23 research outputs found

    Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Masyarakat terhadap Malaria di Kota Batam

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    Malaria remains a major public health problem and causes outbreaks and re-emerging of malaria in places which previously had been declared to be malaria free in Indonesia. Malaria is very important issue in tourist industry, socio-economic impact and poverty. There are some risk factors of malaria transmission e.g. physical environment changes including the climate change such as rainfall, temperature, land used, environment deterioration; poverty, mobility of people and economic crisis. The understanding of knowledge, attitude and practices of the community in malaria and its control are very important for its prevention and control strategy. This paper presented the study of knowledge, attitude and practices on malaria, prevention its control in year 2008 in Batam area. There were 248 respondents surveyed from three sub-district, consist of 84 respondents from Nongsa, 89 respondents from Galang sub-district and 75 respondents from Belakang Padang. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected by using structural questionnaire for the community and personal in-dept interview for the community leaders. The results of the study shows that most of the respondents understand and ever heard about malaria (91.9%); nevertheless most of them do not have good attitude in malaria prevention and control (97.6%). There was 82.3% of respondents have being outdoor during the night time, beside there was 39.5% respondents stayed overnight outdoor. These KAP situation of the community in malaria endemic area will increase the malaria transmission risk. However, to improve the knowledge, attitude, and practices for prevention and control of malaria, the program of health promotion should be improved and keep sustainiing

    Kajian Implementasi Pembinaan Pangan Jajanan Anak Sekolah (PJAS) untuk Meningkatkan Keamanan Pangan: Peran Dinas Pendidikan dan Dinas Kesehatan Kota

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    Street foods are expected to contribute energy and other useful nutrients for growing school children.The objective of this study was to assess the implementation of street food in Bekasi, particularly roleof education and health authority. The assesment was based on qualitative method, using round tablediscussion and supported by secondary data. The results showed problems of school children streetfoods seller in terms of personal higiene, how to manage, manner of presentation, storage, quality of food and habits of the child was still not good. Policies related to the management and supervision in schools has been carried out from the center (National Food and Drug Board, Ministry of Health)and the local government, but the implementation was not well coordinated about, who was the most responsible in supervision of the street food at school. The national and West Java Province authorities suggested that the monitoring control of street food in elementary school should be handed over to by the local government district/city

    Kesiapan Pemerintah Kabupaten Muara Enim Dalam Rangka Menanggulangi Pencemaran Batubara

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang memiliki kekayaan sumber daya alam yaitu batubara yang memiliki nilai ekonomi yang cukup besar dan tersebar di berbagai kepulauan di Indonesia. Di sisi lain, kegiatan USAha pertambangan batubara memberikan dampak negatif dan positif terhadap kondisi sosial masyarakat sekitar Perusahaan. Tujuan penulisan ini, untuk melihat sejauhmana kesiapan pemerintah daerah dalam rangka penanggulangan pencemaran akibat pertambangan batubara diwilayah penelitian. Metode penelitian ini eksploratif kualitatif, dilakukan dengan Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (DKT) pada Instansi terkait. Sedangkan wawancara mendalam dilakukan dengan kepala puskesmas dan tokoh masyarakat. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis model kualitatif yaitu analisis domain/konten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah maupun pemerintah Kabupaten Muara Enim telah mempunyai seperangkat produk hukum untuk mengatasi dampak sosial maupun lingkungan, tetapi dalam pelaksanaan penegakan hukum belum optimal. Selain itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi kinerja pertambangan batubara sebagai dasar pemberian sanksi yang tegas kepada Perusahaan maupun pada penambang liar yang tidak memenuhi kewajiban dalam melakukan proses eksploitasi yang menimbulkan dampak terhadap sosial ekonomi dan kerusakan lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disarankan untuk menilai dampak pertambangan batubara terhadap sosial ekonomi masyarakat dan kualitas lingkungan untuk menanggulangi pencemaran sesuai Analisis Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) yang telah di susun sebelumnya

    Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Kaitannya dengan Masalah Demam Berdarah Dengue di Daerah Pamulang, Kabupaten Tangerang, Propinsi Banten

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease thai still cause health problems in Indonesia. Dengue cases are still high to the understanding of a phenomenon that is not only seen from the health aspect alone, but associated with other symptoms that exist in this society means the emergence of DHF can not be separated from the low environmental quality, because public awareness to preserve the environment for mosquito vector transmission DBD does not have the opportunity to breed relatively less. Mobility is also supported by the higher population and settlements which the spread of increasingly dense and more widespread transmission of dengue. Therefore research has been done on the dynamics of dengue transmission in the area Pamulang Tangerang District, Banten Province. Research using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Kuantatif approach to collecting data through interviews using a questionnaire. The number of samples of600 people and as a respondent is the head of the family. Approach was qualitative data collection through in-depth interviews of a number of informants consisting of community leaders, religious leaders, youth, and the head of PKK health center. The results showed the public's knowledge about dengue hemorrhagic fever is good enough. Generally the respondents knew about the cause of DHF is due to Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Symptoms and modes of transmission of DHF also well known by most respondents. They claimed that the symptoms first dengue fever, red spots dikulit, first and appetite is less. Nevertheless behavior towards the prevention of dengue transmission is still less reiatih. Most respondents claimed not implement the principle of 3M. They only carry out service projects that are less focused on the extraction of regular water and shelter is always closed, burn or bury the old stuff can be suspected of developing a mosquito biuknya dengue infection. Supported high population mobility due to frequent traveling and staying in other regions. This enables the transmission and spread of DHF in the community will take place