentrations, and decreased body weight, serum cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL concentrations of  hypercholesterolemic male mice without a significant effect on serum glucose consentrations. Hypercholesterolemic mice fed with a supplemented with 46% carrageenan decreased body weight by 7.99%, total serum cholesterol by 18.78%, triglyceride by 17.53%, LDL by 71.33%, and increased HDL by 15.59−20.47%. Carrageenan supplementation reduce liver cholesterol levels by 38.46% and increased cholesterol excretion through feces by 57.07%. Supplementation of 46% carrageenan in hipercholesterolemic fed is effective in improving blood lipid parameters of  hypercholesterolemic male mice

    Pertumbuhan dan Daya Tahan Tubuh Juwana Kerapu Bebek (Cromileptes Altivelis) yang Mendapatkan Tambahan Selenium dan Terpapar Cekaman Lingkungan [Growth And Vitality Of Juvenile Humpback Grouper (Cromileptes Altivelis) Supplemented With Selenium And Exposed To Environmental Stress]

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jumlah penambahan sodium selenite (selenium anorganik) dalam pakan yang mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan daya tahan tubuh juwana kerapu bebek (Cromileptes altivelis) yang terpapar pada cekaman akibat Perubahan kondisi lingkungan. Percobaan didesain menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan enam perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang diujikan adalah penambahan selenium (Se) dalam bentuk sodium selenite (Se anorganik) pada berbagai dosis (0; 0,025; 0,05; 0,1; 0,2; dan 0,4 mg Se kg-1). Juwana kerapu bebek yang di-gunakan berukuran panjang awal rata-rata 5,83+0,28 cm dan bobot tubuh rata-rata 3,47+0,43 g dipelihara dalam akuarium berukuran 90 x 40 x 35 cm3 dan diberi pakan buatan berbentuk pellet frekuensi dua kali sehari (pukul 08.00 dan 16.00) at satiation. Ikan dipelihara selama 42 hari dengan padat penebaran 15 ekor per 100 liter air laut bersalinitas 30-31 ppt dan suhu 28-29 oC. Pada akhir pemeliharaan, ikan direndam di dalam air tawar selama 10 menit untuk mengetahui respons stres akibat Perubahan osmolaritas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kelangsungan hidup, laju pertumbuhan harian, konsumsi pakan, efisiensi pakan, retensi protein, glikogen hati, glikogen otot, dan semua parameter gambaran darah tidak dipengaruhi oleh penambahan Se. Sebaliknya, penambahan Se meningkatkan retensi lemak, aktivitas enzim GPx plasma, rasio RNA-DNA, dan rasio T3-T4. Penambahan sodium selenite dosis 0,05 mg Se kg-1 mampu meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan dan daya tahan tubuh juwana kerapu bebek

    Isolation and Identification of Serum Gamma Immunoglobulin (IgG) of Native and Imported Chickens by Ion Exchange Chromatography and Immunochernistry Methods

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    The study was designed to isolate and identify serum IgG of native and imported chickens, after being immunized with Newcastle Disease Vaccine. The isolation method used was the DEAE-Cellulose ion exchange chromatography using 0.01 M Tris-HCl buffer, at pH 8.0, with linear gradient NaCl from 0.01 M to 0.30 M after salting out with anhydrous Na2SO4. Identification of IgG characteristics carried out using the Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion, immuno-electrophoresis and SDS-PAGE 8% methods. Serum fractionation of native and imported chickens using the DEAE-Cellulose chromatography, after salting out with anhydrous Na2So4 of 18,14 and 14% resulted in four peaks of protein fractions

    The Effects of Carbon Tetrachloride Administration on Liver and Renal Function

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    Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) that induces liver damage is widely used in hepatoprotector experiments. Carbon tetrachloride at a single dose 0,1; 1,0; and 10 ml/kg body weight was administrated intraperitoneally in male rats to investigate liver and renal damage. Liver damage was monitored by increased alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total bilirubin, and serum total protein. Increased serum creatinine is an indicator of renal problem. Futhermore, liver and renal tissues were subjected to histopathological studies. Compared with control, injection of 0,1 and 1,0 ml CCl4/kg body weight increased ALT and decreased AST, and at dose 10 ml/kg body weight both ALT and AST decreased to a greater extent (p<0.05). Alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, and total protein were not different in all treatments (p>0.05). Carbon tetrachloride at dose 0,1 and 1,0 ml/kg body weight increased creatinine. However, injection of 10 ml CCl4/kg body weight decreased creatinine (p<0.05). Histopathological studies confirmed the presence of steatosis in hepatic cells at single dose of 1,0 and 10 ml CCl4/kg body weight, with no significant effect in glomerulus. Administration of single dose of CCl4 can induce liver and renal damage that dependent on CCl4 received.&nbsp