18 research outputs found

    Developing PM2.5 and PM10 prediction models on a national and regional scale using open-source remote sensing data

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    Clean air is the precursor to a healthy life. Air quality is an issue that has been getting under its well-deserved spotlight in the last few years. From a remote sensing point of view, the first Copernicus mission with the main purpose of monitoring the atmosphere and tracking air pollutants, the Sentinel-5P TROPOMI mission, has been widely used worldwide. Particulate matter of a diameter smaller than 2.5 and 10 mu m (PM2.5 and PM10) significantly determines air quality. Still, there are no available satellite sensors that allow us to track them remotely with high accuracy, but only using ground stations. This research aims to estimate PM2.5 and PM10 using Sentinel-5P and other open-source remote sensing data available on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform for heating (December 2021, January, and February 2022) and non-heating seasons (June, July, and August 2021) on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. Ground stations of the National Network for Continuous Air Quality Monitoring were used as a starting point and as ground truth data. Raw hourly data were matched to remote sensing data, and seasonal models were trained at the national and regional scale using machine learning. The proposed approach uses a random forest algorithm with a percentage split of 70% and gives moderate to high accuracy regarding the temporal frame of the data. The mapping gives us visual insight between the ground and remote sensing data and shows the seasonal variations of PM2.5 and PM10. The results showed that the proposed approach and models could efficiently estimate air quality

    Indistinctly Synchronous Lung and Base of the Tongue Adenocarcinoma: Case Report and Discussion of Possi- ble Patterns of Disease Development

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    Adenokarcinom pluća čini oko 40% svih karcinoma pluća i karakteriziraju ga različite stanične i molekularne značajke. Česte su udaljene metastaze iz primarnog karcinoma pluća, međutim metastaze u jeziku prilično su rijetke i neočekivane. Ako postoje dokazi o metastazama u jeziku, primarni tumor je najvjerojatnije Å”iren, a prognoza loÅ”a. Takvi pacijenti zahtijevaju cjelovitu obradu kako bi se procijenio opseg bolesti, jer stadij tumora igra glavnu ulogu u određivanju izbora liječenja. U ovom slučaju želimo predstaviti neobičan slučaj istodobnog adenokarcinoma pluća i baze jezika i razgovarati o mogućim obrascima razvoja bolesti.Lung adenocarcinoma accounts for about 40% of all lung cancers and is characterized by distinct cellular and molecular features. Distant metastases from primary lung cancer are frequent, howev- er metastasis of the tongue is quite rare and unexpected. If there is existing evidence of metastasis in tongue, primary tumor is most probably generally disseminated and prognosis is poor. Such patients require a complete staging workup to evaluate the extent of disease, because tumor stage plays a major role in determining the choice of treatment. In this case report we want to present an unusual case of simultaneous lung and base of the tongue adenocarcinoma and discuss the possible patterns of disease development

    Rijedak slučaj metastaze invazivnog lobularnog karcinoma dojke u endometrij

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    Metastases to the female genital tract from extra-genital primary cancers are uncommon and usually occur during widespread metastatic disease. Breast cancers are the most frequent primaries, predominantly the lobular type. Here, we report a case of a 55-year-old woman with breast cancer endometrial metastasis who presented with postmenopausal vaginal bleeding. We highlight the importance of endometrial sampling to confirm the diagnosis and distinguish primary from metastatic cancer of the endometrium since the treatment and prognosis of these conditions are entirely different.Metastaze u ženski spolni sustav ekstragenitalnih primarnih karcinoma su rijetke te su najčeŔće znak uznapredovale bolesti. Lobularni histoloÅ”ki tip karcinoma dojke je najčeŔće primarno sijelo metastaza u ženski spolni sustav. U radu je prikazan rijedak slučaj 55- godiÅ”nje bolesnice s endometralnom metastazom karcinoma dojke koja se prvotno prezentirala sa simptomima vaginalnog krvarenja u poslijemenopauzi. Istaknuta je važnost biopsije endometrija u postavljanju točne dijagnoze i razlikovanju primarne od metastatske bolesti endometrija s obzirom na činjenicu kako se njihovo liječenje i prognoza u potpunosti razlikuju

    Hernijacija kroz drenažni otvor kao rijetka rana -komplikacija laparoskopije

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    Port site hernia is very rare but serious complication after laparoscopic procedures. In clinical practice drain is often placed in 10 mm or larger trocar port sites. We report a case of 61-year-old woman who underwent laparoscopy and developed small bowel herniation and incarceration in a 12 mm port site in which 24 Fr drain was inserted leaving real free space of approximately 4 mm. There are only a few case reports with the similar pathology. Priority should always be on the adequate fascial closure of port sites. Smaller trocar insertion sites (<10 mm) should be used as insertion sites for drains.U kliničkoj praksi abdominalni dren se često postavlja na mjesta insercije troakara promjera većih od 10 mm, te je pojava hernije, kao vrlo rijetke ali ozbiljne komplikacije ovih zahvata moguća. U prikazanom slučaju, na mjestu insercije troakara promjera 12 mm lijevo postavljen je dren veličine 24 Fr koji je dodatno reducirao prostor dostupan za hernijaciju na oko 4 mm. Kroz ovaj otvor ipak je doÅ”lo do hernijacije i inkarceracije tankog crijeva, Å”to je opisano u svega nekoliko slučaja. Smatramo kako je važno odgovarajuće zatvaranje defekata fascije na mjestu postavljanja troakara i postavljanje abdominalnog drena na mjesta insercije troakara promjera manjih od 10 mm

    Endovaskularno stvaranje arteriovenske fistule za pristup hemodijalizi

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    KirurÅ”ke fistule za stvaranje pristupa dijalizi kod kroničnih bubrežnih bolesnika koriste se viÅ”e od 50 god. Međutim, zbog problema poput sporog sazrijevanja i visokog rizika od tromboze ili stenoza, rezultati ostaju ispod optimalnih uz visoke stope intervencija i operacija koje trebaju održavati prohodnost.Nedavno su izumljene endovaskularne metode za stvaranje fistula, dopuÅ”tajući tako pacijentima na hemodijalizi da imaju alternativnu nekirurÅ”ku metodu.Endovaskularno stvaranje A-V fistula uključuje minimalnu traumu žile, ohrabrujuće početne rezultate koji pokazuju visoke stope tehničkog uspjeha i dobro zadovoljstvo pacijenata.Opisuju se tehnički aspekti ovih postupaka, odabir bolesnika te rezultati ispitivanja

    CO level over the Republic of Croatia using SENTINEL-5P

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    This paper deals with the issue of air pollution in the territory of the Republic of Croatia by monitoring the level of one of the largest air pollutants ā€“ carbon monoxide. For the study area, total carbon monoxide levels observed by the TROPOMI SENTINEL- 5P mission device were taken and used to show carbon monoxide levels for the period from January to September 2020 for every fifteenth day of the month. The entire process of downloading, georeferencing and processing TROPOMI data is described. The analysis examines the relationship between carbon monoxide levels and urban areas, major roads, and altitude. Also, the time frame of observation covers the period of the most severe measures and lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic and studies the impact of these measures on the level of carbon monoxide in the territory of the Republic of Croatia

    'The sky is not the limit' - GIS analysis of Sentinel-2 imagery for heritage protection and management

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    This article aims to demonstrate the potential of Sentinel-2 and GIS for heritage monitoring, protection and management. Applications of remote sensing in heritage strategies have been explored for decades. However, new possibilities were opened up with the launch of the European Union's Earth Observation Programme Copernicus. Systematic and frequent global coverage of land surface offered by one of its products ā€“ Sentinel-2, provides an almost instant insight into sudden events and long- term processes that affect heritage around the world. Following new developments in remote sensing, GIS provides tools to integrate data for their effective processing, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of results. We will explore the potential and limitations of those datasets and tools using UNESCO World Heritage sites from Sudan as case studies. In particular, we will tackle issues related to interpretation of changes around heritage sites, attempt to estimate their recent conditions and identify existing and/ or potential threats

    Fusing multiple open-source remote sensing data to estimate PM2.5\text{PM}_\text{2.5} and PM10\text{PM}_\text{10} monthly concentrations in Croatia

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    The objective of this study is to create a methodology for accurately estimating atmospheric concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 using Sentinel-5P and other open-source remote sensing data from the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform on a monthly basis for June, July and August which are considered as months of non-heating season in Croatia, and December, January and February, which, on the other hand, are considered as months of the heating season. Furthermore, machine learning algorithms were employed in this study to build models that can accurately identify air quality. The proposed method uses open-source remote sensing data accessible on the GEE platform, with in-situ data from Croatian National Network for Continuous Air Quality Monitoring as ground truth data. A common thing for all developed monthly models is that the predicted values slightly underestimate the actual ones and appear slightly lower. However, all models have shown the general ability to estimate PM2.5 and PM10 levels, even in areas without high pollution. All developed models show moderate to high correlation between in-situ and estimated PM2.5 and PM10 values, with overall better results for PM2.5 than for PM10 concentrations. Regarding PM2.5 models, the model with the highest correlation (r = 0.78) is for January. The PM10 model with the highest correlation (r = 0.79) is for December. All things considered, developed models can effectively detect all PM2.5 and PM10 hotspots

    Virtuoso : Mladi hrvatski skladatelji (studenti Muzičke akademije SveučiliŔta u Zagrebu, 18. 5. 2023.)

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    Prvi dio snimke koncerta iz ciklusa Virtuoso održanog na Muzičkoj akademiji u Koncertnoj dvorani "Blagoje Bersa" 18. 5. 2023. Na koncertu su praizvedene skladbe studenata koji pohađaju kolegij Osnove kompozicije. Izvođači: Ana Kovačev (flauta, piccolo), Božo Letunić, v. umj. sur. (klavir), Bruno LaktaÅ” (rog), Darija Gazdek (sopran), Dina Katnić, mag. mus. (klavir), Dorian Stipčić (bariton), Fabijan KoŔćak (klavir), Franko Å trbac (udaraljke), Ina Kumer (viola), Iskra Silvestri Valdevit (klavir), Ivan Brigljević (timpani), Jan Plevko (klarinet), Janko Franković, mag. mus. (violončelo), Karlo Dijanić (tuba), Karlo Furić-Glavić (klavir), Livia Glavinović (oboa), Lovro Ćutić (truba), Lucija MuÅ”ac (violončelo), Lujka Obratov (flauta), Luka Å krlec (klavir), Marija Jurić Kralj (sopran), Marin Benja (udaraljke), Marko Rajtora (kontrabas), Maro Morača (klavir), Marta Burazer (bas klarinet), Marta Å virtlich (flauta), Matea Kasaić DrakÅ”ić (violina), Michael Heaton (violina), Nika Zubac (violina), Nina Lucia Perina (violončelo), Nora Mamić (klavir), Olena AntoÅ”ina (udaraljke), Paulina Tuhtan (violina), Rea Veseli (sopran), Regine Korbar (violončelo), Sara Nikolina Čehić (viola), Stipe Bakić (klavir), Svit Å tarkl (udaraljke), Tana Michl (klarinet), Tena Maletić Vedernjak (mezzosopran), Teo Devčić (violina), Tin Reba (viola), Vitomir Janez Zagode (klavir). Dirigent: Lovro Žagar. Mentori: red. prof. art. Srećko Bradić (studenti kompozicije, t. 1., 2., 3., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 14. i 15.), red. prof. art. Srđan Dedić (studenti kompozicije, t. 4., 5., 11., 12. i 13.), doc. art. Ivan Josip Skender (t. 14.), doc. art. Julia Gubajdullina (t. 15.). Program: 1. Kristina Matković: Burlesque za klavir (izvođač: Karlo Furić-Glavić); 2. Kristina Hrenek: Lorenzo na terasi za flautu, klarinet i klavir (izvođači: Marta Å virtlich, Tana Michl, Iskra Silvestri Valdevit); 3. Jure Černeha: Suita za klavir (izvođač: Luka Å krlec); 4. Matea Koren: FlƶtenstĆ¼ck / Stavak za flautu (izvođač: Ana Kovačev); 5. Å ime Buha: Četiri stavka za klavir (izvođač: Nora Mamić); 6. Lorna Obućina: Gudački kvartet in G (izvođači: Teo Devčić, Matea Kasaić DrakÅ”ić, Tin Reba, Lucija MuÅ”ac); 7. Stipe Bakić: Portret 3 za glas i klavir (izvođači: Rea Veseli, Stipe Bakić); 8. Maro Morača: Kyouki za klavir (izvođač: Maro Morača); 9. Svit Å tarkl: Koncert za marimbu i klavir (izvođači: Svit Å tarkl, Vitomir Janez Zagode; 10. Ivan Hlebić: Minijature za dobro prepariranu ruku (izvođač: Dina Katnić; instrumentarij: mag. educ. art. Adela Mesić, kiparica); 11. Karla Sever: Mjeseca srpnja za glas i klavir (izvođači: Darija Gazdek, Božo Letunić); 12. Karla Sever: Opomena za glas i klavir (izvođači: Dorian Stipčić, Božo Letunić); 13. Matea Koren: Noć za glas i klavir (izvođači: Marija Jurić Kralj, Božo Letunić); 14. Lovro Žagar: ...frĆ¼hling... za ansambl (izvođači: Ana Kovačev, Lujka Obratov, Livia Glavinović, Jan Plevko, Marta Burazer, Bruno LaktaÅ”, Lovro Ćutić, Karlo Dijanić, Marin Benja, Svit Å tarkl, Olena AntoÅ”ina, Ivan Brigljević, Nika Zubac, Michael Heaton, Paulina Tuhtan, Sara Nikolina Čehić, Ina Kumer, Nina Lucia Perina, Regine Korbar, Marko Rajtora; dirigent: Lovro Žagar); 15. Fabijan KoŔćak: Pet pjesama na japanske tekstove Matsua Bashōa za mezzosopran, flautu, violoncello, udaraljke i klavir (izvođači: Ana Kovačev, Janko Franković, Tena Maletić Vedernjak, Fabijan KoŔćak, Franko Å trbac)

    Virtuoso : Mladi hrvatski skladatelji (studenti Muzičke akademije SveučiliŔta u Zagrebu, 18. 5. 2023.)

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    Prvi dio snimke koncerta iz ciklusa Virtuoso održanog na Muzičkoj akademiji u Koncertnoj dvorani "Blagoje Bersa" 18. 5. 2023. Na koncertu su praizvedene skladbe studenata koji pohađaju kolegij Osnove kompozicije. Izvođači: Ana Kovačev (flauta, piccolo), Božo Letunić, v. umj. sur. (klavir), Bruno LaktaÅ” (rog), Darija Gazdek (sopran), Dina Katnić, mag. mus. (klavir), Dorian Stipčić (bariton), Fabijan KoŔćak (klavir), Franko Å trbac (udaraljke), Ina Kumer (viola), Iskra Silvestri Valdevit (klavir), Ivan Brigljević (timpani), Jan Plevko (klarinet), Janko Franković, mag. mus. (violončelo), Karlo Dijanić (tuba), Karlo Furić-Glavić (klavir), Livia Glavinović (oboa), Lovro Ćutić (truba), Lucija MuÅ”ac (violončelo), Lujka Obratov (flauta), Luka Å krlec (klavir), Marija Jurić Kralj (sopran), Marin Benja (udaraljke), Marko Rajtora (kontrabas), Maro Morača (klavir), Marta Burazer (bas klarinet), Marta Å virtlich (flauta), Matea Kasaić DrakÅ”ić (violina), Michael Heaton (violina), Nika Zubac (violina), Nina Lucia Perina (violončelo), Nora Mamić (klavir), Olena AntoÅ”ina (udaraljke), Paulina Tuhtan (violina), Rea Veseli (sopran), Regine Korbar (violončelo), Sara Nikolina Čehić (viola), Stipe Bakić (klavir), Svit Å tarkl (udaraljke), Tana Michl (klarinet), Tena Maletić Vedernjak (mezzosopran), Teo Devčić (violina), Tin Reba (viola), Vitomir Janez Zagode (klavir). Dirigent: Lovro Žagar. Mentori: red. prof. art. Srećko Bradić (studenti kompozicije, t. 1., 2., 3., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 14. i 15.), red. prof. art. Srđan Dedić (studenti kompozicije, t. 4., 5., 11., 12. i 13.), doc. art. Ivan Josip Skender (t. 14.), doc. art. Julia Gubajdullina (t. 15.). Program: 1. Kristina Matković: Burlesque za klavir (izvođač: Karlo Furić-Glavić); 2. Kristina Hrenek: Lorenzo na terasi za flautu, klarinet i klavir (izvođači: Marta Å virtlich, Tana Michl, Iskra Silvestri Valdevit); 3. Jure Černeha: Suita za klavir (izvođač: Luka Å krlec); 4. Matea Koren: FlƶtenstĆ¼ck / Stavak za flautu (izvođač: Ana Kovačev); 5. Å ime Buha: Četiri stavka za klavir (izvođač: Nora Mamić); 6. Lorna Obućina: Gudački kvartet in G (izvođači: Teo Devčić, Matea Kasaić DrakÅ”ić, Tin Reba, Lucija MuÅ”ac); 7. Stipe Bakić: Portret 3 za glas i klavir (izvođači: Rea Veseli, Stipe Bakić); 8. Maro Morača: Kyouki za klavir (izvođač: Maro Morača); 9. Svit Å tarkl: Koncert za marimbu i klavir (izvođači: Svit Å tarkl, Vitomir Janez Zagode; 10. Ivan Hlebić: Minijature za dobro prepariranu ruku (izvođač: Dina Katnić; instrumentarij: mag. educ. art. Adela Mesić, kiparica); 11. Karla Sever: Mjeseca srpnja za glas i klavir (izvođači: Darija Gazdek, Božo Letunić); 12. Karla Sever: Opomena za glas i klavir (izvođači: Dorian Stipčić, Božo Letunić); 13. Matea Koren: Noć za glas i klavir (izvođači: Marija Jurić Kralj, Božo Letunić); 14. Lovro Žagar: ...frĆ¼hling... za ansambl (izvođači: Ana Kovačev, Lujka Obratov, Livia Glavinović, Jan Plevko, Marta Burazer, Bruno LaktaÅ”, Lovro Ćutić, Karlo Dijanić, Marin Benja, Svit Å tarkl, Olena AntoÅ”ina, Ivan Brigljević, Nika Zubac, Michael Heaton, Paulina Tuhtan, Sara Nikolina Čehić, Ina Kumer, Nina Lucia Perina, Regine Korbar, Marko Rajtora; dirigent: Lovro Žagar); 15. Fabijan KoŔćak: Pet pjesama na japanske tekstove Matsua Bashōa za mezzosopran, flautu, violoncello, udaraljke i klavir (izvođači: Ana Kovačev, Janko Franković, Tena Maletić Vedernjak, Fabijan KoŔćak, Franko Å trbac)