10,846 research outputs found

    Defect Modes in One-Dimensional Granular Crystals

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    We study the vibrational spectra of one-dimensional statically compressed granular crystals (arrays of elastic particles in contact) containing defects. We focus on the prototypical settings of one or two spherical defects (particles of smaller radii) interspersed in a chain of larger uniform spherical particles. We measure the near-linear frequency spectrum within the spatial vicinity of the defects, and identify the frequencies of the localized defect modes. We compare the experimentally determined frequencies with those obtained by numerical eigen-analysis and by analytical expressions based on few-site considerations. We also present a brief numerical and experimental example of the nonlinear generalization of a single-defect localized mode

    Molecular Mechanism Involved in the Pathogenesis of Early-Onset Epileptic Encephalopathy

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    Recent studies have shown that neurologic inflammation may both precipitate and sustain seizures, suggesting that inflammation may be involved not only in epileptogenesis but also in determining the drug-resistant profile. Extensive literature data during these last years have identified a number of inflammatory markers involved in these processes of "neuroimmunoinflammation" in epilepsy, with key roles for pro-inflammatory cytokines such as: IL-6, IL-17 and IL-17 Receptor (IL-17R) axis, Tumor-Necrosis-Factor Alpha (TNF-α) and Transforming-Growth-Factor Beta (TGF-β), all responsible for the induction of processes of blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption and inflammation of the Central Nervous System (CNS) itself. Nevertheless, many of these inflammatory biomarkers have also been implicated in the pathophysiologic process of other neurological diseases. Future studies will be needed to identify the disease-specific biomarkers in order to distinguish epilepsies from other neurological diseases, as well as recognize different epileptic semiology. In this context, biological markers of BBB disruption, as well as those reflecting its integrity, can be useful tools to determine the pathological process of a variety of neurological diseases. However; how these molecules may help in the diagnosis and prognostication of epileptic disorders remains yet to be determined. Herein, authors present an extensive literature review on the involvement of both, systemic and neuronal immune systems, in the early onset of epileptic encephalopathy

    Adsorption of Externally Stretched Two-Dimensional Flexible and Semi-flexible Polymers near an Attractive Wall

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    We study analytically a model of a two dimensional, partially directed, flexible or semiflexible polymer, attached to an attractive wall which is perpendicular to the preferred direction. In addition, the polymer is stretched by an externally applied force. We find that the wall has a dramatic effect on the polymer. For wall attraction smaller than the non-sequential nearest neighbor attraction, the fraction of monomers at the wall is zero and the model is the same as that of a polymer without a wall. However, for greater than, the fraction of monomers at the wall undergoes a first order transition from unity at low temperature and small force, to zero at higher temperatures and forces. We present phase diagram for this transition. Our results are confirmed by Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Limits on MeV Dark Matter from the Effective Number of Neutrinos

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    Thermal dark matter that couples more strongly to electrons and photons than to neutrinos will heat the electron-photon plasma relative to the neutrino background if it becomes nonrelativistic after the neutrinos decouple from the thermal background. This results in a reduction in N_eff below the standard-model value, a result strongly disfavored by current CMB observations. Taking conservative lower bounds on N_eff and on the decoupling temperature of the neutrinos, we derive a bound on the dark matter particle mass of m_\chi > 3-9 MeV, depending on the spin and statistics of the particle. For p-wave annihilation, our limit on the dark matter particle mass is stronger than the limit derived from distortions to the CMB fluctuation spectrum produced by annihilations near the epoch of recombination.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, discussion added, references added and updated, labels added to figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Thirty-fold: Extreme gravitational lensing of a quiescent galaxy at z=1.6z=1.6

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    We report the discovery of eMACSJ1341-QG-1, a quiescent galaxy at z=1.594z=1.594 located behind the massive galaxy cluster eMACSJ1341.9-2442 (z=0.835z=0.835). The system was identified as a gravitationally lensed triple image in Hubble Space Telescope images obtained as part of a snapshot survey of the most X-ray luminous galaxy clusters at z>0.5z>0.5 and spectroscopically confirmed in ground-based follow-up observations with the ESO/X-Shooter spectrograph. From the constraints provided by the triple image, we derive a first, crude model of the mass distribution of the cluster lens, which predicts a gravitational amplification of a factor of \sim30 for the primary image and a factor of \sim6 for the remaining two images of the source, making eMACSJ1341-QG-1 by far the most strongly amplified quiescent galaxy discovered to date. Our discovery underlines the power of SNAPshot observations of massive, X-ray selected galaxy clusters for lensing-assisted studies of faint background populations

    Quantum Speed Limit for Perfect State Transfer in One Dimension

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    The basic idea of spin chain engineering for perfect quantum state transfer (QST) is to find a set of coupling constants in the Hamiltonian, such that a particular state initially encoded on one site will evolve freely to the opposite site without any dynamical controls. The minimal possible evolution time represents a speed limit for QST. We prove that the optimal solution is the one simulating the precession of a spin in a static magnetic field. We also argue that, at least for solid-state systems where interactions are local, it is more realistic to characterize the computation power by the couplings than the initial energy.Comment: 5 pages, no figure; improved versio

    Interplay between antiferromagnetic order and spin polarization in ferromagnetic metal/electron-doped cuprate superconductor junctions

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    Recently we proposed a theory of point-contact spectroscopy and argued that the splitting of zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP) in electron-doped cuprate superconductor point-contact spectroscopy is due to the coexistence of antiferromagnetic (AF) and d-wave superconducting orders [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 76}, 220504(R) (2007)]. Here we extend the theory to study the tunneling in the ferromagnetic metal/electron-doped cuprate superconductor (FM/EDSC) junctions. In addition to the AF order, the effects of spin polarization, Fermi-wave vector mismatch (FWM) between the FM and EDSC regions, and effective barrier are investigated. It is shown that there exits midgap surface state (MSS) contribution to the conductance to which Andreev reflections are largely modified due to the interplay between the exchange field of ferromagnetic metal and the AF order in EDSC. Low-energy anomalous conductance enhancement can occur which could further test the existence of AF order in EDSC. Finally, we propose a more accurate formula in determining the spin polarization value in combination with the point-contact conductance data.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Inherent Structures for Soft Long-Range Interactions in Two-Dimensional Many-Particle Systems

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    We generate inherent structures, local potential-energy minima, of the "kk-space overlap potential" in two-dimensional many-particle systems using a cooling and quenching simulation technique. The ground states associated with the kk-space overlap potential are stealthy ({\it i.e.,} completely suppress single scattering of radiation for a range of wavelengths) and hyperuniform ({\it i.e.,} infinite wavelength density fluctuations vanish). However, we show via quantitative metrics that the inherent structures exhibit a range of stealthiness and hyperuniformity depending on the fraction of degrees of freedom that are constrained. Inherent structures in two dimensions typically contain five-particle rings, wavy grain boundaries, and vacancy-interstitial defects. The structural and thermodynamic properties of inherent structures are relatively insensitive to the temperature from which they are sampled, signifying that the energy landscape is relatively flat and devoid of deep wells. Using the nudged-elastic-band algorithm, we construct paths from ground-state configurations to inherent structures and identify the transition points between them. In addition, we use point patterns generated from a random sequential addition (RSA) of hard disks, which are nearly stealthy, and examine the particle rearrangements necessary to make the configurations absolutely stealthy. We introduce a configurational proximity metric to show that only small local, but collective, particle rearrangements are needed to drive initial RSA configurations to stealthy disordered ground states. These results lead to a more complete understanding of the unusual behaviors exhibited by the family of "collective-coordinate" potentials to which the kk-space overlap potential belongs.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figure

    A method to find quantum noiseless subsystems

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    We develop a structure theory for decoherence-free subspaces and noiseless subsystems that applies to arbitrary (not necessarily unital) quantum operations. The theory can be alternatively phrased in terms of the superoperator perspective, or the algebraic noise commutant formalism. As an application, we propose a method for finding all such subspaces and subsystems for arbitrary quantum operations. We suggest that this work brings the fundamental passive technique for error correction in quantum computing an important step closer to practical realization.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Physical Review Letter