11 research outputs found

    Financial instruments EU/RO on sustainable development of rural area from Romania : case study: Periam locality, Timis County

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    his paper presents sustainable rural development and its limiting factors, together with EU/RO financial instruments used in Romania, in financing programs available at present: ERDF. ESF, CF. EAFRD. and special funds wich include SCF and EUSF. Currently in Romania are available for application of the following financial instruments of the EAFRD. structured in 4 priority axes with 8 important measures. Rural development, regardless of geographic area, of ways of developing and the needs of local people must be made according to certain rules and take into consideration the limiting factors and only then can we talk about sustainable rural development. As a case study. Periam locality, Timis County, was chosen, due to its geographical position, w ith great development potential and in order to attract European funds. A part of the locality is also located inside a natural park (The Natural Park Lunca Muresului ). Given this they have a great responsibility regarding environmental protection not only in the park but also in the area around it. In order to achieve a v iable sustainable development of the human society, all these measures have a certain purpose, namely the maintenance of ecological balance to ensure conditions of living and working even better for future generations


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    This paper presents two examples of exploitation of water energy that can be used in the irrigation field. First of theseexamples is the hydraulic transformer type A. Barglazan used for irrigation, pumped water is taken directly from theriver’s well, using a hydraulic pump which simultaneously carried out a double transformation in this way: hydraulicenergy into mechanic energy and mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. Technology preparation and devices designwas done in record time, seeing that this constructive solution is more robust, reliable and with improved energyperformance versus the laboratory prototype. The experimental research which was made at 1:1 scale proved theirgood function over time. Another example is the hydraulic hammer (hydraulic pump) that uses low-head energy topump water, with a global efficiency of about 10 - 50%. Currently, the new situation of private ownership of landprovides conditions for new pumping microstations to be made where irrigation is necessary and optimal hydrauliclocations exist

    New Products and Technologies, Based on Calculations Developed Areas

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    Following statistics, currently prosperous and have high GDP / capita, only countries that have and fructify intensively large natural resources and/or produce and export products massive based on patented inventions accordingly. Without great natural wealth and the lowest GDP / capita in the EU, Romania will prosper only with such products. Starting from the top experience in the country, some patented, can develop new and competitive technologies and patentable and exportable products, based on exact calculations of developed areas, such as that double shells welded assemblies and plating of ships' propellers and blade pump and hydraulic turbines


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    The sludge generation main source of Caraş-Severin County are the sewage treatment plants; the amount of sludge generated by the water treatment plants being insignificant. Because the annual amounts of sludge generated is high the processing, storage, recovery of sludge creates specific and complex engineering problems. The elaboration of the sludge strategy considered the quantities and quality, of current sludge, as well as those resulted after the completion of the construction works for the new water treatment and purification plants included in the Water - Water Waste Master Plan. Also, the sludge resulting from the implementation of the Integrated Waste Management System at the county level must be taken into account. The sludge strategy aims to provide on a medium term sustainable solutions for the final recovery / disposal of the sludge generated in accordance with the legal provisions and the national strategy. The paper presents one of the sustainable and viable options for sludge recovery in Caraş-Severin County, using them as an artificial soil for re-ecological contaminated sites (33), amounting to 629 hectares: mining waste dumps, tailings ponds and non-compliant deposits


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    Drought is a major issue that humanity confronts with and due to its vast ramifications it is also most difficult to solve. Being a natural phenomenon it has various manifestations which scholars have categorised into meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, environmental and others, in order to better define and understand this phenomenon. Several drought indices have been proposed by different scholars for measuring it which take rainfall, temperature, sun shining and other features into account. This of course, led to a variety of interpretations which makes the phenomenon even more difficult to size up and quantify its devastating effects on a long term scale. The seven indexes this paper makes use of, for calculating drought are: N. Topor index, De Martonne index, Domuta hydroheliothermal index, Selianinov hydrothermal index, Palfai drought index and Lang rain index. In this paper, the case study conducted for Timisoara in the 1980-2014 period reveals alternating wet and dry periods which do not pose any threat of aridisation or desertification in the near future. However, a constant monitoring is imposed in order for these phenomena not to occur, made by the authorized law enforcement together with specialists from various fields


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    There is no doubt that drought is considered the second major issue humanity confronts with after of course, pollution. Due to the numerous forms it can occur and the various levels it can create damage scholars have categorized it mainly into agricultural, environmental, hydrological, meteorological and others. This designation was chosen in order to better understand and study the phenomenon`s manifestations. More than a couple of indexes have been proposed by specialists for preventing and measuring it relying mostly on: temperature, rainfall, sun shine and other features. This multitude of indexes made room for a large number of different interpretations which makes the phenomenon even more difficult to study and prevent. The seven indexes the hereby paper uses to calculate indexes are: Palfai drought index, DeMartonne index, N. Topor index, Selianinov hydrothermal index, Lang rain index and Domuta hydroheliothermal index. The case study is conducted for Lugoj for a period of 34 years (1980-2014) in this time impressive amount of data has been collected. The study revealed that the wet and dry periods of time alternate, therefore, there is no threat of aridisation or desertification in the near future

    Use of Modern Technologies for the Conservation of Historical Heritage in Water Management

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    Historical monuments represent a cultural heritage that humanity has a duty to preserve and conserve. Lately all over the world, scanning these heritage objectives has become a priority, in order to preserve in the smallest details the used architecture. The work aims to complete the cultural heritage for Sânmihaiu Român hydro technical development built between 1912 and 1915, located on the Bega River in Western Romania, through modern mobile scanning technology, Leica Pegasus Backpack, necessary for the creation of a three-dimensional (3D) documentation, for the completion of the cultural heritage, and for the creation of a 3D database. The purpose of the scientific paper is restoring Sanmihaiu Roman Hidro technical Node, subject to degradation, in order to achieve the project “The navigable Bega”, waterway connection to Serbia. Collecting method of LiDAR data is Fused Slam, the acquisition of RINNEX data being made by placing a Leica GS08 Master Station. Visualization of quality graphics has been performed in Quality Control (QC) Tools. The scanning accuracy is between 2 and 3 cm and the 3D data processing was performed with the Cyclone Model version program, with SmartPick Point and Virtual Surveyor functions. The obtained point clouds will be of a great help in order to follow in time the construction which can be used whenever it will be needed by the designers and specialists in the field of hydrotechnics

    Geospatial Technologies Used in the Management of Water Resources in West of Romania

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    Stability in time of major and important objectives is vital and can be achieved by 3D scanners which follow changes in time with construction, respective of the natural or artificial hydrotechnical dams and the obtaining of 3D data in real time with the possibility of evaluating and making quick decisions. This scientific paper approaches a research topic of great importance and actuality in the field of Civil Engineering, Hydrotechnics, and Geomatics using the 3D scanning technologies for the hydrotechnical arrangements (Topolovăţu Mic, Coșteiu and Sânmartinu Maghiar) and hydroameliorative (Cruceni Pumping Station). In Romania, data collection was carried out for the first time using the mobile scanning technology (MMS), “Backpack” type, namely, Leica Pegasus Backpack. Data collection using terrestrial laser scanning technology (Terrestrial Laser Scanning) was carried out with the Leica C10 equipment. The processing of point clouds was carried out using the Inertial Explorer program, and the processing of point clouds was carried out with the Cyclone program. The collection of ground checkpoints used for checking, correcting, and analyzing point clouds was carried out using the GPS Leica GS08 equipment. Compared with traditional methods using classical measuring instruments, precise data was obtained (with an error of 2–4 cm) through 3D laser scanning technology in a short time and with multiple possibilities of processing and visualizing point clouds