10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Laser–Assisted Treatment for Gingival Melanin Hyperpigmentation

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    Background: Smile aesthetics has a vital role to play in an individual’s life and one of the factors affecting the beauty of the smile is gingival color. A gingival color change or gingival hyperpigmentation causes an unesthetic smile line, especially in patients with a gummy smile, which is also known as a black gummy smile. Numerous gingival depigmentation methods have been performed successfully for ablating gingival melanin pigmented epithelium. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate the treatment efficacy of gingival hyperpigmentation by using a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out with 38 patients at a hospital in Vietnam. Ponnaiyan classification and the Hedin melanin index were used to assess the distribution and extent of gingival pigmentation in the study. Pain assessment was performed using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) to evaluate the intensity of pain during the laser treatment. In addition, clinical evaluation (i.e., wound healing) of each treatment procedure was conducted using the three level Dummett–Gupta Oral Pigmentation Index (DOPI) assessment. Results: This study showed that less pain was experienced by patients treated by CO2 laser; the rates of no pain, mild pain and moderate pain after treatment were, respectively, 21%, 76% and 2.6%; there was 100% complete epithelization after 1 week. The DOPI rates for turning from a DOPI score of 1, 2 or 3 to a DOPI score of 0 after a 12-week treatment were 87.5%, 76.9% and 24%, respectively. Conclusions: Using a CO2 laser for gingival melanin pigmentation treatment is a safe and effective procedure

    Graphene-Integrated Plasmonic Metamaterial for Manipulation of Multi-Band Absorption, Based on Near-Field Coupled Resonators

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    We demonstrated a multi-band plasmonic metamaterial absorber (MA), based on the near-field coupled resonators. In addition to the individual resonances of resonators in the proposed structure, which were split-ring resonator (SRR) and cross-shape structures, another resonance was also excited owing to the coupling of resonators, revealing a triple-band absorption. Furthermore, to control the absorption behavior, on the top of the SRRs, the identical SRRs made of graphene ink were pasted. By increasing the resistance of graphene ink, the coupling strength was weakened, changing the triple-band absorption to a dual-band one. Our work might be useful as the controllable devices, based on graphene-integrated plasmonic MA, such as filters, detectors and energy harvesters

    Graphene-Integrated Plasmonic Metamaterial for Manipulation of Multi-Band Absorption, Based on Near-Field Coupled Resonators

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    We demonstrated a multi-band plasmonic metamaterial absorber (MA), based on the near-field coupled resonators. In addition to the individual resonances of resonators in the proposed structure, which were split-ring resonator (SRR) and cross-shape structures, another resonance was also excited owing to the coupling of resonators, revealing a triple-band absorption. Furthermore, to control the absorption behavior, on the top of the SRRs, the identical SRRs made of graphene ink were pasted. By increasing the resistance of graphene ink, the coupling strength was weakened, changing the triple-band absorption to a dual-band one. Our work might be useful as the controllable devices, based on graphene-integrated plasmonic MA, such as filters, detectors and energy harvesters

    Molecular characterization of hepatitis B virus in Vietnam

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    Abstract Background Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major public health problem globally. HBV genotypes and subgenotypes influence disease transmission, progression, and treatment outcome. A study was conducted among treatment naive chronic HBV patients in southern Vietnam to determine the genotypes and subgenotypes of HBV. Methods A prospective, exploratory study was conducted among treatment naïve chronic HBV patients attending at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam during 2012, 2014 and 2016. HBV DNA positive samples (systematically selected 2% of all treatment naïve chronic patients during 2012 and 2014, and 8% of all treatment naïve chronic patients during 2016) were subjected to whole genome sequencing (WGS) either by Sanger or Illumina sequencing. WGS was used to define genotype, sub-genotype, recombination, and the prevalence of drug resistance and virulence-associated mutations. Results One hundred thirty five treatment naïve chronic HBV patients including 18 from 2012, 24 from 2014, and 93 from 2016 were enrolled. Of 135 sequenced viruses, 72.6% and 27.4% were genotypes B and C respectively. Among genotype B isolates, 87.8% and 12.2% were subgenotypes B4 and B2 respectively. A G1896A mutation in the precore gene was present in 30.6% of genotype B isolates. The genotype C isolates were all subgenotype C1 and 78.4% (29/37) of them had at least one basal core promoter (BCP) mutation. A1762T and G1764 T mutations and a double mutation (A1762T and G1764 T) in the BCP region were significantly more frequent in genotype C1 isolates (p < 0.001). Conclusion HBV genotype B including subgenotype B4 is predominant in southern Vietnam. However, one fourth of the chronic HBV infections were caused by subgenotype C1

    Additional file 1: of Molecular characterization of hepatitis B virus in Vietnam

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    Geolocation mapping of the 135 chronic HBV patients enrolled in the study. Description: Addresses of each enrolled patient were mapped by QGIS v2.18 at ward level. Geolocation of wards of genotype B patients are marked red, genotype C patients as blue and wards with patients of both genotype B and C are marked as green (DOCX 319 kb

    Additional file 3: of Molecular characterization of hepatitis B virus in Vietnam

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    HBV reference isolates_180817. The HBV reference genome sequence and sequences isolated from Vietnam in this study used for phylogentic analysis. Gene Bank accession number and subgenotype of the reference sequences used for phylogenetic analysis. Gene Bank accession number and subgenotype of the HBV isolates from this study. (DOCX 12 kb

    Additional file 2: of Molecular characterization of hepatitis B virus in Vietnam

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    Recombination analysis. Recombination analysis of the HBV isolates from this study using RDP4 v 4.85 program. Recombination analysis of the 92 HBV isolates from this study using RDP4 v 4.85 program. An isolate was considered recombinant if detected by 5 out of 6 program (RDP, BootScan, Max Chi, Chimaera, SisScan and Topol). Recombinant isolate, minor parents and identity, recombinant break points, size of the recombinant fragment and location of the recombination are presented. (PPTX 141 kb

    An observational study of breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant infections among vaccinated healthcare workers in Vietnam

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    Background Data on breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant infections in vaccinated individuals are limited. Methods We studied breakthrough infections among Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccinated healthcare workers in an infectious diseases hospital in Vietnam. We collected demographic and clinical data alongside serial PCR testing, measurement of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, and viral whole-genome sequencing. Findings Between 11th–25th June 2021 (7-8 weeks after the second dose), 69 staff tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 62 participated in the study. Most were asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic and all recovered. Twenty-two complete-genome sequences were obtained; all were Delta variant and were phylogenetically distinct from contemporary viruses obtained from the community or from hospital patients admitted prior to the outbreak. Viral loads inferred from Ct values were 251 times higher than in cases infected with the original strain in March/April 2020. Median time from diagnosis to negative PCR was 21 days (range 8–33). Neutralizing antibodies (expressed as percentage of inhibition) measured after the second vaccine dose, or at diagnosis, were lower in cases than in uninfected, fully vaccinated controls (median (IQR): 69.4 (50.7-89.1) vs. 91.3 (79.6-94.9), p=0.005 and 59.4 (32.5-73.1) vs. 91.1 (77.3-94.2), p=0.043). There was no correlation between vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody levels and peak viral loads or the development of symptoms. Interpretation Breakthrough Delta variant infections following Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccination may cause asymptomatic or mild disease, but are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies. Epidemiological and sequence data suggested ongoing transmission had occurred between fully vaccinated individuals