87 research outputs found

    Uticaj električnog napona na klijavost semena leguminoza

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    The aim of this paper was to examine the influence of the electrostatic field on seeds of soybean (Glycine max L), vetch (Vicia spp. L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) which were selected at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The DC voltage of 9V was used. The durations of seed treatment were 0 (control), 1, 2 and 3 minutes. The trial was set up as a randomized block design with four replications. 4x100 seeds of each variant and control (untreated seed) were treated. After treatment, seed quality was examined using a germination test (optimal temperature) and a cold test (low temperature). The results of the study showed that the effect of the electrostatic field on seed quality depended on the plant species, the time of seed treatment and the temperature conditions in which the seed germinated after treatment. The increase in germination energy ranged up to 18.18% in vetch, and a decrease of up to 12% was observed in chickpea. The application of the electrostatic field had a significantly greater impact on seeds that were exposed to low temperatures in the germination process after treatment. The increase in seed germination ranged up to 82.35% in chickpeas, and the decrease amounted to 92.68% in peas. In addition, the obtained results indicate that it is not possible to talk about the universal application of a certain duration of seed treatment.Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje uticaja elektrostatičkog polja na seme soje (Glycine max L.), grahorice (Vicia spp. L.), graška (Pisum sativum L.), sastrice (Lathyrus sativus L.) i nauta (Cicer arietinum L.) koji su selekcionisani na Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Za tretiranje je korišćen jednosmerni napon jačine 9 V. Vreme tretiranja semena iznosilo je 0 (kontrola), 1, 2 i 3 minuta. Nakon tretiranja, ispitan je kvalitet semena primenom standardnog testa klijavosti (optimalna temperatura) i hladnog testa (niska temperatura). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je efekat elektrostatičkog polja na kvalitet semena zavisio od biljne vrste, vremena tretiranja semena i temperaturnih uslova u kojima je seme klijalo nakon tretiranja. Povećanje energije klijanja se kretalo do 18,18% kod grahorice, a smanjenje do 12% kod nauta. Značajno veći uticaj primena elektrostatičkog polja imala je na semenu koje je posle tretiranja izloženo niskoj temperaturi u procesu klijanja. Povećanje klijavosti semena se kretalo do 82,35% kod nauta, a smanjenje do 92,68% kod graška. Takođe, dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da se ne može govoriti o univerzalnoj primeni određenog vremena tretiranja, jer se može dogoditi da ono ne odgovara određenoj biljnoj vrsti, pa može doći do pogoršanja kvaliteta semena

    Uticaj elektrostatičkog polja na parametre klijanja soje

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    The aim of this study was to examine the influence of electrostatic fields on seed vigor (VI), mean rate of germination (MGR) and coefficient of velocity of germination (CVG) of five soybean genotypes. Testing was conducted at the Novi Sad Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops on the seeds of five soybean varieties: Sava, NS 2024, NS 1347, NS 3127, and NS Blackstar. The seeds were exposed to different voltages of direct current (DC): 0 V (control), 3 V, 6 V and 9 V, to which the seeds were exposed for 0 min (control), 1 min and 3 min. The application of DC can be a suitable method for improving VI, MGR and CVG. In addition, the results indicate that it is necessary to adjust the DC treatment (voltage and duration of exposure of seeds) to a particular genotype, since inadequate treatments may deteriorate the quality of seeds.Cilj rada je bio da se ispita uticaj elektrostatičkog polja na vigor semena (VI), srednju brzinu klijanja (MGR) i koeficijent srednje brzine klijanja (CVG) pet genotipova soje. Testiranje je sprovedeno u novosadskom Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na semenu pet sorti soje: Sava, NS 2024, NS 1347, NS 3127, i NS Blackstar. Seme je bilo izloženo različitim vrednostima jednosmerne struje (DC) napona: 0 V (kontrola), 3 V, 6 V i 9 V, u trajanju od 0 min (kontrola), 1 min i 3 min. Nakon toga seme je stavljeno na naklijavanje na temperaturi od 25°C u trajanju od osam dana, a posle toga utvrđene su vrednosti parametara klijanja. Rezultati su pokazali značajan uticaj elektrostatičkog polja na VI, MGR i CVG u zavisnosti od genotipa i napona. Najbolji uticaj na sve parametre klijanja ostvaren je kod genotipa NS 2024. Primenom elektrostatičkog polja od 6 V ostvaren je najbolji efekat kod svih ispitivanih parametara. VI je povećan za 19,75%, dok su MGR i CVG za 5.22% viši u odnosu na kontrolu. Pored toga, rezultati su pokazali da je potrebno utvrditi tačnu kombinaciju napona i vremena ekspozicije za određeni genotip, jer u suprotnom dolazi do značajnog pogoršanja parametara klijavosti semena

    The use of electrostatic field to improve soybean seed germination in organic production

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    Soybean production in the system of organic agriculture is not very demanding, and this has been well documented both through experimental results and commercial production. However, one of the biggest problems in organic production is the lack of adequate pre-sowing treatments. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the effect of the electrostatic field. This is a physical treatment that was first used for seed treatment in the 18th century but has mostly been neglected since then. Seeds of five soybean genotypes with differently colored seed coats (yellow, green, dark green, brown, and black) were included in this study. The seeds were exposed to different values of direct current (DC) with the following voltages: 0 V (control), 3 V, 6 V, and 9 V, to which the seeds were exposed for 0 min (control), 1 min, and 3 min. After exposing the seeds to the electric field, the physiological properties of seeds and seedlings at the first stage of growth were evaluated. The results show that the effect of the electrostatic field on seed quality depends on the genotype, voltage, and exposure time. The application of DC can be a suitable method for improving seed germination and the initial growth of soybean seedlings. In addition, the results indicate that it is necessary to adjust the DC treatment (voltage and duration of exposure of seeds) to particular genotypes since inadequate treatments may reduce the quality of seeds


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of aqueous extracts of different plant species on the grain and protein yield of soybean. The testing was conducted at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad on the seeds of the NS Apolo variety. The aqueous extracts of the above-ground part of nettle, the above-ground part of nettle and comfrey, whole banana fruit, banana peel, onion bulbs leaves, the top parts of willow twigs and the top parts of soybean plants were foliarly applied. In addition to the untreated control variant, the experiment also included a distilled water control. Control with distilled water was to show whether the effect of aqueous plant extracts was due to plant material or just water. The results of the experiment showed that the use of aqueous extracts contributed to the increase in grain and protein yield. The increase in grain yield ranged from 9.48% to 15.34%, and the increase in protein yield from 9.31% to 16.16%. The best effect was achieved by applying the aqueous extract of the whole banana fruit and the aqueous extract of the mix of nettle and comfrey. By applying them each year, a significantly higher yield was achieved in relation to the control with distilled water

    Influence of growth regulators on soybean morphology depending on weather conditions during the vegetation period

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    The aim of the research was to test the effect of application of plant growth regulators ascorbic acid (AsA), glycine betaine (GB) salicylic acid (SA), and water (H2O) on morphological characteristics of soybean plant (plant height, number of lateral branches, total number of nodules, number of fertile nodules, number of pods and weight of 1000 seeds). The field trial was conducted at an experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia in 2016–2017. The plant of the soybean cultivar ‘Sava’ was treated twice. The first treatment was done in the R1 reproductive stage and the second treatment was done in the R3 reproductive stage. Research has shown that in a favorable year (2016), the application of GB had the best effect on the number of lateral branches and fertile nodules. The use of SA achieved a significantly higher 1000 seed weight in relation to the control, but also water, regardless of the weather conditions during the vegetation. In 2016, compared to the control, the 1000 seeds weight increased by 10.36%, while in 2017 the effect was slightly higher by 12.92%. However, studies have shown that the use of growth regulators can also have a negative effect on the morphological characteristics of soybean plants, depending on the year and the weather conditions during the growing season

    Influence of year and soybean varieties on the number and weight of grain per plant

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    Broj zrna i masa zrna po biljci su morfološke osobine koje direktno utiču na ostvareni prinos soje. Cilj ovih istraživanja je ispitivanje uticaja godine i različitih sorti na broj zrna i masu zrna po biljci. U 2017. godini i 2021. godini broj i masa zrna po biljci bili su statistički veoma značajno niži u odnosu na ostale godine istraživanja. Posmatrane morfološke osobine imaju najviše vrednosti kod sorte soje sa najdužim vegetacionim periodom, broj zrna po biljci bio je statistički veoma značajno viši kod sorte Rubin u odnosu na sorte Sava i Galina, dok je masa zrna po biljci statistički veoma značajno viša kod sorte Rubin u odnosu na sortu Galina i statistički značajno viša u odnosu na sortu Sava.The number of grains and the mass of grains per plant are morphological characteristics that directly affect the achieved soybean yield. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of year and different varieties on the number of grains and grain weight per plant. In 2017 and 2021, the number and weight of grains per plant were statistically significantly lower compared to other years of research. The observed morphological characteristics have the highest values in the soybean variety with the longest vegetation period, the number of grains per plant was statistically significantly higher in the Rubin variety compared to the Sava and Galina varieties, while the grain weight per plant was statistically significantly higher in the Rubin variety on the Galina variety and statistically significantly higher in relation to the Sava variety

    The influence of year and variety on particular morphological properties of soybean

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    Morfološke osobine biljaka soje zavise prvenstveno od sortnih karakteristika, ali iste veoma variraju usled različitih klimatskih prilika u pojedinim godinama, kvaliteta zemljišta, obezbeđenosti biljaka hranivima i njihovom nivou dostupnosti, stresnim uslovima tokom rasta i razvoja soje i sl. Cilj ovih istraživanja je ispitivanje uticaja godine i različitih sorti na visinu biljaka i masu 1000 zrna soje. U 2017. i 2021. godini statistički je veoma značajno niža visina biljaka i masa 1000 zrna soje u odnosu na 2016., 2018., 2019. i 2020. godinu. Sorta Rubin imala je statistički veoma značajno višu visinu biljaka u odnosu na sorte Galina i Sava. Statistički veoma značajno viša masa 1000 zrna zabeležena je kod sorte Rubin u odnosu na sortu Galina i statistički značajno viša vrednost u odnosu na sortu Sava.Morphological characteristics of soybean plants depend primarily onvarietal characteristics, but they differ greatly due to different climaticconditions in certain years, soil quality, plant nutrient supply and theirlevel of availability, stressful conditions during soybean growth anddevelopment, etc. The aim of this research is to examine the influence ofyear and different varieties on plant height and weight of 1000 soybeangrains. In 2017 and 2021, the height of plants and the mass of 1000soybean grains were statistically significantly lower compared to 2016,2018, 2019 and 2020. The Rubin variety had a statistically verysignificantly higher plant height compared to the Galina and Savavarieties. A statistically very significantly higher mass of 1000 grainswere recorded in the cultivar Rubin in relation to the cultivar Galina and astatistically significantly higher value in relation to the cultivar Sava

    Yield and quality of NS soybean varieties in the macro trials in 2021

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    Makroogledi se izvode radi rejonizacije sorti soje, odnosno da se za pojedine lokalitete gajenja odaberu one sorte koje će u datim agroekološkim uslovima ostvariti maksimalne prinose uz minimalna variranja u različitim godinama. Cilj ovoga rada je sagledavanje prinosa, sadržaja proteina i ulja, kao i prinosa proteina i ulja po jedinici površine NS sorti soje u mreži makroogleda u 2021. godini. Sorta soje NS Fantast ostvarila je najviši prinos zrna (2.725 kg ha-1), sorta Rubin najviši sadržaj proteina (40,1%), a sorte NS Atlas i NS Hogar najviši sadržaj ulja (21,5%), dok je najviši prinos proteina po jedinici površine (1.173 kg ha-1) ostvaren sa sortom soje NS Hogar, a najviši prinos ulja sa sortama NS Atlas i NS Hogar (624 kg ha-1).Macro-experiments are performed for the purpose of regionalization of soybean varieties, ie to select for individual cultivation sites those varieties that will achieve maximum yields in given agroecological conditions with minimal variations in different years. The aim of this paper is to consider the yield, protein and oil content, as well as protein and oil yield per unit area of NS soybean cultivars in the macro-experimental network in 2021. NS Fantast soybean variety had the highest grain yield (2725 kg ha-1), Rubin soybean highest protein content (40.1%), NS Atlas and NS Hogar cultivars the highest oil content (21.5%), while the highest protein yield per unit area (1173 kg ha-1) achieved with the soybean variety NS Hogar, and the highest oil yield with the cultivars NS Atlas and NS Hogar (624 kg ha-1)

    Effect of foliar application of NPK fertilizer with trace elements and effective microorganisms on soybean yield

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    Visoki prinosi i stabilnaproizvodnja soje pod direktnim su uticajem količini i dostupnosti hraniva biljkama. Cilj ovih istraživanja je ispitivanje uticaja NPK đubriva sa mikroelementima i efektivnih mikroorganizama na prinos kod tri sorte soje, različitih grupa zrenja. Efektivni mikroorganizmi i NPK đubrivo sa mikroelementima statistički veoma značajno povećavaju prinos soje. Efektivni mikroorganizmi povećali su prinos za 7,28%, NPK đubrivo sa mikroelementima za 11,20%, dok kombinacija efektivnih mikroorganizama i NPK đubriva sa mikroelementima povećava prinos soje za 14,86%.High yields and stable soybean production are under direct influence of plant nutrient quantity and availability. The aim of this research was to examine the effect of NPK fertilizer with trace elements and effective microorganisms on the yields of three soybean varieties which belong to different maturation groups. Effective microorganisms and NPK fertilizer with trace elements statistically very significantly increase soybean yield. Effective microorganisms increased the yield by 7.28%, NPK fertilizer with trace elements by 11.20%, while the combination of effective microorganisms and NPK fertilizer with trace elements increase soybean yield by 14.86%

    Autumn and spring application of NPK fertilizers in soybean production

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    Intenzivna biljna proizvodnja podrazumeva pravilnu i pravovremenu primenu svih agrotehničkih mera, primenu đubriva na osnovu analize zemljišta, dopunsku ishranu sa mikroelementima i stimulatorima rasta, kompleksnu zaštitu protiv korova, bolesti i štetočina, u cilju ostvarivanja visokih i stabilnih prinosa, visokog kvaliteta. Još uvek se na mnogim parcelama u proizvodnji soje primenjuje prolećna primena NPK đubriva, pa je i cilj ovoga rada sagledavanje uticaja jesenje i prolećne primene NPK đubriva na prinos soje. Jesenja primena NPK đubriva statistički veoma značajno povećava prinos soje u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu ogleda - bez đubrenja, ali i u odnosu na prolećnu primenu NPK đubriva.Intensive plant production indicates proper and timely application ofall agrotechnical measures, application of fertilizers based on soil analysis, additional nutrition with microelements and growth stimulators,complex protection against weeds, diseases and pests, in order to achievehigh and stable yields, high quality. Spring application of NPK fertilizersis still applied on many plots in soybean production, so the aim of thispaper is to consider the influence of autumn and spring application ofNPK fertilizers on soybean yield. Autumn application of NPK fertilizersstatistically significantly increases the soybean yield in relation to thecontrol variant of the experiment - without fertilization, but also inrelation to the spring application of NPK fertilizers