58 research outputs found

    Empirical Testing of Real Profit Management, Good Coorporate and Firm Value in the Financial Services Sector in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is 1) to analyze the effect of real profit on the value of the company; 2) to analyze the influence of managerial ownership on firm value; 3) to analyze institutional ownership as a moderation variable in the effect of real profit on firm value ; 3) to analyze managerial ownership as a moderation variable in the effect of real profit on firm value. This research is based on exoplanet research. The population is all financial sector service companies as many as 77 companies. Based on the sample criteria, it was selected into 25 companies. Data analysis method using Moderating Regression Analysis. Based on the results of data analysis shows the following conclusions.1) real profit management to the firm value; 2) institutional ownership has a significant effect on the firm value; 3) managerial ownership has no significant effect on the firm value; 4) Significant institutional ownership moderates in the effect of real profit on the firm value. 5) Managerial ownership does not significantly moderate in the effect of real profit on the firm value

    Implementasi Intrusion Detection System (Ids) Menggunakan Suricata pada Linux Debian 9 Berbasis Cloud Virtual Private Servers (Vps)

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    The development of information technology, especially on virtual Private server (VPS) technology in particular that uses Debian Linux operating system, increasingly facilitated with the service Adaya of some VPS providers both locally and non-local, but there is a problem vulnerability if, the server maintainers do not shame testing against the resilience of attacks from outside parties, with the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) method is one of the most popular in the Monitoring phase is using Suricata Intrusion Detection System (IDS) software. Suricata is a tool to detect any suspicious activity that could be threatening a network or server with Brute Force technique, DDOS, Port Scanning. Suricata is able to display logs from suspicious activity results in detail with the time, date and IP address of the activity even with the tools used to perform the activity. Also suricata can detect if there is suspicious activity associated with the network.

    Pemanfaatan Serasah Mangrove Rhizopora SP sebagai Biosorben untuk Sorpsi Limbah

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    Litter mangrove contains elements lignin-selulosa that can be adsorb heavy metal so that it can be modified into biosorben. Batik industry an industry that potentially produce waste containing heavy metal so that it can be caused damage environment .One of a breed of metal the polluter high priority found in sewage batik industry is lead. The purpose of this research to make use of litter mangrove as biosorben adsorption metal lead and applied on waste batik industry to adsorption metal lead . The condition steady adsorption lead by biosorben litter mangrove happened to pH 3 , contact time 30 minutes and weights biosorben 0.5 gram. Litter mangrove can be used as biosorben capable of absorbing metal lead of batik industry with capacity adsorption 0,6025 µg / g with efficiency adsorption 100 %. Isoterm adsoprsi lead by biosorben litter mangrove following a pattern isoterm freundlich assuming that happens adsorption physics form a multilayer worth regression 0,9213 but type isoterm langmuir having value regression less similar namely 0,9114


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    Volume: 60Start Page: 345End Page: 34

    Lower Devonian land plants from graptolitic shale in south-eastern Alaska

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    Volume: 12Start Page: 559End Page: 57
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